Saturday, December 09, 2017

Kia Stinger Salon opens at Westfield Montgomery Mall (Photos)

The holiday pop-up Kia Stinger Salon has opened at Westfield Montgomery Mall in Bethesda. Located on Level 1 near Macy's, the interior design is as inspired by the Tesla Store as much as the non-sales, in-mall concept. One difference is that they are playing up the performance angle with the race car driver dummies in the front window. The Stinger is Kia's entry into the luxury sports sedan market, with a starting price of $31,900.


  1. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Robert reports on a crappy car while as usual the Magazine of record in Bethesda has the real story. Somehow Robert will change the subject, say something disparaging, or do something else stupid to try to fool the folks that he didn’t again....get SCOOPED.

  2. 5:47: This store opening is Bethesda news. The "real" story has nothing to do with Bethesda. I think the "magazine of record" is still trying to recover after missing the 7-Eleven redevelopment meeting Wednesday, Calypso & Boardwalk Fries & Vino Volo closing, Riemer arrest, and...oh yeah, Stinger Salon opening.

    You got served, old sport.

    1. Anonymous6:19 AM

      Way to change the subject, Raging Robert. Narcissistic rage?

  3. 6:19: It was 100% on-topic responding to your 5:47 garbage.

  4. Anonymous6:42 AM

    LOL. Every time.

  5. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Speaking of the magazine, the owner's Bethesda Blues and Jazz Club just had another tax lien placed on it for unpaid taxes. That's never a good sign (Bistro Lazeez had one also).

  6. Barwood Sucks9:43 PM

    8:11 PM You're trolling hard posting this crap here.

  7. 4:25: And people are scratching their heads at your crazy comment. Criticizing local leaders who want to whitewash the racist past and legacy of slavery of Montgomery County is the right thing to do. America shouldn't be aping the Taliban. Are you saying it is wrong to be proud of your race? Why would you "wince" at any person who was proud of their race? It sounds like you have issues.

    Who are my "white nationalist friends?" You sound unhinged, old sport.

  8. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Hey Dyer, if you want to remember the legacy of slavery in Montgomery County, there is a place for you to do that - Josiah Henson Park, right on Old Georgetown Road.

    Taking down a statue that was built with the intention of HONORING the defenders of slavery, is "whitewashing" only in your diseased mind.

  9. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Mr. Dyer, when the countries of eastern Europe tore down the statues of the hated Soviet-era leaders, were they "whitewashing"? Were they "Taliban"?

    Is the Confederate soldier statue that used to be in Rockville really comparable to the destroyed Buddhas in Bamiyan?

  10. Anonymous6:35 AM

    "lululemon has moved up the street to 4848 Bethesda Avenue"

    Two of your five(!) photos clearly show that the new address is 4838 Bethesda Avenue.

    You just sent confused lululemon customers to the North Face store.


  11. BABA BOOEY6:36 AM

    Who wants a Kia when you can take Metro?

    Metro? Good Lord, saith Dyer.

    Good Lord indeed! I'm a daily Red line commuter and can't remember the last time I had any major trouble. It certainly beats sitting in traffic!* So thank the Lord for providing -- and President Reimer for funding -- our world-class Metrorail system!

    *Speaking of traffic -- did anyone else see the study that body-slammed the idea of Dyer's pipe-dream Potomac bridge crossing through the proverbial coffee table? Not only would it not help traffic -- it would actually make matters WORSE!

  12. 6:32: It is different, because Montgomery County wasn't under the rule of the Confederacy for decades. The Confederate soldiers recognized by the statue were members of prominent families in Montgomery County. Brothers and neighbors are quite different from fanatical dictators oppressing and killing 20 million people, which is the record of Lenin & Stalin.

  13. 6:36: What study? Who did the study?

    Claiming you've had no trouble on the Red Line and use it daily pretty much shoots your credibility right there. Hans Riemer has nothing to do with Metro funding. Zero. zilch. But I hear he can see the station from his jail cell in D.C. Did they bail him out yet? At least the D.C. Council isn't in handcuffs!

  14. Anonymous7:04 AM

    "At least the D.C. Council isn't in handcuffs!"

    Yes, no member of the DC Council has ever been arrested in a protest.

    My God, you are a Birdbrain, Dyer.

  15. BABA BOOEY7:06 AM

    6:41: How often do YOU ride Metro, Dyer? I ride every day, twice a day, and rarely experience any delay at all.

    According to your pal Robin Ficker (currently in hot water, as I understand it), President Reimer has a direct role in Metro funding!

    I'll provide more info about the study when you give us a link to the document specifying the $22k security system.

  16. 7:04: I hear Riemer's prison nickname is the same as the one he has on the outside: "Helpless Hans."

    7:06: That is not possible. Ficker is not in "hot water," but he also knows that Hans Riemer does not vote to approve Metro funding as a councilmember.

    The beauty of the $22K wasted on the camera system by the Council, is that - as I reported - there IS NO DOCUMENT. They were able to hide the bloated expenditure within a line item of $32000 or so. If you weren't in the room that day, you wouldn't be able to find that expenditure in the budget. How many other such expenditures are there - it boggles the mind at what the total savings might be if we had a responsible councilman.

  17. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Hey Dyer - do you understand the difference between jail and prison? Anyway I doubt that Helpful Hans actually spent any time in a cell.

  18. BABA BOOEY7:27 AM

    @7:16: Ficker (who absolutely is in hot water -- "audience members cringed" -- yikes!!) has gone on record repeatedly saying that if elected to the Council he intends to directly impact legislative affairs in Annapolis. Therefore, President Reimer has that same type of influence.

    How do you know it's "hidden" in the $32k line item? What room were you in?

  19. Anonymous7:30 AM

    And Robert Dyer adds Forensic Accounting to his long list of imaginary careers.

  20. 7:18: Not as well as a jailbird like Riemer might. LOL

    7:27: I was in the Council chambers when a staff member identified the camera expenditure that was not on the staff report itemized budget. Only the larger ~$32000 expenditure was actually shown.

    so if you were just reviewing that report at home before the meeting, you would have had no idea there was that massively-inflated camera expenditure being approved that day.

    Ficker, if he wins, and Riemer, right now, can try to wield influence in Annapolis (they tore up Riemer's save-the-liquor-monopoly bill, though), but neither would be able to approve funds for Metro.

  21. Anonymous7:38 AM

    What was the $32,000 line item?

  22. Anonymous7:39 AM

    What is Ficker's position on the liquor monopoly? I searched and I couldn't find anything. Defending drunk drivers doesn't count.

  23. BABA BOOEY8:30 AM

    @7:32: At what Council hearing was this? The Council publishes video of all of their meetings online. I'd like to review it.

    And as far as County influence on State matters -- you were up in arms blaming the Council for the closure of the sidewalk during the Apex building demolition, which was along a state road. So either Council members control state matters or they don't. Seems you're (correctly) inferring that they do not.

    @7:39 Info seems to be scant but 37 years ago he wanted to do away with it.

    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Wonder when Ficker came to his senses and dropped Dyer? Interesting that he doesn’t back up Dyer and rarely comments here. Probably a smart political move to keep his distance.

  24. 2:18: Robin Ficker has made no such "move." He has shared many of my articles on social media. You are clueless.

    8:30: You are poorly informed. The Council had total power to prevent an extended sidewalk and road closure there when they wrote and passed the Minor Master Plan Amendment for the Apex Building/Purple Line station. They declined to do so.

    They also ceased applying pressure to the state to reopen it after a letter was ignored.

    These are totally different from claiming falsely the Council votes and approves Metro funding.

  25. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Ficker hasn't shared any of Dyer's articles on Facebook for four weeks now.

  26. 5:00: So what? He has not disavowed me anywhere. He just commented on my article a couple of days ago, you idiot. I realize you're shaken up by Hans Riemer's arrest, but that's no reason to start writing fan fiction about Robin Ficker.

  27. BABA BOOEY6:16 AM

    @5:09: Quit dodging. The question was: "At what Council hearing was this? The Council publishes video of all of their meetings online. I'd like to review it."

  28. 6:16: It says when it was in the article I wrote. Should be easy to look up.

  29. BABA BOOEY6:30 AM

    @6:24: Why do you refuse to just say so? Could it be because you're making it up?

  30. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Why afraid to leave the Ficker comment? Let him speak for himself...maybe we are a bunch of dotards and Ficker thinks your support and belittling of MoCo voters will help his election.

  31. BABA BOOEY6:55 AM

    Turns out he was making it up after all! Of the $34,500 appropriation, only $2,500 is for security cameras.

    Refer to the last page of this document.


    body-slams fake news through coffee table

  32. 6:55: That's not the official budget appropriation document, it's just a letter. That's not what the Council voted on, as anyone can see if they watch the meeting. The amount is clearly stated as $22,000 by the Council staff member. Stop lying.

  33. 6:38: For one thing, you keep adding defamatory comments about things I've never done, *******. You have done this before, "Bart Simpson anonymous Twitter account." You are facing a defamation lawsuit for your ongoing efforts to spread lies about me to social media followers, businesses, and now political candidates.

    Your m.o. is to tweet/respond to any person or business that shares my posts or seems to approve of me, and then say, Do you know you just shared the _____ of a ____[insert totally fake outrageous charge here]______? You've just helped him get traffic/I won't patronize your business now, blah blah blah.

    This is a textbook case of defamation with intent to harm.

    You are facing monetary damages and prison time as a result.

    When your identity is revealed, you will severely regret your actions, as will your employer.

    My best advice to you is to cease and desist while you still can.

  34. don't have written support your $22,000 amount either. Fake News.

  35. Anonymous6:52 AM

    "This is a textbook case of defamation with intent to harm.

    You are facing monetary damages and prison time as a result."

    Assuming (for the sake of argument) that you could prove "defamation", defamation is a civil offense. You can't be sentenced to prison for a civil offense.

    Also, the statute of limitations for defamation is one year. So you've forfeited any possible claims for anything that was said prior to December 12, 2016.

    That said, Hans Riemer should sue your ass off for everything you've said in the past year.
