Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Joe & the Juice coming to Bethesda Row

A Danish juice bar Forbes calls "the next Starbucks" is coming to Bethesda Row. Joe & the Juice will move into the vacant Max Brenner space next to Jaleo at 7263 Woodmont Avenue. They are shooting for an August opening, but the date is not confirmed yet, a company spokesperson said this morning.

Healthwise, the newcomer will be a 180 degree change from the chocoholic Max Brenner. Launched in Copenhagen in 2002, Joe & the Juice has made the jump to America, with a growing number of locations in New York City, Miami and San Francisco.

In addition to fresh-pressed juices like Hell of a Nerve (strawberry, elderflower, banana), Young Blood (celery, cinnamon, apple), and Sex Me Up (passionfruit, apple, ginger), they also serve shakes, juice shots, sandwiches and coffee.

According to Forbes, the juice bar emphasizes an energetic atmosphere as much as health, referring to hiring of staff as "casting." Business Insider promises all of the employees will be "cool hunky guys" heavily steeped in "bro culture." Each store's staff creates their own music mixes; here is a sample from last year.


  1. Anna Van Horn5:36 AM

    Hell of a Nerve sounds perfect for Dyer.

    The Bible has been translated into Klingon.

  2. Anonymous5:42 AM

    If the ingredients of "Young Blood" and "Sex Me Up" are mixed, is the resulting drink "Statutory Rape"?

  3. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Dyer pretty disappointed that there was a business closing in downtown bethesda that you havent covered. But we've had nearly daily articles on Westbard and the other boring suburbs.

    I thought this was a hyperlocal bethesda blog? Why don't you spin off all those stories that don't fit here into a different blog?

  4. Anonymous5:58 AM

    That's a hell of a lot of juice they need to sell to afford​ that rent.

  5. Friends of Woodmont Triangle6:03 AM

    This sounds like a great concept. Looking forward to it!

  6. 5:57: What are you talking about? Which business? This is a hyperlocal Bethesda blog, and Westbard is part of Bethesda, but I've had numerous stories about downtown Bethesda this week.

  7. Roald6:16 AM

    Another healthy option on Bethesda Row! Great choice.

  8. Roald6:20 AM

    6:16 is fake Roald, please delete his post

  9. G. Money6:40 AM

    This sounds awful.

  10. Anonymous7:01 AM

    5:42 wins the thread!

  11. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Not doing your job for you. Cough up some quarters and hit the bricks and find out which long time business closed. I'll be interested if a slightly failing blog or magazine finds it first.

    You've posted four stories about real bethesda this past week. Two construction updates (yay cranes), fitness first closing (old news beep beep), and a coffee shop (today).

    so really one story. and you're leaving a real one out there.

  12. Rugby7:21 AM

    Ironically, the hottest place on "Bethesda Row" is Class 520 ice cream rolls, not even part of the Federal Realty project.

  13. Anonymous7:26 AM

    "The juice bar refer[s] to hiring of staff as 'casting'."

    Do they have a Casting Couch?

    My God, what a bunch of pretentious twits.

  14. 7:09: My real response to your comment can't be printed in a family newspaper, but obviously you're still smarting about my Fitness First scoop yesterday that your guys got walloped on. "Old news?" Fitness First was breaking news, moron.

    It's a juice bar, not a coffee shop, and a unique concept from Denmark. Big news.

    "Real Bethesda" is all of Bethesda, not just downtown - yet I've covered all the big stories downtown this week. Didn't read about the bike theft spree downtown in the small and slightly-failing magazine, much less Fitness First or Joe and the Juice.

    Telling me to "hit the bricks" - shut up, idiot. Any regular reader is laughing at you right now.

  15. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Seventh State has a scathing article on Hogan viciously demeaning a female constituent for having a different view. Is that a Republican requirement?

  16. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Two stolen bikes /= "spree".

    Clickbait headline.

  17. Anonymous8:36 AM

    "Friends of Woodmont Triangle" @ 6:03 AM

    "This sounds like a great concept. Looking forward to it!"

    "Roald" @ 6:16 AM

    "Another healthy option on Bethesda Row! Great choice."





  18. Anonymous8:59 AM

    5:57/6:09 AM - Going out on a limb here... Walgreen's is buying the CVS on Arlington Road?

  19. Skippy9:08 AM

    I love juice! I do miss the old chocolate place however.

  20. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Add "Skippy" @ 9:08 AM to the list in 8:36 AM.

  21. Anonymous12:28 PM

    There actually is a recently closed Bethesda business by tastee diner...
