Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Downtown Bethesda garage gets freshening (Photos)

Painters shut down the Woodmont-Rugby Public Parking Garage 35 overnight, to apply fresh paint. It was kind of a strange situation, as the garage was supposed to be closed, but there were still many cars inside. And some random cars had protective tarps thrown over them, while others sat exposed, presumably, to dripping paint. On the other hand, I assume they know what they are doing, and where the paint would be dripping.

"Prosecuted to the full extent
of the law" - as the County Council
should be!


  1. Anonymous7:58 AM

    "On the other hand, I assume they know what they are doing"

    That's a rather magnanimous comment coming from Dyer.

  2. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Imagine coming out after work and finding your car covered in a huge plastic bag.

  3. Anonymous8:06 AM

    "Imagine coming out after work"

    That will be quite a challenge for Robert Dyer's imagination!

  4. Anonymous8:35 AM

    The comments on this blog are so on point. Seriously Robert, your commentaries SUCK. Just report the friggin' facts. You are not Bill O'Reilly, despite your thoughts of self-importance.

    1. 8:35' Trust me, I'm glad I'm not Bill O'Reilly. I appreciate your frustration that there is a real news outlet residents are turning to for the truth about our corrupt County Council, that will criticize and hold them accountable.

      You can always turn to the small and slightly-failing magazine for relentlessly positive, fan-boy, thrill-up-the-reporter's-leg coverage of our corrupt and impotent County Council.

  5. Anonymous8:49 AM

    In DyerWorld, a parking garage being painted is reason to threaten the county council with jail.

    1. 8:49: I'm referring to the actual crimes of councilmembers, not the garage. They should indeed finally be prosecuted for their illegal actions.

  6. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Dyer is a retard.

    1. 9:02: Wow. I'm sure voters appreciate knowing that declared supporters and operatives of Hans Riemer believe the R-word is acceptable discourse in 2017.

      In enlightened Montgomery County, voters are seeking councilmembers who surround themselves with a more civilized crowd.

  7. Anonymous9:48 AM

    I hope Dyer sat on a just-painted bench and got white paint all over his trenchcoat.

  8. Anonymous9:54 AM

    In the real news today, Uber ousted their founder and CEO this morning. Uber's market share is down 7% YTD.

    1. 9:54: Only because of Jurassic jurisdictions like Montgomery County cracking down on them, trying to fight the future on every front, and protect the corrupt system that funds their campaigns.

      Here's the best part that really makes Helpless Hans Riemer et al look like idiots - just as I warned them in my testimony, Montgomery County residents will now suffer because new ride-sharing start-ups will be more reluctant to operate here, due to the high costs the County Council placed on that sector in their effort to prop up Barwood Cab (which then filed for bankruptcy!). Morons of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your minds!

    2. Anonymous6:48 AM

      Dyer, do you really believe that the MoCo Machine was reasponsible for Uber's sexual harrassment scandal which led to the firing of the founder and CEO?

      Also, Lyft is doing much better than Uber these days, yet you never report on them. Do you have an undisclosed business relationship with Uber?

      "In Uber was described by insiders as having an 'asshole culture'. Uber's organizational culture was described as one in which employees are lauded for bringing incomplete and unreliable solutions to market in order for Uber to appear to be an innovator and winner."

  9. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Thank you, Councilman Reimer. These little improvements make a difference.

  10. Anonymous10:14 AM

    This has to be one of most unintelligible "articles" I've ever read.

    1. 10:14: Is it too late for you to sign up for remedial English at Montgomery College this summer?

    2. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Vague pronoun reference here:

      "And some random cars had protective tarps thrown over them, while others sat exposed, presumably, to dripping paint. On the other hand, I assume they know what they are doing, and where the paint would be dripping."

      It sounds like you are saying "I assume the cars know what they are doing".

  11. Anonymous10:26 AM



    Did you make those signs, Dyer?

  12. Anonymous7:16 PM

    "'Prosecuted to the full extent
    of the law' - as the County Council
    should be!"

    In the fifth photograph, you cut off the entire top half of the sign from which you are quoting, which makes you look kind of incompetent.

    Trying to help Robert Dyer become a less crappy journaliat since 2013

  13. Anonymous3:25 AM

    Gtoss. Dyer's going all Hannity. "thrill-up-the-reporter's-leg coverage"
    is how Hannity describes Chris Matthews.

  14. 3:25: I hardly ever listen to or watch Hannity, unless he has an interesting guest on, but I've never heard him use that phrase. Very accurate description of Matthews and the small and slightly-failing magazine, though!
