Monday, October 16, 2017

Car fire in Bethesda apartment tower garage damages several vehicles

A Jeep caught fire on the lowest level of the Bainbridge Bethesda parking garage after 7:00 AM Sunday morning. Several vehicles were damaged, but the fire was contained by the garage sprinkler system, Montgomery County Fire and Rescue spokesperson Pete Piringer said. Firefighters were able to quickly extinguish the remaining blaze after arriving on-scene.

According to a resident of the building, smoke rose up through the stairwells from the garage. That resident said fire alarms did not sound inside the actual building. This is one of several recent garage vehicle fires in this part of the county. The cause of yesterday's fire has not yet been stated, but Piringer said it was ruled accidental.

Photo: Pete Piringer/MCFRS


  1. Better Call Saul Alinsky5:59 AM

    "This is one of several recent garage vehicle fires in this part of the county."

    What does this mean? What is "this part of the county"? In what time period? One day? A week? Several weeks? A year?

  2. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Meanwhile crickets on the big protest march on River Road yesterday...

    (hint, no one showed up)

  3. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Not even the Carpetbaggers Coleman-Adebayo and Adebayo?

  4. 6:05: There was no protest march scheduled yesterday, old sport.

  5. Anonymous6:20 AM

    The Great Gatsby was a deranged stalker. It didn't end well.

  6. I was out for breakfast Sunday morning with my family in Bethesda and saw the huge response. I was wondering what it was about.
