Thursday, June 08, 2017

James Pontes Custom Tailoring clearing out at Blackwell Building (Photos)

Another longtime business is being squeezed out by new development. James Pontes Custom Tailoring is clearing out of the Blackwell Building ahead of the wrecking ball, as the property owner clears the deck for the new Marriott headquarters. The exterior signage is gone, as well. Pontes is seeking a new Bethesda location, so stay tuned.


  1. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Loved watching you from my window down the block scurry to cover this week old story. Skipped reporting on it just to annoy you with it.

  2. Terp Grad6:51 AM

    Sad to see all the long time small businesses having to move out.

  3. Anonymous8:29 AM

    This is old news.

  4. 8:29: Nah, it's breaking news, and hasn't been reported anywhere else, genius.

  5. 6:25: You're living out of the Bethesda Court Hotel? I didn't know they accepted food stamps.

  6. Anonymous11:38 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. 11:38: Shows how little you know about Bethesda. The only thing you'll be watching is my brass knuckles hitting your face, vermin.

    2. Anonymous6:04 PM

      Now that's a threat if I've ever seen one. Screen shot on 3. Are you self reporting yourself to the FBI. Robert, nobody is afraid of the ponytail, by the way.

    3. Anonymous6:06 PM

      These idiotic comments you make are one of the many reasons you'll never, ever be elected to anything. I'm sure Dr. So and So, or this lawyer or that who are the voters of MoCo would be horrified that you are even contemplating a run. You are a joke with comments like that.

    4. 6:04: You can't "threaten" an anonymous person. Conversely, you can't complain publicly without exposing your identity, at which point you will be subject to prosecution for your actual documented threats and harassment against me, an actual person.

      6:06: "Dr. So and So" needs to refill your meds, troll.

  7. Anonymous6:03 PM

    This is very, very old. James has been slowly moving out (beginning each morning at 7) for more than three weeks. There's huge signs on the neighboring businesses and his shop is empty. This is called no sh*t Sherlock, not news nor a scoop. You have feet. You walk through Bethesda and for some reason type up the obvious. If this is news to you I now completely understand why folks on here tease and ridicule you for havin a blog that looks like a tenth grader could maintain it.

    This is akin to seeing bombed out palaces in Iraq and stating there was a war...

    1. Anonymous10:12 PM

      6:03pm not everyone noticed they're closing up. Not everyone in Bethesda is downtown regularly.

    2. 6:03: Shut up, idiot. My site is without question the premier news site in Bethesda. The scoops speak for themselves over the years. So does my record of getting things done in the community via this blog, when even our elected officials failed to act. You're a gutless coward hiding behind a computer while people like me are actually in the arena getting things done.

  8. Anonymous6:44 PM

    6:03 nailed it

  9. Anonymous7:13 PM

    I wonder if they will still take "Mastercharge" and "Choice" credit cards at the new location, as stated on their door of the old location.

    Sheesh.. places that out of date deserve to go under.

  10. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Brass knuckles are illegal in Maryland.

  11. Anna Van Horn3:42 AM

    "I don't threaten my readers" - Dyer lying again.
    He'll counter they aren't a "reader" they're a "troll." (Semantics)

    I'll remind him that of course they're reading your little blog, hence a reader

    He'll devolve into some gobbledygook of insults and threats, questioning his manliness and insisting all his readers will be whooping and hollering in celebration of him beating the guy up.

    Then threaten the guy with jail time, even tho Dyer's been the bully.

  12. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Dyer, I'm guessing most readers aren't intimidated by you. You appear to be rather scrawny and not particularly threatening. The case could even be made you appear from pictures to be flat out weak. Perhaps try using wit, instead of threats of violence. Most people are probably laughing at your strange threats of five finger death punches and the like. Remember, we've seen you shake on your online videos and seemingly been unable to open a beer can with ease.
    Moreover, violence is never the answer.

  13. 5:43: Says the guy who's so intimidated by me that he hides at public events I'm at, and then makes his bold insults and threats as "Anonymous" hiding behind a computer.

    3:42: The bully again calling the victim the bully. Your Kathy Griffin impression is almost as good as your Keith Van Horn, Wrol and Riff Rafferty impressions. "The Trump children and First Lady are totally ruining my career!!!!!!! I will continue to be nasty!!!!"

  14. Anna Van Horn6:18 AM

    Don't be silly! I've told you all the names I've ever posted under, and it's been none of those.

    I am who I say and no amount of your derogatory comments will ever change that.

    Sometimes people will be mad at you because you are not a lying MF like they are.

    Honey, I make observations. YOU are the bully here.

    One day, when we're at the same meeting, I'll extend my hand and introduce myself.
    Of course, then your lying about me will have to end.

  15. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Dyer Talking Point #53:

    "[T]he guy [is] so intimidated by me that he hides at public events I'm at"

    What does this mean? How does one "hide" at a public meeting? Are people who comment here supposed to announce "hey, Robert Dyer, I'm here!" at public meetings?

  16. Anonymous6:50 AM

    -Active mostly between 1 am and 5 am
    -Kinda mangy lookin'
    -Emits weird high-pitched squeal when cornered

    An opossum


    Robert Dyer?

  17. 6:50: Based on time stamps of your comments, it may be you. I know the last two definitely apply to you.

    6:27: If they have complaints, beefs and insults - and have previously stated they were in the same events I was at on numerous occasions - YES, they should step up and deliver these messages to my face, and give me a chance to respond. If they don't, and instead deliver them from behind a computer as "Anonymous," that person is indeed a coward.

    6:18: And your explanation of defamatory comments about me will begin.

  18. Anna Van Horn7:33 AM

    I'm sorry, but I don't think "late 40's" is particularly defamatory.
    Other than that, they're just observations and correcting your numbers.
    Remember, I was a "shill" until your hate campaign against me began.

    I already proved New"Rugby" wrong. Who by the way never apologized for calling me a "dirty liar" after I linked to one of the posts from back when I DID use the name "Rugby."

  19. Anonymous7:40 AM

    "Based on time stamps of your comments, it may be you."

    So timestamps are the only data that Dyer has on his commenters. Looks like he got the rock-bottom cheapest pay-absolutely-nothing-ever Blogspot platform.

  20. Anonymous7:55 AM

    "If they have complaints, beefs and insults - and have previously stated they were in the same events I was at on numerous occasions - YES, they should step up and deliver these messages to my face, and give me a chance to respond. If they don't, and instead deliver them from behind a computer as "Anonymous," that person is indeed a coward."

    Have you ever stepped up and delivered your complaints, beefs and insults to Steve Hull's or Aaron Kraut's face?

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      7:55am the inside baseball Bethesda blog wars talk. You'll be debating blog templates next.

  21. Anonymous9:01 AM

    8:41AM - What do you have against blog templates?

  22. Anonymous9:01 AM

    8:41 - Translation please.

  23. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Bethesda Big Train? They're slammin it again this year.
