Sunday, May 28, 2017

Edgemont at Bethesda Metro apartments planning major expansion (Photos)

The Edgemont as seen from the
adjacent property they want to
expand onto
The Edgemont at Bethesda Metro will grow eastward, and add as many as 175 new apartments to the property, if a proposal by Equity Residential is approved by Montgomery County. Equity (not to be confused with Equity One) recently gained control of a parcel next door to the Edgemont, which is currently occupied by a single-family home, grass and trees. No office or retail space is currently planned for the expansion.
The property next door just
acquired by The Edgemont's
owner, Equity Residential
A public meeting is scheduled to announce more details about the plan on Wednesday, June 14, at 7:00 PM, at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services Center at 4805 Edgemoor Lane in Bethesda. The Edgemont is located at 4903 Edgemoor Lane, and the expansion onto 4885 Edgemoor Lane would extend it to the corner with Woodmont Avenue.


  1. More housing across from our Metro station- makes sense!

  2. Tickle Me Elm12:29 PM

    "currently occupied by a single-family home, grass and trees."

    Why no outrage this time?

    1. 12:29: My only outrage is that the proposed density is, if anything, too low for this site. But that's what you get with an amateur hour Planning Board and a junk sector plan.

  3. 12:29 PM
    What outrage do you speak of?

    Having more housing, literally across the street from our Metro station, makes sense! That's my first glance reaction without seeing details yet.

  4. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Robert Dyer's "Daily" Crime Reports for the four weeks between April 17 and May 13:

    -Monday April 17
    -Thursday April 27
    -Saturday May 13

    LOL... What the heck happened, Dyer?

    1. 3:57: Montgomery County cut the feed, that's what the heck happened. Why don't you ask Hans why they're in violation of the Open Data law? Oh, wait, Hans violated the law, too! It starts at the top, as Jack Smith can tell you.

    2. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Hans earned the right to impose his will on you. that's what happens when he rocked your world by beating you by a landslide.

  5. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Bethesda Magazine publishes crime reports with far greater frequency, no? It may be a slightly failing publication but based on comments of this blog by readers and the frequency of crime reports here, this perhaps could be just as easily mocked as totally failing, in comparison?

  6. 12:45: It's been proven that Hans is unable to "impose his will" on anybody except a few local reporters who are being paid to promote him and the MoCo cartel. If you call the cemetery precincts coming in strong for Riemer a "landslide," so be it. I call it "voter fraud."

    2:57: Nah, the occasional and outdated heavily-censored "crime report" on the failing magazine is in no way as useful or relevant as my timely and complete crime reports. Montgomery County has been violating the open data law recently by often cutting the data feed for the crime stats. Why are they doing that, is the real question, *****.

  7. Anonymous7:52 AM

    They do it to avoid your hard-hitting crime exposés, of course.

  8. Such a shame there is no retail so close to metro. That block or two is completely dead right next to metro!

  9. 2:56: I agree. Along with the TD Bank, this kicks the can down the road again for that stretch of Woodmont between Old Georgetown and Hampden Lane. Basically 3 blocks of Berlin Walls right now, with the exception of Cesco.
