Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Chercher Ethiopian Cuisine & Bar opening in Bethesda

Chercher Ethiopian Restaurant & Mart, a Michelin Guide-recommended restaurant near Logan Circle in the District, is expanding to Bethesda. Chercher Ethiopian Cuisine & Bar will open soon in the recently-vacated Suma/Nest Cafe space at 4921 Bethesda Avenue. Their Washington, D.C. location has an enviable 4.5 star rating on Yelp.

The arrival of Chercher means that a town that currently has no Ethiopian restaurants will soon boast two; Dinqnesh Ethiopian Restaurant will be opening soon at 4865 Cordell Avenue. It is a spin-off of Silver Spring's well-established Lucy. Let the competition begin!

In addition to popular Ethiopian beef dishes, Chercher will also offer vegan, organic and gluten-free options. Although that block of Bethesda Avenue is less-traveled than those further east, Fresh Baguette, Pescadeli, Butcher's Alley and Bethesda Crab House have shown people will venture there for a worthwhile product.


  1. Anonymous6:39 AM

    I read the banner they have in front and was absolutely turned off. There's a market for Ethiopian, vegan, gluten free cuisine? Maybe in Logan Circle but not here. There's no way in the universe this restaurant survives. Zero.

    1. Anonymous8:47 AM

      I hope they do survive but yeah yuck.

  2. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Injera is usually Teff mixed with wheat. A Gluten Free option is simply the traditional Teff. Most of the other food is naturally gluten free. Many Ethiopian restaurants are starting to serve Teff for people who can't eat wheat.

    I'm looking forward to eating at both!

  3. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Agree with 6:57 - it's pretty easy for this restaurant to be gluten-free. Not hard to be vegan, either - if you use oil instead of butter and skip meat, you should be fine.

    When I saw the sign, the best part was that it said "Ethiopian cousine." Appropriate enough as the original is in Logan Circle.

  4. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Looking forward to it comming to Bethesda.

  5. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Sad that Bethesda isn’t ready for vegan and gluten free food based on these comments above.

  6. Anonymous12:42 PM

