Friday, June 09, 2017

Bethesda construction update: Bethesda Post Office/Bridges Fitness and Yoga (Photos)

The Bridges Fitness and Yoga addition to the historic Bethesda Post Office is pretty far along now. They have a temporary location across the street while the construction is going on. Historic preservation laws allow this addition behind the building, which is located at 7400 Wisconsin Avenue.


  1. It'll be interesting to see if they can attract people to that challenging location. As an aside, the building is made of carter rock stone. This is stone sourced from the quarries near the corner of River and Seven Lochs road. It's a recognizable stone you see through the DC area. I've heard that geologically this type of stone only exists here and in Thailand.

  2. Anna Van Horn6:58 AM

    Fascinating. Thanks RM. Something I've hated about the Bethesda renovations is the loss of the stone.

  3. Anonymous8:13 AM

    It is carderock stone, not "carter rock."

    1. Anonymous10:26 AM

      Also, Seven Locks Road, not "Seven Lochs Road".

      The quarry is still operating, under Tri-State Stone Co.

  4. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Certainly one of Bethesda's most attractive buildings. Perhaps some of the Fitness First members can shift to here.

  5. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Deal with the "no parking" close by. It is an urban fill location. Make due, walk a little....its good for you. Do you always want to be dropped off at the door?

  6. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I've never seen a site with so many miserable and picky people. Clearly you need to create your own web site for perfect people like you. You'll invite your friends with perfect knowledge of the local quarries, they'll always know the exact names of every street, and surely they'll be game to walk to yoga. You an call it the OCD Idiots club.

    Robert Dyer, please remove the comments section from your site. I am so sick of seeing postings from these picky little children. While I realize the are only the miserable 1% of your readers, they annoy the reasonable and courteous 99%. We'd rather not provide entertainment to these childish morons.

  7. If your suggestion is that he remove the comments section altogether why wouldn't you just NOT CLICK into the comments section and stop driving yourself crazy?

  8. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Won't Bridge get a fair amount of traffic from people who take metro? I think of it as a good location, actually.
