Thursday, August 10, 2017

Breakdown! Oft-broken Bethesda Metro escalator offline again (Photos)

The plaza-to-bus bays escalator so often out of commission was back offline again during the evening rush hour last night...just weeks after being repaired yet again. It was functioning as a very expensive staircase. This breakdown appropriately came on a day in which the Washington Post revealed that WMATA inspectors not only falsify reports, but have gone as far as using old photographs to fool those reading their false reports. Sad!

Metro's surge and SafeTrack efforts have utterly failed to improve conditions in the system. Is there any truth to the rumor they are changing one word of their latest motto, so it will now be "Back 2 Bad?" Pay a new sales tax for this? Hell, no!


  1. Anonymous7:03 AM

    How come you didn't report on this escalator reopening, Robert?

  2. Anonymous7:06 AM

    "The escalator was back offline again during the evening rush hour last night"

    That sure doesn't look like "rush hour" to me. Fredericksburg, maybe. But not Bethesda.

  3. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Delete this escalator. Not required, not operable, wast of space.

  4. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Conflating issues as usual.

  5. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Tonight on "Profile"! A discussion about the least important escalator in the entire Metro system.

    Tomorrow night, join us for "Identifying Sparrows of the Midwest."

  6. Skippy9:59 AM

    Not important if you live in Frederick and never use Metro.

    Is important if you live or work in Bethesda and use Metro.

  7. Anonymous10:03 AM

    For anyone interested in statistics over histrionics: This escalator has been in working order 99.82% of the time over the last 30 days.

  8. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Your life must be miserable, Robert, if this legitimately bothers you. An escalator - especially one open to the elements - is regularly going to need maintenance. Writing an angry article about it every time is just so sad.

    1. Anonymous7:44 AM

      When's the last time Robert rode the metro?

  9. Anonymous10:20 AM

    10:09am an occasional outage would be a footnote. Problem is this escalator was out of service for awhile while being replaced. Now the new one is broken.
    We can do better!

  10. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Although three pictures are preferable to 72, why is more than one needed? All show that the escalator is not running.

  11. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I travel through the Bethesda Metro station each weekday and it's never a surprise to see this escalator not working - it shuts down often. I wonder if they built a cover for the escalator to protect it from weather events would things improve? I cannot imagine that a downpour or a snowstorm does anything beneficial to it.

  12. Anonymous10:49 AM

    10:20AM: "We can do better!"

    Yeah, like don't even bother having an escalator there. Imagine the savings if they just removed it. There's elevator access just a few feet away, there are the regular stairs, there's several other stair options also just a few feet away. This is a waste of money all around, whether it's working or not. We should be mad about stupid and wasteful design decisions, not whether or not a Metro escalator is out of service (which is, you know, the norm for Metro).

  13. Anonymous1:54 PM

    This has nothing to do with the SafeTrack program. This has been explained to you many times.

  14. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Here's how it's done:

  15. Anonymous4:20 PM

    They should turn it into a ramp.

    But of all the things to ding metro about, this isn't one of them. It's in open air.

  16. Riff Rafferty8:22 PM

    Robert, I agree that WAMATA is a disaster of an organization. However, a major cause of their issues has been a lack of consistent funding. Often when they get funding it is tied to political "needs" and not actual maintenance. Aside from whining incessantly, how would you actually propose to fix the situation?

  17. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Classic Dyer, whine whine whine, then offer no coherent plan or concept to make the situation better. Just like his hero Donald Trump. This is why the intelligent voters in Montgomery County have rejected him multiple times!

  18. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Meanwhile, Bethesda Beat is reporting about a possible murder investigation and you're carrying on about an escalator outage...

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Steve apparently sent his intern out to the woods looking for the murderer.

      Lordy, he treats interns bad.

  19. Anonymous11:48 AM

    11:38AM Another assault on a local business. Why? Because Dyer has a problem with him? Do you have direct experience with this business treating their interns badly?
    Or are you just making things up so Dyer will like you?
