Monday, September 25, 2017

Shakespeare at the mall in Bethesda (Photos)

Shakespeare at the mall? Westfield Montgomery Mall is continuing its tilt toward more-sophisticated fare, teaming up with the prestigious Shakespeare Theatre Company of Washington, D.C. to present an interactive Shakespeare extravaganza through October 14 in the Nordstrom wing of the mall on Level 1.
Even if you are just strolling through, you won't be able to miss displays of costumes, sets, and even a stage near the escalators. You can pin your love notes, romantic or tragic, on the Juliet Wall set up for that purpose. See a mock dressing room, and period props. Pose in front of one of the Instagram-ready backdrops. And for the biggest Shakespeare fans, or the novice, there are many seminars, activities and even a chocolate tasting.
Draw out your inner Shakespeare by signing up for a poetry workshop, being held on Sunday, October 8, or learn to write an ode an hour after that. Explore the costumes of Shakespeare with the actual costumers from the theatre on Saturday, October 14. Catch two performances of A Midsummer Night's Dream geared toward children this Saturday, September 30.
For those who want a more hands-on approach, register for a chance to make and take home your own flower crowns (September 30), terrarium garden (October 1), or chocolate (October 7).

Backdrop for your next selfie

Setting up for a

The best of the bard

The Juliet Wall has already collected
many notes

Trolls employed by the
Montgomery County Council and
political cartel will find this
Insult Generator handy

Sign up for the new
Shakespeare Theatre Company

Go behind-the-scenes with
sets, props, costumes and more

Costumes on display

Dressing room

Photobombed by Teslas

All the mall's a stage

A representative of the
Shakespeare Theatre leads
a poetry workshop

Aspiring poets cut words out of
magazines... complete a poem
started by Bill Shakespeare himself


  1. Anonymous8:10 AM

    "Trolls employed by the
    Montgomery County Council and
    political cartel will find this
    Insult Generator handy"

    Opinions expressed are those of the author and do not in any way represent the views of Shakespeare Theatre Company of Washington, D.C.

    1. Boyce Bowles8:27 AM

      Shakespeare connoisseurs of all people have functioning senses of humor :)

  2. Anonymous8:30 AM


    Very cool display!

    And don't worry...I think everyone who reads this blog realizes that the author's nonsensical and vacuous comments don't represent the opinions of anyone but himself.

    It's really unfortunate that he chooses to be so incredibly disrespectful when reporting, regardless of his political views.

  3. Andy Van Slyke8:45 AM

    "Anonymous" 8:30am unpacks his usual list of perceived grievances.

  4. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Tesla,Tesla, where for art thou freakin’ Tesla Store?

  5. Anonymous11:30 AM

    No worries, Shakespeare Theatre Company. We all know this one's quirky, to say the least. So does the County Council and whatever the heck the local cartel is.

  6. Maloney Concrete7:58 PM

    A troll is pretending to be the Shakespeare Theatre. Only by the good graces of the Bard are you not incarcerated.

  7. Anonymous10:54 AM

    "There is no terror, Cassius, in your threats; For I am armed so strong in honesty That they pass by me as the idle wind" — William Shakespeare
