Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Loft Living closes in Bethesda, will keep going online (Photos)

Loft Living's space is cleared out at 7215 Arlington Road in downtown Bethesda. The store specialized in designer-quality furniture at more affordable prices. It continues as online, although when I tried to visit the website as of this writing, an "unavailable due to maintenance" message was all that appeared. The vacant Loft Living space is now available for lease.


  1. Anonymous6:23 AM

    what's your point, 5:54?

  2. Anonymous8:52 AM

    You got scooped by bb on georges chop house, I am starting to believe you only look at press releases and copy other articles, because you ran 5 articles in a week on the exterior god awful pictures of georges and your competition got in the actual doors and got real good pics.. Scooped!!! Maybe you should try actually reaching out to the business owners and one day you will get the scoops to Dyer

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Dyer was pointedly not invited to the opening party at George’s. He also was snubbed by Peter Chang’s Q. Good representation from Bethesda Magazine at both. With all the animosity from Dyer in the comment section, who can blame them?

  3. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I stopped by last week and it was gone. Sad for Bethesda furniture lovers.

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Yes it has been gone a while before it was reported. I liked them a lot. Nice guy running the store too. Small inventory in store though.

  4. Anonymous2:19 PM


  5. Anonymous5:03 PM


  6. Anonymous7:24 PM

    At 8:52, who cares?

  7. Anonymous7:27 PM

    10:24, why do you come to read this blog? I think it's just to write nasty comments. Grow up, you're not in 7th grade anymore.

  8. 10:24: Who are you, and why were YOU invited to the George's party? How do you know Bethesda Magazine was invited? Who was there from the magazine?

    All questions you seem reluctant or unable to answer.

    Biggest question: Who was hurt more by George's Chophouse's purported "snub" of a Bethesda blog with thousands of local readers - Me, or George's Chophouse? Think about it.

    And after all Q did for Bethesda Magazine, they ended up damaging their business by claiming large glass panels would fall on diners as they entered the restaurant. Wow.

  9. 8:52: It was an inside job - remember the short-lived Caddie's deal? Duck Duck Goose? All were handed off to Bethesda Magazine. Not a scoop, just a hand-off.

    Again, you keep talking about the small-and-slightly-failing magazine being at the George's party. How would you know who was there? How do you know I wasn't there? If you were really there, it should be easy to confirm that by telling me who specifically from the magazine was there, right?

    Unless you are actually from the magazine...

    Think about it.

  10. Anonymous9:56 PM

    "Biggest question: Who was hurt more by George's Chophouse's purported 'snub' of a Bethesda blog with thousands of local readers - Me, or George's Chophouse? Think about it."

    I needed all of one-tenth of a second to think about it. LOL

  11. Anonymous4:03 AM

    To HAVE a friend you have to BE a friend.

    Good advice in all situations.

  12. 9:56: That's all the power your brain has - enough for 1/10 of a second of thought. Heckuva job, Brownie!

    Meanwhile, if you had an IQ higher than your belt size, you would know that the restaurant only hurt itself by snubbing thousands of residents who read my blog daily. Sad!

    Would love to hear the discussions and politics that drive these decisions, but meanwhile...SMH.

  13. No matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you think you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all. Integrity is everything.

  14. Andy Van Slyke6:30 AM

    Why does the Magazine blogger post here, touting his free meal from George?

  15. 6:30: I'm still trying to find out just how many free meals went to the small-and-slightly-failing magazine, but the guy can't answer. Proves he wasn't there that night.

  16. Anonymous7:19 AM

    So how many readers do you actually get, Dyer? You've never posted any actual numbers.

  17. Surprised to see Andy is still around. Miss me, sweetie? Your entire existence was to attempt to discredit me, which, BTW, failed miserably. I'm a real person, posting as myself.

    You, "Andy Van Slyke," are a scared little chicken, too embarrassed to use their real name.

    Robert Dyer at 6:33 is the epitome of my 5:19AM comment. Wait! What's that whooshing sound? Ahhh...His integrity soaring and deflating like a stuck balloon.

    Love and bacon,
    Anna Van Horn

  18. Roald7:57 AM

    So many people in Bethesda read Dyer daily, small businesses are eager for his coverage.

  19. 1 in 200.
    Reminds me of this insipid new tax plan. Which, BTW, will increase taxes for the majority of Montgomery County.

    "An average of $4,000 per person"

    If I have 10 apples and my four friends have 0, that's an average of 2 apples a person. Why are they still hungry?

    So if maybe Westbard has 95% of residents reading Dyer, the rest of the county might not read this blog at all?

  20. 9:36AM, why? How do they compare to the numbers Dyer shows us?

    I was responding to someone saying that on average, with his numbers, 1 in 200 county residents read Dyer.

  21. Andy Van Slyke11:36 AM

    10:20 AM Stay in your lane and leave site analytics to Dyer. You don't have his data. Full stop.

  22. 11:36AM - Are you trying to be scary? Halloween's over. Furthermore, no one ever says "Help! A giant anonymous is after me." Seriously, Pinhead or Jigsaw or even Dr Phibes would at least have some oomph to it.

    I asked a question for heaven's sake. Why does he delete readership numbers?

  23. Anonymous2:37 PM

    12:38 PM There are no "readership numbers" other than Robert Dyer's analytics.
    No one has cookies on Dyer's network of sites and is tracking other than his own analytics.

    You're either misinformed/ignorant or you're intentionally repeating something you know is untrue.

    Your defamation is tiresome.

  24. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Dyer has zero data to back up his claims regarding the size of his audience.

  25. 7:29: I have Blogger and Google Analytics data, both of which show several thousand readers daily. And those are local readers, not national readers lured in via Google News by a fake spam article on a hot national topic like Bethesda Magazine does. Between that and the paid advertising they use on Twitter and Facebook, the small-and-slightly-failing magazine's stats are wildly inflated.

    I don't claim to currently have 50000 or 100000 daily readers. But I do have several thousand. I'll let others inflate their stats - which you don't have access to, either.

    1. Anonymous5:32 AM

      Page views or unique visitors?

  26. Anonymous3:36 AM

    @2:37 PM - "There are no "readership numbers" other than Robert Dyer's analytics.
    No one has cookies on Dyer's network of sites and is tracking other than his own analytics.

    You're either misinformed/ignorant or you're intentionally repeating something you know is untrue."

    Cookies do not have a single damn thing to do with analytics in this case.

    You're either misinformed/ignorant or you're intentionally repeating something you know is untrue.

    1. Anonymous5:25 AM

      Let's be clear- Dyer has the only first party analytics for his Network.

      You have nothing.

  27. Anonymous5:33 AM

    "I have Blogger and Google Analytics data, both of which show several thousand readers daily."

    Sure you do.

    "And those are local readers, not national readers lured in via Google News by a fake spam article on a hot national topic like Bethesda Magazine does."

    You really resent them. LOL

  28. 2:37PM - You're right, I know nothing about web site analytics, I've never claimed I do. I wouldn't know where to start.

    That's why I ask questions.

    What I do know is numbers. And that's why I pointed out how "averages" can be misleading.

  29. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I'm waiting for the Wordpress template debate next!

  30. Steve9:19 PM

    I was at the George's soft opening party. We were well represented.

    As we were being seated, all I could think about was Robert Dyer- was he at the bar? at an nearby booth perhaps? Then the food started to arrive- gratis of course.

    My knife cut through the George steak like butter- totally rare- the juices and blood spurting out. My mind was still on Robert Dyer- was he also enjoying a steak under the same roof?

    Then the head chef entered the center of the dining room. We all turned toward him in our seats. He said, and it's still vivid in my mind, "Before we move to our second course, let me say-pointedly-that Robert Dyer was not invited and is not welcome here."

    My heart fluttered-chills through my body. I put my utensils and napkin on the table and rose from my chair-almost shaking. I slowly began to clap. Then my staff-hungry interns and all-rose as well. Next thing- the entire restaurant was risen, clapping in unison. No Robert Dyer. I can still taste the delicious George steak- even more tasty knowing that Robert Dyer was not among us. Editor's Choice indeed.

  31. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Just a reminder that 9:19pm's comment is purposefully bashing another local business for no other reason than to make a blogger happy. Could your business be next?

    Abalones (a snail) have 5 assholes.

    1. Anonymous8:59 AM

      7:08am Steve corroborated what some other Anonymous comments said happened.

      According to Anonymous and Steve, Dyer was bashed at some event (if you believe these reports)

  32. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Nah, "Steve" is dissing the owner of another local business. SheepshillSteve is insinuating the whole business came because of the free food and that his mind is always worrying if Dyer is around. Only being able to relax knowing he's not there.

    Everyone can see that we're dealing with a paid sheepshill here. Posting and posting against a local business and local businessman, that quite honestly, no one but Robert Dyer has an issue with. Only someone being paid, or a raving lunatic, would have the time to post this many defamatory comments on one website, day after day.

    1. Anonymous11:52 AM

      10:31am so, the earlier posts were lies that the restaurant said Dyer was intentionally not invited and that was a good thing because Dyer wouldn't be able to report on it?

      Because that's all Steve posted as well. He corroborated the Anonymous comments.

      Help me understand!

    2. Andy Van Slyke12:04 PM

      11:52 Agreed! If Anonymous' original claim was true, someone was looking to see if Dyer had attended.

      It's crazy that someone would have to check in Dyer was in the house, but that's exactly what Anonymous claimed.

  33. Anonymous12:53 PM

    "Everyone can see that we're dealing with a paid sheepshill here. Posting and posting against a local business and local businessman, that quite honestly, no one but Robert Dyer has an issue with. Only someone being paid, or a raving lunatic, would have the time to post this many defamatory comments on one website, day after day."

    10:31, you're plagiarizing! That's a direct quote from Robert Dyer. Only the italicized words are different. What's your point?
