Sunday, June 04, 2017

Bethesda construction update: Dean & DeLuca/4749 Bethesda Ave. (Photos)

We can't see what's going on inside the future Dean & DeLuca space at 4749 Bethesda Avenue yet, but there's plenty of evidence of construction going on outside. The latest file on the building from The JBG Companies also indicates a change in use for the second floor. Previously, the upper part of the building was rumored to be a restaurant. Now it is listed as office space.
One new addition is this awning
along the west side of the building

In addition to whatever design is
decided on for an adjacent plaza
with neighbors Federal Realty, this
area next to the building is planned as
a narrow public space, as well

Here's the awning about 3 weeks
ago, to compare the work that's
been done since

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