Friday, December 15, 2017

Bethesda Nationwide office moves to Rockville

Nationwide Insurance has relocated from Cordell Avenue in Bethesda to 751 Rockville Pike in Rockville. They are in Suite 6-B. The new office is next to the Marlo Furniture showroom.
The vacant Bethesda office
is now for lease


  1. William10:18 AM

    9:41 - Umm. No. That location on Cordell Avenue has an open front. Dyer did not trespass to obtain those photos. He simply walked up an outdoor, public stairwell. I don't consider that trespassing at all. See for yourself.,-77.0989219,3a,75y,324.89h,89.4t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s0t3WF3k265aPLrEaR0t78w!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

  2. Anonymous7:34 PM

    It is NOT a "public" stairwell. The stairway and second-floor walkway, and courtyard in front, all pertain to the building, and are private property. Use is granted only for access to the buildings therein. Using those areas after business hours is trespassing.

    Also, the photo of the new Rockville office is an uncredited Google Street View photo.
