Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Why has an entrance at Sumner Place been closed for weeks? (Photo)

Many people have asked me what is going on at the south entrance to the Shops at Sumner Place on Sangamore Road in Bethesda. The driveway has been blocked off and screened from view for many weeks with no explanation. Some have speculated that the property owner was installing gates for a paid parking system, ahead of the arrival of 3000 new employees at the new intelligence campus across the street.

According to Scott McLellan of property management firm Avison Young, the shopping center is simply replacing an expansion joint in the roadway. It has taken a long time because they did not want to disturb neighbors by getting a noise waiver for nighttime work. And it requires time to cure properly.

McLellan said patrons can expect the entrance to reopen "by late next week."


  1. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Rebuilding a curb at Bainbridge, rebuilding an expansion joint in Sumner.

    Bethesda news, restaurants, nightlife, events and openings, real estate, crime reports and more - the way only a lifelong Bethesda resident like Robert Dyer can bring it to you. Everything you want and need to know about Bethesda, plus special investigative reports you won't find anywhere else. The must-read blog for breaking Bethesda news, when you want to be the first to know.

  2. Andy Van Slyke7:30 AM

    Mr. Dyer's troll has the masthead of this site hung on his wall. I'm sure he chants it daily, while refreshing this site.

  3. Anonymous7:37 AM

    If Dyer had no "trolls", he would have no readers. Note how sharply his readers dropped when he stopped feeding them for a while.

    1. Andy Van Slyke7:55 AM

      Mr. Dyer's troll is consistent. All these years and he still thinks that he is the only reader of this news site.

    2. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Andy is referring to himself when he speaks of Mr. Dyer's troll.

  4. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I'm so glad Dyer stopped feeding the trolls.

    Though, on the other hand, this blog is super boring without the comment wars.

  5. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I hate to admit it, but I kinda miss the Argle-Bargle and wild conspiracy theories.

  6. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Steady employment? Medication? Or perhaps both?

    1. Woodmont12:46 PM

      12:13pm posting your Christmas wish list already?

  7. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Andy Van Slyke is fake name for fake little boy to play his game disparaging my wife, Anna, who stopped commenting here months ago.
    It doesn't make you any more credible than using "Anonymous."

  8. Here we speculated that an escape tunnel was being built from the super secret Intelligence Agency across the street. Still seems like a LONG time to cure an expansion joint.

  9. Anonymous1:29 PM

    It isn't even fun to point out robert's shortcomings now that Bethesda Mag has scooped Little Robbie on the past five or ten big stories.

    1. Andy Van Slyke1:51 PM

      The only "big story" from Bethesda Mag recently was their attempt to fleece residents by trying to charge $75 to attend a public County Exec debate.

      Not exactly something you'd want to tout.

      Begone troll!

    2. Anonymous2:12 PM

      Bethesda Magazine received many critical comments on their article about that event - but they didn't delete any of them, in sharp contrast to Robert Dyer

  10. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Just five days to go. I'm so excited!

  11. Roald3:11 PM

    I'm here for Robert's enterprising reporting, as are many other Bethesda residents.

  12. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Here is your next post: Lucy in Bethesda Row is closing. They sell fitness apparel for women.

  13. 1:29: You're delusional. I've not only been scooping them for years, but up to the present with recent breaking news on Suma, Sumner Place, cryotherapy, my eye dr. move, Sears Auto center closing, and much more.

    Three words: PINES OF ROME.

    1. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Laughable that you consider pines of Rome a big story. You did no more than read a sign. Even more laughable you call yourself a journalist. You're a 50 year old man-child that maintains a high school blog.

  14. Anonymous5:13 PM

    "enterprising reporting"

    For instance, merely complaining about the Apex sidewalk closure while Bethesda Beat actually went out and got the story?

  15. Anonymous5:14 PM

    "Sears Auto center closing"

    That article is factually inaccurate.

  16. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Well, old chap...looks like 5:21 broke it down to you. Poor, poor Little Bobby.

  17. 5:21: There was no "sign," dumbass. As the only news outlet in MoCo that isn't a house organ for the Council and local political cartel, you're damn right I'm a journalist. This "high school blog" has thousands of readers. Meanwhile, you're in a dark room trolling people who are actually getting stuff done. Sad!

    5:22: It took you a whole minute to congratulate yourself for your own troll comment? You're almost as low-energy as your boss Hans.

    5:13: I broke the story, and had photos and video with many follow=ups. How do you "got the story" when just rehashing my earlier report?

  18. Anonymous5:55 PM

    How do you "got the story" when just rehashing my earlier report?

    They actually got an answer about why it's closed.

  19. Anonymous7:21 PM

    "MoCo turns to Dyer as an independent voice who will speak truth to power."


    "Now, the councilman's pants aren't going to dry clean themselves. Snap to it!"

    You like thinking about the councilman's pants, don't you?

  20. Anonymous7:35 PM

    If you're gonna attack Dyer, do it on your own blog. You're not finding much support here among his readers. You're certainly not going to attract more readers to your blog by attacking a local journalist like Dyer.

  21. Anonymous7:56 PM

    7:41 PM Yes, many weird comments from the one angry man-child frustrated blogger who attacks Dyer anonymously here. Will the "anonymous" man ever reveal his inner pain? Probably not. The worse his life gets, the more he attacks Dyer here. Truly a sad story.

  22. Anonymous8:15 PM

    "I'm a journalist"

    Yet you never fail to lash out and insult your readers. How many actual journalists resort to name-calling and cursing in their comment sections?

    ..and no I don't work for Bethesda Beat, Hans Riemer, or whoever else you think is out to get you.

  23. Anonymous8:22 PM

    7:56 - Says the guy who posts either as "Anonymous" or under obviously fake screennames.

    Why not practice what you preach?

  24. Anonymous8:29 PM

    8:15 PM Dyer has done none of that.
    Meanwhile, you stalk and attack Dyer with ad hominems.

    You're in pain- reveal your personal pain here and begin healing.
    Letting go of your grievances against Dyer would be a good first step.

  25. Anonymous8:43 PM

    8:37pm Reveal your pain- it's poisoning you.
    Let's start the healing here.

  26. 5:55: Huh? The stated reason for the closure was known from the beginning - demolition of the building. The difference is, I don't just believe everything I'm told at face value. I'm also not a carpetbagger, so I know that Wisconsin Avenue had a sidewalk before the Apex Building existed. Ergo, there's no need to close it during demolition except for the times when they are knocking down the front facade. If you're a carpetbagger, you don't know that. I don't have to "get a quote," because I actually know Bethesda. Which is the better source again?

    1. Anonymous5:03 AM

      Werent you born in Virginia? So wouldn't you not be a lifelong resident of Bethesda?

  27. G. Money2:16 AM

    Ah yes, only Dyer knows that there was a sidewalk in Bethesda prior to the 1980s. Secret knowledge!

  28. Anonymous3:37 AM

    "I don't just believe everything I'm told at face value"

    So the developer told you their reasoning behind closing the sidewalk during demolition and you withheld that from your readers? Interesting.

  29. Anonymous3:42 AM

    The "anonymous" man. Still thinks it's all ONE person.

    Imagine selling your soul for a local blogger.

    FOUR days.

  30. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Robert, you have deteriorated so much in the quality of your posts and the arguments you put forth for your ramblings.

  31. Anonymous3:02 PM

    And it is still closed!
