Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Small business event to discuss:"Is your business or family safe in a sanctuary county?"

How do sanctuary immigration policies affect small businesses? That topic will be discussed at the next networking social event of the Small Business Action Network of Montgomery County, on Wednesday, June 28, from 6:30 to 9:00 PM at Hunter's Bar and Grill, located at 10123 River Road in Potomac.

The speaker will be Jonathan Hanen, who the event announcement says will discuss the question, "Is your business or family safe in a sanctuary county?" Montgomery County has been designated by the federal government as a sanctuary jurisdiction.

Recent crime headlines in the County make this a timely discussion, and the County has been blasted by the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for not honoring ICE detainers on criminal illegal aliens. ICE said the County put its agents and the community at risk when it recently allowed a man with an ICE detainer who had stolen an assault weapon from a police cruiser to go free, forcing ICE agents to locate and take him into custody in an uncontrolled setting.

SBAN-MOCO is inviting small business owners from across Montgomery County to attend.

The cost to attend the event is $15. The cost to join SBAN-MOCO is $25. There will be a cash bar. Space is limited - to reserve a spot, email your RSVP.


  1. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Here is everything you need to know about Jonathan Hanen's group, the Federation for American Immigration Reform:

  2. Anonymous7:12 AM

    What a pathetic group. Our own president benefited from the hard work of willing, illegal workers. Small businesses depend on such labor as well. What a joke this event is.

  3. Anonymous8:07 AM

    More name calling rhetoric from the holier then thou left.

  4. Anonymous8:14 AM

    This blog is meant for Bethesda news. These comments are meant for ripping on Dyer. 8:02 and 8:07, get your shit together.

  5. Anonymous5:26 AM

    So a money making scheme presented by racists? Dyer is really desperate for sponsored content it seems
