Saturday, November 18, 2017

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at Bethesda Row

Christmas decorations are going up at Bethesda Row. Already now in place is the main Christmas tree, located on Bethesda Lane.


  1. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Why so damn early? It's not even Thanksgiving yet? Seems like it gets set up earlier and earlier every year.

  2. I'm with you, 5:06AM. They could have waited a week.

  3. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Little boys that threaten to beat people with brass knuckles get coal in their stocking.

  4. Anonymous7:41 AM

    "Disruptive innovation", i.e. sponsored content for Federal Realty.

  5. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Holiday tree, Dyer. Read the press releases. HO-LI-DAY. Ain't no Christmas in the 20814.

  6. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Robert, I understand you’ve lost seven times in runs for elected office - is it your belief that dead people are the reason you’ve lost every election you’ve ever ran in?

  7. Anonymous2:02 PM

    @11:16 It's always Hans Riemer's fault.

    1. Anonymous2:09 PM

      How so? Mr. Reimer has an impressive resume, has accomplished quite a bit during his tenure, and is your typical candidate (polished, wife/cute kids), but how is Robert’s inability to be seated over several elections, Mr, Reimer’s fault?

    2. Anonymous3:45 PM

      2:09pm can you list some of those accomplishments?

  8. 2:09: Hans, thanks for commenting. You know better than any of us that you have zero accomplishments in 7 years of office. That's why the Washington Post withdrew their endorsement of you before election day in 2014, citing that thin resume of 'accomplishment.'

    Not only has every one of your initiatives ended in failure and disaster, but even your colleagues on the Council (such as Roger Berliner) and in Annapolis have torn up your legislation and amendments right in front of your face. I was a witness.

  9. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Robert, let’s start with what he doesn’t do. He doesn’t rant about conspiracy theories, he doesn’t openly lie and twist facts, to the best of my knowledge he doesn’t threaten constituents with brass knuckles, he doesn’t make fun of people’s social-economic standing, and he doesn’t blame others for his inadequacies.

    What he does - advocate for fair priced housing, been instrumental on Purple Line issues, been a champion for the minimum wage, been a huge advocate for keeping green spaces.

    Oh, and he beat you by 40,000 votes. I’d say that’s an accomplishment, no?

  10. 5:00: Everything you described is all talk, no action. Anybody can talk. The Post rescinded its endorsement of Helpless Hans because they recognized he had no actual accomplishment.

    Advocate for fair-priced housing? Actually, he opposes most of the recommendations of the Tenant Work Group report that I have endorsed. He had no bearing on the Purple Line whatsoever. Elrich is universally-recognized as the guy who did all the actual lifting on the minimum wage - - twice. Having said that, Riemer's anti-business vote, and its impact on black youth and black young adults in particular (who already suffer from disproportionately high rates of unemployment in Montgomery County), will come back to haunt him next November.

    "Keeping green spaces?" LOL

    There are less square feet of parkland in Bethesda today than there were when Riemer took office in 2010.

    All talk, no action.

    40,000 votes is no accomplishment when there are more than that number of dead and moved-away voters still on the active voting rolls, available to illegal voters to cast illegal votes for Riemer.

    It's safe to say that the cemetery precincts came in strong for Riemer in 2010 and 2014.

    Actually, Riemer has engaged powerfully in conspiracy theories, such as after the 2016 election when he trashed the American political system, saying it was "against us (who's "us," by the way? LOL) from the beginning."

    Yep, George Washington and Putin fixed it for Trump! LOL

    Helpless Hans always "lies and twists facts."

    Clearly you've forgotten when he infamously did both in claiming Westbard was "a mile from two Metros."

    He also hid criminal activity in the DLC until after he was safely reelected in 2014. And the Washington Post has yet to do an expose on Riemer's inflated resume.

    Was Riemer youth vote director for Obama in November 2008 as he claimed, or was he actually terminated by Barry Obama that spring, before Obama had even clinched the nomination?

    Fact check: Four Pinocchios

  11. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Ha, bit. I just wanted to see your crazy conspiracy that 40,000 dead people voted for Hans. A bit of dyer’s Crazy goes great with my coffee. Isn’t it easier to just say you lost because the voters don’t like you?

    If all 40,000 dead people voted for Hans do you think he was a vamlpire in a former life? On a serious note, I love how you spew falsehoods - even if voter count was off, you have absolutely no proof which votes came in for who...if any.

  12. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Washington Post endorsements, Democratic primary - May 26, 2014:

    "Despite a sharp learning curve in his first term, Hans Riemer took the lead on measures to restore a key anti-poverty program and modernize the county’s approach to open government and online disclosure. He also stood firm in the face of bullying from unions, which threatened to unseat him for daring to help get spending under control at the height of the downturn. That was a trial by fire for Mr. Riemer, and he passed."

  13. 9:16: You are quoting the endorsement that the Post later RESCINDED, dumbass. Poverty has increased in the county since Riemer took office, and his "open data" initiative was so badly designed, it resulted in residents' personal information being exposed to hackers on the County's website. #Oops

    Riemer then topped it off by violating his own open data law. LOL

    5:51: Uh, the voting results are the proof of who the illegal voters cast their votes for. We also have the polling place data that shows incredible anomalies in 2010 and 2014 that benefitted Riemer.

    Dead people don't vote, idiot. Live, illegal voters vote using the NAMES of dead people still on the active voter list.
