Friday, October 13, 2017

Westbard cemetery rally pushed back to Nov. 12

A rally to protest plans to build a parking garage on top of the historic African-American cemetery on the site of Westwood Tower has been pushed back to Sunday, November 12, 2017. The time will remain the same, beginning at 1:30 PM at Macedonia Baptist Church at 5119 River Road in Bethesda. Protesters will then march to the cemetery.


  1. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Any updates on the demolition that happened yesterday next to the old fitness first?

  2. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Why so few black people at these rallies? And even the Adebayos don't have a connection to that community.

  3. 7:01: You obviously did not attend the previous cemetery rallies. Descendants of those buried there, and former residents of the lost black community on River Road, have attended the rallies, as well.

  4. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Dyer, have either Harvey Weinstein or Amazon's Roy Price made you an offer yet about a movie deal on this non-story?

  5. Roald2:32 PM

    Big, big story.

    Institutional racism from our county government.

    A corporation claims to own the bodies of freed slaves.

    The original sin of Westbard.

    Past is prologue: County prepares to desecrate again.

    A ray of hope and unity as Bethesda residents protest in the streets...openly defying their Council for the first time.

  6. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Wasn’t it Robert DYer ther wanted to preserve confederate statues?

  7. Anonymous6:11 PM

    "Big, big story." "The original sin of Westbard.

    Says #UnsignedDyer.

    "A ray of hope and unity as Bethesda residents protest in the streets."

    Yeah, 15-20, out of a total population of 60,000 in Bethesda. And that was back in February. They've gotten far fewer than that in subsequent rallies.

    I'm also puzzled as to why there are so few African-Americans. Only 6 out of 15-20 in the one in February, and at least two of them (the Adebayos) have no connection to River Road or Maryland in general.

  8. 6:11: You sound like a complete moron. There were 100s at the February rally, and it's on film along with mainstream tv news coverage and the Post.

    You're clearly a racist and a stooge for the developer and/or the MoCo political cartel. You've even done one of your little background checks. LOL

    6:11: Wasn't it the MoCo cartel that wanted to whitewash the County's Confederate past?

  9. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Peace is with those who strive to be with all races, not one race.

  10. Anonymous5:39 AM

    11:16PM, words to live by. Thanks for posting.

  11. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Dyer can't speak ill of his fellow white supremacists on his Rockville blog:

    "I think the actual number of such [Nazi] flags was very small compared to the size of the rally turnout. Not "a lot." But don't expect Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon to believe that. Man, if we could combine the intellectual power between those two guys, we might be able to teach one of them to find the doorknob to get out of his dressing room."

    "We don't yet know all the facts about that tragic incident. What we do know for sure, is that his car should never have been able to drive on that street to begin with. Had the street been barricaded off, as the police chief has now admitted it should have been, the victim would still be alive today. I hope her family sues the pants off of the City of Charlottesville."

    "What I saw in Charlottesville was a violation of the 1st Amendment rights of the rally attendees - it doesn't matter what their message is; they are allowed to peaceably assemble and speak. The mayor of Charlottesville should be held criminally-responsible for all injuries and deaths that occurred Saturday, as he failed to provide security for attendees and counter-protesters. Any idiot knows events on public streets are to be totally cut off from vehicular traffic. The mayor failed to provide that most basic security precaution for political reasons, and now one person is dead and many others injured."

    "Big difference - Hitler wasn't French."

    "The SPLC is a highly-questionable organization, unethically declaring organizations they disagree with politically as "hate groups." Ridiculous. I keep waiting for the SPLC to declare Greater Greater Washington a "hate group" for the anti-African-American, racist comments their readers post and the pro-gentrification stance of the website. Interestingly, that doesn't happen. Gee, would it happen to be a political reason?"

  12. Anonymous9:11 AM

    reeeeeeeeeeeetaarrrrrrrrrd dyer is a reeeeeeetarrrrrrd

  13. Seems to be a theme from "Anonymous". If he doesn't like what someone is saying, he launches ad hominem attacks. Against the church folks and Dyer.

  14. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Saith "Tim": "Seems to be a theme from 'Anonymous'. If he doesn't like what someone is saying, he launches ad hominem attacks."

    Saith Dyer: "You sound like a complete moron...You're clearly a racist and a stooge for the developer and/or the MoCo political cartel."

  15. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Who let the shills out?????????
    Who, who, who, who, who?

  16. 2:20pm well, Dyer is right, there is racism at play here against the church and ancestors of folks buried where the developer wants to build his parking garage.

    The developer could go into the project with tremendous community goodwill if they'd simply respect the cemetery and include a museum as part of the plan.

  17. Anonymous2:49 PM

    So your idea of respecting these alleged deads is to leave them under a parking lot?

  18. Anonymous2:58 PM

    What do the "ancestors of folks buried" have to do with anything?

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Their ancestors graves were desecrated and now our county government wants to do it again.
