Monday, November 27, 2017

Cemetery advocates to press Leggett at NAACP meeting

Advocates for the historic African-American cemetery on the Westwood Tower property in Bethesda will press Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett to take several actions to preserve it, when he appears before the County's NAACP chapter Tuesday night, November 28 at 7:00 PM, at the Carver Education Center, located at 850 Hungerford Drive in Rockville. Organizers stress they will not attempt to disrupt the meeting in any way, but hope to turn out as many cemetery supporters as possible to ask questions during the question-and-answer session following Leggett's remarks.

Led by Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) - Montgomery County, organizers hope to ask Leggett to:

  • intervene on behalf of Macedonia Baptist Church to ensure access to the HOC property where the cemetery is (since HOC has indicated that we can proceed with the delineation 
  • If the County will pay for the cemetery delineation study, as he offered in Feb 2017
  • If Macedonia Baptist Church will be allowed to choose the archaeological team to conduct the cemetery delineation study
  • If the County will purchase that land and make it a designated historic park with a living memorial
  • If the County will support a museum devoted to local African American history


  1. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Robert did the Macedonia church contact the NAACP to get on the agenda for the meeting? If not, how then are they going to bring up their issues to Leggett? Is there a Q&A portion they intend to hog or will they sidetrack the meeting from other issues that people were prepared to discuss?


  2. 6:00: As I recall from Roger Berliner's appearance, the guest speaker gives a speech, and then takes questions from the audience. It was a combination of cemetery questions and questions on other topics. All questions were answered at that meeting.

  3. Anonymous6:31 AM

    So they are planning on hijacking the meeting?

  4. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Six old white people arrested for disrupting an NAACP meeting...not the best optics.

  5. Anonymous9:24 AM

    haha 9:00! Robert wouldn't be caught dead at a NAACP meeting! Would you old sport ?

  6. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Tonight is the night ladies and gents! Cemetery members, bring down legget!
