Thursday, September 21, 2017

Covered sidewalk installation at 7900 Wisconsin Avenue (Photos)

JBG Smith has installed a covered walkway at its 7900 Wisconsin Avenue demolition site, which will eventually be a construction site for the new development replacing it. This will allow pedestrians to continue safely up and down the sidewalk without a detour.


  1. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Great news Robert, but I'm not sure that the 3/4 plywood roof on the walkway will protect pedestrians from the impact of a 10 ton steel beam that slips off the grappling arm during demolition. This roof covered walkway is a convenience for pedestrians, and will protect them from minor construction detritus, but not heavy steel construction. Covered sidewalks require very extensive rooftop protection if they truly are intended to allow pedestrians to walk close to major demo and steel constuction.

    Saying that, I suspect that JBG Smith are well aware of construction site management and OSHA requirements.

  2. My assumption is that they would close the sidewalk temporarily as needed during operations that would present an immediate danger - as opposed to shutting it down 24/7 months before even beginning demolition like another project down the road.

    1. Anonymous5:36 AM

      Could you endeavor in journalistic attempts to find out for us? Thanks!

  3. Anonymous6:03 AM

    I believe that other readers have already indicated that utility work was being done on the sidewalk of the Apex Building, in preparation for the actual demolition of the building.

  4. 6:03: I don't recall anyone saying that, nor have I seen any work being done on the sidewalk.

    5:36: The covered sidewalk is there. It will close as necessary as safety concerns warrant. What more is there to know? They're not going to take on massive legal liability by doing something stupid.

  5. Anonymous11:48 AM

    "They're not going to take on massive legal liability by doing something stupid."

    Now Dyer is plagiarizing his own readers' comments.
