Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Warby Parker to open at Bethesda Row Saturday

Eyeglass and sunglass boutique Warby Parker will open this Saturday, May 6, at 11:00 AM, at 4821 Bethesda Avenue at Bethesda Row. This will be Warby Parker's second store in the state of Maryland, and will have two exclusives - an original mural by the French duo of Atelier Bingo (a.k.a. Maxime Prou and Adele Favreau), and a limited-edition pair of sunglasses you can only buy at their Bethesda store, the Durand in Striped Sassafras, with flash-mirrored Pacific Blue lenses. 
The Durand in Striped Sassafras,
exclusive to the
Bethesda Row Warby Parker

Customers will find design details that evoke a vintage library: globe light fixtures, comfortable furniture and marble tables and counters. For every pair of glasses sold at Warby Parker, another will be donated to someone in need, through their Buy a Pair, Give a Pair program.

Top photo: Robert Dyer
Bottom photo courtesy Warby Parker


  1. Anonymous7:54 AM


  2. 7:54: Hate to tell you, but we all got the same press release. I just happened to be out covering the cemetery protest, and reporting on the significant developments in that story. No big deal. Here's the Warby Parker report. Two big stories, but your guys only reported on one. Sad!

  3. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Robert, no matter how much you try to get me into this media war, I still have no interest.

    It didn't used to be this way. Now, every article of yours seems to have some slant in that direction, either in the article itself or in comments that you personally make.

    Are you writing this blog to spite other sites/people? Or for the residents of Bethesda?

  4. Roaldugbyelm8:09 AM

    News is like a good stew - it always tastes better the next day!

  5. G. Money9:29 AM

    "There is no sponsored content on this website." - Dyer, September 2015

    Oh how the mighty have fallen.

  6. 8:06: Argle bargle! Nobody has a clue what you're talking about.

    8:09: Or so Bethesda Magazine says.

    9:29: I guess in your Communist world selling advertisements is a negative.

  7. Anonymous10:06 AM

    You should at least mark your sponsored posts as such.

  8. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Is this an ad?

  9. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I am unfamiliar with Warby Parker. Are their glasses considered higher end or discounted? If their presence is predominately online, I would imagine somewhere closer to the latter.

  10. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I don't think G. Money was referencing it was bad, i think he was more trying to say you were so anti advertising and it was much appreciative, but now you have sold out from your beliefs and it is kinda disappointing. At least you can release the returns now that you have income right?

  11. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Everyone knows what I'm talking about. It wasn't difficult to understand. Sheesh.

    Do you write the articles just so you can post in the comments section and deride other media? It seems like it. Is this your outlet for your personal beefs?

  12. Anonymous1:41 PM

    12:43 PM It's not unusual for a news site to have advertising.
    Dyer reaches a great local audience across his network of sites.

  13. 12:43: Nothing you said makes any sense. I've never said I was "anti-advertising." Having an advertisement that helps fund continued improvements to the website is not "selling out from your beliefs." My comments in the past have been when a troll claimed an article was "sponsored" when it was not.

    Which Montgomery County elected official has ever released his or her tax return? None!

    1:00: You're equally clueless. The news determines the coverage here. How does a story about a restaurant closing or a store opening have anything to do with "personal beefs?"

    In reality, it's been the failed and shuttered Bethesda Now, Bethesda Magazine, and assorted other MoCo cartel-funded amateur hobby blogs that have taken shots at me out of nowhere, as well as plagiarizing my content. I won't hesitate to continue to defend myself against these unprovoked attacks. I was minding my own business publishing the first hyperlocal news site in Bethesda history, and people got jealous and resentful. Apparently, some individuals who are mentally unstable decided to turn hostile, and they are the ones you should be whining about.

    1. Anonymous6:52 AM

      "Assorted other MoCo cartel-funded amateur hobby blogs that have taken shots at me out of nowhere"

      Argle Bargle

  14. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Thanks for proving my point, Robert. And for doing it so well. Kudos.
    Love and bacon, 1:00PM and 8:06AM

  15. 7:22: And thanks for proving my points. Baba Booey.

  16. Anonymous7:54 AM

    I am unfamiliar with Warby Parker. Are their glasses considered higher end or discounted? If their presence is predominately online, I would imagine somewhere closer to the latter.

  17. 7:54: Their prices are actually fairly affordable. Most frames start at $95.

  18. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Does that price include the prescription lenses as well?

  19. Actually $95 does include the prescription lenses. You only pay an up charge ($30) if you need high-index lenses for stronger prescriptions.

  20. 8:42: Thanks, Nate. I did not know that. Let me delete my other response and leave yours as the correct answer. It's best that anyone with specific questions about Warby Parker check their website.

    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Five hours later and Dyer still hasn't deleted his other response.

      Super Low Energy!!!

  21. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Aww..Robert...You didn't have any points. I guess if you don't have anything interesting to say you just steal someone else's catch phrase. SMH
    L&B, 7:22

  22. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Given that Robert Dyer has regularly made statements related to his campaigns for County Council on this site, couldn't buying an advertisement here be seen as a campaign contribution?

  23. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Dyer is the world against you and Bethesda Magazine secretly an organization created solely to slight you? Or perhaps it's just a bunch of people who don't like your slanted journalism and just think you are nasty in general? I'm not saying either is the case but I'm guessing readers would be interested in why most of your comments are negative. Just the MoCo carter going after you again?

  24. 2:18: Wrong! I deleted it this morning, right after I posted my response to Nate. You were too low energy to notice (but I was high energy enough to notice troll comments slow down during the day, as you were put to other tasks by the MoCo cartel).

    7:22: Adjust your tinfoil cap. There's no "bunch of people" posting negative comments - just you pretending to be "a bunch of people."

    9:37: Cash me outside, how bou dat?

  25. 10:01: Argle bargle! But now to actual news...Given that Ken Hartman is using taxpayer-funded emails to promote a private business, Bethesda Magazine, could Montgomery County government find itself facing an investigation by the County Inspector General?

    Is there an agreement between Hartman and Bethesda Magazine to abuse taxpayer funds in this way for the private profit benefit of the magazine. What does Hartman get in exchange?

    "Enquiring" minds want to know!

  26. Anonymous5:42 AM

    You like threatening people? Seems you do. Lametastic!

    Well, if that's what you want to say and if that's the group you want to impress...
    Love and bacon, 9:37

  27. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Dyer has been wringing his hands about an "investigation by the County General" for over a year now.

    Did you ever report your concerns to the IG, Dyer? They're not psychic - no more than the FBI or the 311 line for reporting unshoveled sidewalks.

  28. Anonymous7:01 AM

    If there was any "there" there, the authorities would be investigating.

    If there was any "there" there, this would be the kind of career-making story that (as Dyer is wont to remind us all) Eugene Robinson says one never sits on.

    Not only would Dyer have this story, he could use it in his war with the other local media sites.
