Thursday, September 28, 2017

Westbard African-American cemetery scandal discussed on new WPFW podcast

Marsha Coleman-Adebayo and
Harvey Matthews (holding far left and far
right sides of banner) discuss endangered
African-American cemetery on new podcast
The African-American cemetery on which developer Regency Centers and the Montgomery County Housing Opportunities Commission want to build a parking garage was one of the topics on a new podcast yesterday on WPFW-FM. "What's at Stake" is hosted by Marsha Coleman-Adebayo and Kevin Berends, and will be produced on the fourth Wednesday each month going forward. The program is focused on social justice issues; Coleman-Adebayo is Social Justice Director at Macedonia Baptist Church on River Road, where many buried in that cemetery worshiped.

Also appearing on the program is Harvey Matthews, a trustee at Macedonia Baptist Church who was also a resident of the historic black community. His family was one of many swindled out of their land along River Road by developers, as Montgomery County leaders looked the other way. Today, the church building and cemetery (located on the property of Westwood Tower on Westbard Avenue) are all that remain of the original community.

SAVE THE DATE: October 29, 2017 at 1:30 PM - Supporters of the cemetery are scheduled to march from Macedonia Baptist Church to the burial ground. I will post an update once everything is officially confirmed and announced.


  1. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Sadly since it is not a Tuesday, I will not be attending.

  2. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Why do you keep recycling stock photos from February?

    1. Anonymous6:42 AM

      Big, big enterprise reporting here.
      Hope decency prevails!

  3. Hey 6:38, you and your interns must hate the fact that Robert has been scooping you left and right. Baba Booey! #RickyBobby

  4. Anonymous6:46 AM

    6:42 = #UnsignedDyer

  5. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Wonder if Dyer is shopping the script of Westbard to Hollywood?

  6. Barwood Sucks8:07 AM

    Dyer broke news on Pines of Rome, Whitestar's new office, Hogan's highway plan, etc.

    Those don't fit your buckets.

  7. Roald8:20 AM

    Dyer has been actually bringing hyperlocal news to his people. He doesn't make articles such as "F*ck ton of Mayo"...

  8. DyerFicker20181:40 PM

    I disagree, if you don't find this blog to be an engaging and thought provoking look at what's happening in Bethesda by a true Bethesdian, then you might as well read MoCo Cartel Propoganda. Who cares about a "F*** ton of mayo". But give me Justice Tuesdays, pictures of cranes and Crime Data that alerts readers to underage drinking parties. Dyer is not the reporter we deserve, but the one we need. #RedPillAF

  9. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Another deleted comment of mine.

    Who let the shills out?????????

    Who, who, who, who, who?
