Thursday, August 24, 2017

Pepco on-scene after Bethesda Row crash (Video + Photos)

Pepco is working to restore power and traffic signals at the intersection of Woodmont Avenue and Elm Street tonight, after a vehicle ran onto the sidewalk and crashed into the signal and transformer box earlier this evening. The driver is believed to have had a medical emergency, according to Montgomery County Fire and Rescue spokesperson Pete Piringer.

The utility has set up temporary lighting at the intersection, which should be avoided by drivers. There was also a small fuel spill from the vehicle.
Damaged transformer box
knocked out power

Quite a mess here

A trail of damage
between Hampden Lane
and Elm Street

Portable lights installed


  1. Anonymous8:03 PM

    In the past two weeks, it looks like there has been only one genuine "breaking" news article - the transformer explosion on Cordell Avenue on Sunday morning.

    Tell us about your new job, Robert.

  2. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Yo Robert, I got a video of the day time carnage, with SUV in video, if you need it

  3. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Haters gonna hate.

  4. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Why are some of anonymous posters such blatant a55holes? Every single post he makes is met with sh1tty comments. By cowards hiding behind the anonymous

    1. Anonymous4:55 AM

      9:32, aren't you posting anonymously now?

      I think it's because many people (not all of course) don't like Dyer's attitude and positions. Evidenced by his deletions, his responses, etc.

  5. Anonymous4:54 AM

    When someone causes this kind of damage in a vehicular accident, are they (or their insurance) responsible for all the expense?

  6. 8:15: Sure - send it to robert1999 [at] hotmail [dot] com

    8:03: I've had numerous breaking news stories over the last two weeks, including a full report and real-time Twitter & Facebook coverage of the Wilson Store move. All other media slept through that, yet you're not slamming them on their sites. Water
    main breaks, mall power outages, and almost every story was a big scoop. Just check out my scoop on Honey Pig, which was later plagiarized by Bethesda Magazine. You sound like a complete moron to anyone who reads this site daily.

  7. 4:55: Just the opposite - my positions are the same as the majority of residents who voted for term limits to eject your guys from the County Council. You are in the minority, which is why you must spend your days and nights trolling my successful news website.

    1. Anonymous6:23 AM

      Is this a response to a comment you deleted? #smh

  8. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Need more Reamer looking at solar eclipse photos and f ton o mayo breaking news stories.

  9. Anonymous6:18 AM

    5:09AM -
    Eclipse photos would be great. The most this country has enjoyed something together since the last election. Tne the bitching about Riemer is Dyer's racket. Can't you find something of your own? Stop being a sheep. There's a beautiful world out there. See it for yourself instead of watching the arse of someone in front of you.

  10. Anonymous6:41 AM

    5:09 AM - writing non sequiturs in incomplete sentences makes you sound kinda retarded.

    What does the eclipse have to do with Riemer, or the subject of this article?
