Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Oh, no...not again! Water bubbling up at Del Ray & Old Georgetown in Bethesda (Video + Photos)

A tiny geyser of water is bubbling up through the pavement at the intersection of Del Ray Avenue and Old Georgetown Road in Bethesda. Standing water is collecting at the end of Del Ray. This is the same intersection where an apparent water main break occurred last fall.

Then, Pepco workers had to conduct extensive repairs to their own underground infrastructure there in late November. According to a Pepco crew member, they blamed WSSC for damaging their electrical system when they repaired their water main break. You can still see the patched pavement where one of the holes was dug last year right next to the little geyser.


  1. Anonymous5:23 AM


  2. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Dyer, I presume you now about the purple line imminently getting funding, right? Your choice of reporting is a little interesting to me. You write a crowing article when Judge Leon seems to have blocked the project, but don't report on any progress that's been made since then.

    Very selective, reporting of news...

  3. 5:26: The Purple Line isn't a done deal yet. At least one lawsuit is still pending. There are some folks running for reelection on the Purple Line who won't be "crowing" on Election Night 2018.

  4. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Are we getting a purple line? I won't believe it until I ride it for the first time. I would love to have it though. I hate the J2

  5. Anonymous6:24 AM

    A lot of things aren't done deals. People still report on the progress. For example, you were all too happy to report Leon's rulings when it seemed detrimental to the purple line. You would think you would duly report on positive progress.

    6:17 the federal government will probably approve 900 million in funding as soon as next week. This is something you'd think Dyer would report on...

  6. Anonymous7:20 AM

    The lawsuit is in finally front of an impartial appeals court, and all signs so far point to a successful appeal by the FTA and MTA. The extraordinary steps of the appellate court considering a writ of mandamus, granting a stay, and granting an expedited ruling makes it pretty clear.

    Gov. Hogan fully supports the Purple Line, and as Maryland Republicans go, he has a pretty good shot at getting re-elected, not to mention pretty much every other politician in MD, nearly all of whom support the Purple Line.

  7. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Dyer, I don't think you should report on any of the buildings going up in Bethesda until they are fully completed and occupied. I mean technically, they aren't a done deal yet...

  8. Anonymous8:02 AM

    "Tiny geyser"?

    That sounds kind of contradictory.

    Any photos of Bethesdians watching the eclipse?

  9. 8:02: No, because 99% of people don't want to look at pictures of people watching an eclipse. Almost as boring as a Hans Riemer speech.

  10. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Your story about the Saul Centers project in Rockville, on your Rockville blog, was interesting, a lot more so than a new sign or an old puddle here in Bethesda. Why not share that with your Bethesda readers? You post your Argle-Bargle opinion pieces across all four blogs - why the rigid wall of separation for useful articles such as this one?

  11. Anonymous4:31 AM

    And herein lies the problem. Dyer, the pictures aren't about "people watching an eclipse" they're about people enjoying a rare natural event. The ills of the world melting away into a shared phenomenon. And 99% of people DO like looking at that.

    1. Anonymous8:01 AM

      I don't want to watch the eclipse, I want to watch other people watching the eclipse.

  12. Anonymous6:58 PM

    No geysers spotted, but do you have any idea why Connecticut Ave SB @ 495 is wet 24/7 now?

  13. 6:58: I noticed that Saturday night. Thanks for letting me know it's an ongoing problem. I'll check it out.

  14. Becca7:39 PM

    Excellent, thanks! I knew you'd be the right person to ask. :-)
