Thursday, May 11, 2017

Q by Peter Chang to open Saturday in Bethesda

What could arguably be called the biggest restaurant opening of year in Bethesda is happening this Saturday. Q by Peter Chang will open this Saturday, May 13, at 11:00 AM at 4500 East-West Highway. This is a soft opening, and their digital reservation system is not online yet. To make a reservation at this time, call (240) 800-3722, or email the restaurant.

While the menu at Q will feature Chang's most legendary Szechuan dishes, he is also promising some surprises for his new Bethesda flagship restaurant. "Not to spoil the surprise, but there are 
many dishes that Chef has been working on in secret over the years, and cannot wait to share now with you," an email from his PR team said yesterday.

The best reason to visit Q will be that Chang himself will be the executive chef. "Where is Peter Chang?" is a question that has vexed America's top dining critics for many years. You won't have that same dilemma, as we now know where Peter Chang will be this Saturday - and for many days to come.


  1. Anonymous5:43 AM

    This has been posted in many places already. So it's not plagiarism right because what again? Just saying cause you are always claiming plagiarism when someone posts after you.

  2. O'Reilly5:58 AM

    When is the Mexican Construction Company "Luis" going to finish repaving River Road?

    Some very, very expensive cars are being damaged because of the extremely poor condition of these ground down incompleted roads and I hold the Luis Company, their insurance company, and Montgomery County responsible for damages.

    We need to hire American Companies in the future, not just the cheapest bidder in the future, this is unacceptable.

  3. MDBGA6:00 AM

    I only read Dyer's blog for Bethesda news. I do not read the other sources since Robert is the source of facts and I do not want to read the news from someone being paid off by county council officials. So I am still ok with Robert posting. Thank you so much for the update Robert!

  4. Roald6:10 AM

    6:00 AM Make sure you also read Rockville Nights for City of Rockville news and EastMoco for everything Silver Spring and east county!

    I read all of them over coffee every morning. Better than the Gazette!

  5. 5:43: I received an email from the restaurant yesterday. That's not plagiarism, knucklehead. Stealing content directly from my blog without citing me as the source - that is plagiarism. Repeat it until it sinks in.

    5:58: I was wondering why they closed off McDonald's Monday night, when there was no evidence the next morning that they had done anything overnight? Didn't McDonald's lose a few thousand dollars that night as a result?

    6:00: You're welcome - thanks for the support!

  6. Skippy6:12 AM

    5:58 AM How were the cars damaged? Seemed like standard road work that is always a mess before being repaved.

  7. Anonymous6:56 AM

    lol..Dyer is triggering the blogger interns again with his Chang report. Funny...

  8. O'Reilly6:57 AM

    Robert, this is exactly how the lowest bidder (Luis) ends up becoming the most expensive contractor with overages, delays, etc. I can prove this River Road paving disaster beginning 4/26/17 with pictures and here it is over 2 weeks later with no finished surface?

    Skippy, some of the damages that can occur include-

    1. Excessive tread wear to tires
    2. Excessive wear to suspension & shocks
    3. Damage to wheels from potholes
    4. Front end allignment problems...etc

    Also, the lack of center line striping (torn up for over 2 weeks) now is dangerous and the grooved unfinished surface can be treacherous for motorcyclists and bicylists.

  9. Anonymous7:01 AM

    O'Reilly: File a complaint with MD SHA since it's a state road. Here's the link to do so:

    They are usually pretty fast to respond in my experience.

  10. Anonymous7:41 AM

    No one will miss you Dyer if you stop publishing. You're a cancer on this world.

  11. SS Penguin8:28 AM

    Looking forward to this one!

  12. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Give it 6 months before it closes. High rent and Located in the wrong area of Bethesda with no foot traffic unless you count BCC High School Kids as customers.

  13. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Honest question, Robert. How do you know the other publications you accuse of plagiarism don't also receive emails and have sources as well?

  14. Anonymous10:51 AM

    10:46 AM Why not just reach out to Dyer directly?

  15. 7:41 AM, Robert is not cancer. Robert has released a successful musical endeavor, is CEO of a news network and graduated Cum Laude. If anything, you are cancer, because Robert is constantly providing services that benefit more than just himself.

  16. Anonymous11:23 AM

    MDBGA - your sarcasm is so strong
    Go back to being Poppy.

  17. At 11:23 AM, I am sorry for pointing out Robert's illustrious career. People were making fun of him for being an administrative assistant, yet I see someone who has accomplished a lot and would be a great addition potential as a council member. He reports on local news and has a different view than the usual media outlets that are in the pockets of the current council. I am a believe that Robert could be the voice many of us are seeking on the council.

  18. Anonymous12:11 PM

    My God, the 5+ years later and the "anonymous" troll ex-blogger hobbit man is still obsessed a profile the Gazette did of Robert Dyer 15 years ago.

  19. 12:11 PM, Apparently it is impossible to support Robert vocally on this blog. You either get attacked by a supporter, or you get attacked by a dissenter.

  20. Anonymous12:43 PM

    This blog is very amusing just reading the comment section. It is trolls fighting with trolls so that if someone makes a reasonable comment, it gets lost in the fighting of online personas. Makes my day every day.

  21. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Same "anonymous" angry troll hobbit man posting the same handful of topics every day.

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      Are you insulting Robert's blog posts?

    2. Anonymous2:14 PM

      He does say "moribund" over and over again.

  22. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Why does Dyer post as "anonymous" to defend himself.

  23. Anonymous3:02 PM

    M O R I B U N D N U B I R O M
    O R I B U N D D N U B I R O
    R I B U N D D N U B I R
    I B U N D D N U B I
    B U N D D N U B
    U N D D N U
    N D HANS D N
    D D
    N D D N
    U N D D N U
    B U N D D N U B
    I B U N D D N U B I
    R I B U N D D N U B I R
    O R I B U N D D N U B I R O
    M O R I B U N D N U B I R O M

  24. Anonymous11:21 AM

    The only interesting question about the numerous trolls who repeatedly add their factually unsubstantiated venom to this site is their identity and psychiatric
    diagnosis. They don't pose useful factual questions, or raise credibility issues beyond the level of an elementary school playground. I differ from Dyer's interpretation of events at times, but I've not found any factual errors on this site regarding matters I have personal knowledge of. If you can't be specific in asserting misstatements etc., but have to limit yourself to ad hominem attacks, you're the problem. Not Dyer.
    Self-government begins with individual self-restraint.

  25. Anonymous6:04 PM

    "Self-government begins with individual self-restraint."

    You are a libertarian kook.

  26. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Anyone who reads this blog knows how wrong 11:21's assessment is.
