Saturday, November 04, 2017

iPhone X lines up customers at Bethesda Apple Store (Photos)

The release of the ridiculously-priced iPhone X had customers still lined up outside the Bethesda Row Apple Store last evening. Police were on hand to manage paying customers, and those who just wanted to get their hands on the display iPhone Xs. The phone itself is short on major tech breakthroughs, and long on price. It has an impressive screen, but it is slightly marred by the odd design choice to stick a bezel tab down into the top of the display. To the Montgomery County political cartel's chagrin, it still can beautifully display the leading news websites fighting the $y$tem in corrupt MoCo.


  1. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Today's #Photorrhea Review:

    Six photos. Two actually relate to the event - #1 and #6. And they are essentially the same, just that #6 was taken about 6 feet closer than #1. And as the previous comment noted, a shot of the store at the opening, with customers waiting to get in the door, would have been much more interesting.

    Three photos of "look at me, I got my hobby blogs on the new iPhone at the Apple Store hurr hurr hurr". And two of them - #2 and #3 - are of the Bethesda blog, showing the exact same page. Really, what is the point of this?


  2. Anonymous6:22 AM

    "It has an impressive screen, but it is slightly marred by the odd design choice to stick a bezel tab down into the top of the display."

    That's the camera, Birdbrain. It's in the same place that it always has been - it's just that the display now goes much closer to the edge, and wraps around the camera.

  3. Was the reason for the article to bash the council? Seems so.

  4. Woodmont8:57 AM

    Anonymous angry man sings the same tortured song everyday. How far will he go to threaten and defame Dyer? Why is he so desperate in wanting Dyer to cease reporting?
    Are journalists in other local jurisdictions threatened like this, or is it just a MoCo thing?

  5. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Robert say QUesadillllllllllllllla.. lmfao... such a retard napoleon

  6. Andy Van Slyke9:26 AM

    This is the first iPhone I've been excited about in awhile. Looking forward to getting mine!

  7. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Great shout-out to EastMoCo. Superb local news site covering all things Silver Spring, Wheaton, Aspen Hill, Glenmont, etc.

  8. Hey, Woodmont, dare ya to say that using your real name.

  9. Woodmont10:21 AM

    I'd rather not be threatened, attacked and have my personal information published here by Dyer's psychotic stalker. You'd try to defame me as well. So, no, I won't give you that satisfaction.


  10. Even the ever-miserable "Andy Van Slyke" comment would have at least a modicum of authority if it wasn't written by a fictional character.

  11. Terpsucka11:01 AM

    I always laugh at how many people read this blog several times per day so they can bust on the author. Page views are page views, even if they're caused by morons with no lives ragging on someone they think is a moron with no life.

  12. I bet you say that to all the commenters on all the sites you read.
    Checking in on sites several times during the course of a day is normal. On some sites, commenters actually chat with each other in a friendly casual way. Some even bond. Some become friends offline.

    Today, for instance, I've been busy as can be -doing some holiday chopping, FBing up with relatives, cleaning the inside car windows, and straightening up while hubby's out at the new Thor movie.

    What's the problem with being real?

    Everyone can see that "terpsucka" is just "woodmont" in sheep's clothing.

    Ooops, gotta go. Washing machine is done. Time to hang the unmentionables.

    1. Terpsucka8:21 AM

      Lol no Terpsucka is not anyone else. I have no problem with people posting whatever they want in comments sections. I just wonder why people that clearly hate the guy spend so much time reading his blog. The nasty comments often start within minutes of his posts. I assume most people have better things to do than to haunt the blogs of "losers". But I can only speak for myself.

  13. Shopping, holiday

  14. Tom Thumb12:10 PM

    There are other self proclaimed news sites and blogs that all sing from the MoCo Council's hymnal. Feel free to visit those.

    Dyer is a local independent news publisher. Key word is independent.

    I don't get why Dyer's troll is rolling out his long list of perceived grievances here on an article about the iPhone.

  15. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Tom Thumb, another anonymous sheepshill sockpuppet singing praises to his unsigned self.

  16. Tom Thumb12:24 PM

    I'll sidestep the personal attacks.

    Anyone wanna talk about the iPhone?

  17. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Signed Dyer: "To the Montgomery County political cartel's chagrin, it still can beautifully display the leading news websites fighting the $y$tem in corrupt MoCo."

    #UnsignedDyer: "I'll sidestep the personal attacks. Anyone wanna talk about the iPhone?"

  18. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Agreed. Everyone who has a life is commenting on BB.

    1. Anonymous2:10 PM

      1:28pm = Your take on Dyer's commenters is basically "no one goes there nowadays it’s too crowded"

  19. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I actually feel bad for Dyer. Single, lonely, shaky and obsessive about Hans.

    1. Anonymous6:53 PM

      5:37pm I feel sorry for you. Single, lonely, shaky and obsessive about Robert Dyer.

      It's Saturday night and your mind is still on Robert :)

  20. Anonymous5:51 AM

    "Labels: Apple store, Apple store lines, Bethesda retail, iPhone X, iPhone X lines...Not Google News"

  21. Anonymous6:44 AM

    I made a truthful statement. Anyone can read past threads and see for themselves. I defended myself against untrue and defamatory allegations made by Woodmont." If you're going to delete the truth, at least also delete the false allegations.

    "Blogger Anna "Woodmont" at 10:21AM

    Oh, you mean like I've been? Nasty things like you've said to me? It's not so
    bad. It was Dyer who made the worst of the threats and comments. You remember, the whole coffee-table/brass knuckles/baseball bat/disgusting hobo stuff. I did have to take a break though. Commentville became about bashing me instead of the topic at hand.

    Don't be so scared. If a little middle-aged woman can take can you.

    10:43 AM"

  22. 6:44 comment was mine.

  23. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Yet, here you are again, terpsucka. Hmmm. You don't have better things either?

  24. Anonymous11:00 AM

    On a related note, remember a few months ago when some black guys filed a discrimination lawsuit against that Apple store? Did the case get thrown out of court yet?

    At least one of the plaintiffs had a long criminal history and it seems like a play for money.

  25. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Short on tech? Wireless charging, full screen phone, face recognition, you are evidently not a tech guy

  26. Anonymous8:09 PM

    "To the Montgomery County political cartel's chagrin, it still can beautifully display the leading news websites fighting the $y$tem in corrupt MoCo."

    Except that Bethesda Magazine looks much better.

  27. 6:52: Android already has these features. You are evidently not a tech guy. Certainly, the face recognition tech they are using is superior to Android, but it's not a mind-blowing advance worth over $1000.

    8:09: No, the BM site is extremely bloated and runs poorly on many phones. My mobile site is slick and works on every phone. Understandable considering I was years ahead on mobile, and they are still catching up.

    1. Anonymous5:12 AM

      Slick? Using the blogspot default template with the wrong time zone?

  28. Anonymous5:15 AM

    The main problem with the iphone X isn't the initial cost it's the cost of repair if you ever drop it - nearly $800

  29. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Bingo 5:15

  30. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I thought retards weren't allowed in Apple Stores.

  31. We didn't cover this because most of our readers have Jitterbugs.

    Proud of our interns.

  32. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Too cheap to buy a domain on GoDaddy for $10.
