Tuesday, December 19, 2017

MoCo Council to take another stab at criminalizing the homeless

The Montgomery County Council building is just overflowing with Christmas spirit, as the Council is taking the initial steps before the holiday break to criminalize the homeless. This isn't the first time, as the Council tried this previously in their last term, but ran into controversy, including a report from a national organization that condemned the effort.

With Council Bill 39-17, they will again attempt to ban panhandling in the County. The Council memorably claimed last time that the majority of those who panhandle are not actually homeless, but "professional panhandlers" who drive into the County each morning from out-of-state. That's probably news to the folks in downtown Bethesda and Silver Spring whose main wheels are shopping carts filled with everything they own.

What's driving the Council's mania to criminalize the homeless? Well, it may just have something to do with politics and the election year ahead. Councilmember George Leventhal has given himself loud credit for supposedly finding homes for every single homeless veteran in Montgomery County. The local media hasn't bothered to fact check Leventhal on that claim, and simply print it as fact. In reality, it's almost impossible to verify such a boast, which is probably why Leventhal is making it.

Now Leventhal has promised to house every single homeless person in the County by December 2018. Conveniently, that will be a month after the election, in which Leventhal is running for County Executive. Wouldn't it also be convenient to use a panhandling ban to clear the homeless from their most-visible perches on County roads, to make it appear as if they aren't there?

They've just banned circus animals, now the homeless...think they'll get around to dealing with that $120,000,000 budget shortfall anytime soon?


  1. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Panhandling can be very dangerous for the homeless and drivers. Around the country they account for a high percentage of pedestrian deaths involved with vehicles.

  2. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I witnessed two very near accidents from homeless people panhandling along busy streets and roads. While it doesn’t say it here, the council is working on passing two different bills that provide for assistance to the homeless (a new shelter and soup kitchen).

    Mr. Leventhal is indeed doing wonderful things for homeless veterans.

    Thankfully with a liberal and open-minded council like the one we are fortunate to have, the homeless will always have a voice.

  3. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I’m glad the Council is focusing on job creation, training programs and other similar initiatives for the homeless. All the council is doing is trying to protect the homeless and drivers/pedestrians. They are being proactive to avoid accidents.

  4. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Thankfully our liberal loving council is not listening to the church. If they did, then they would be republicans since the only republicans in MoCo seem to be supporting the church.

  5. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Isn't Robert Dyer the one who calls his readers "hobos"?

  6. George has done great work for the homeless in the County, and not just veterans. He worked to create a health care program for the homeless, and created the Housing First initiative to provide support and transition housing. Like, that's been one of his big passion projects since he was elected to the Council.

    As for the panhandling bill - panhandling is markedly unsafe for both pedestrians and drivers; a study based out of Austin found that 14% of the homeless who died by non-natural causes were killed in traffic accidents while panhandling.

  7. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Most of the panhandlers who work the median strips and exit ramps in lower Montgomery County are well-dressed and appear to be related to each other, probably Romani (Gypsies).

  8. Anonymous8:01 AM

    THEY SHOULD BAN PANHANDLING just alone on the safety issue. Dyer, of all people - I am surprised you do not support this.

  9. Anonymous8:04 AM

    M"They've just banned circus animals, now the homeless..."

    No one is "banning the homeless". Just saying that panhandling in the County's roadways will be illegal. You can still panhandle in front of Starbucks, and wander the streets of downtown Bethesda at 3AM.

    Also, "circus animals" aren't "banned". It's just illegal now to use non-domesticated animals in a paid performance. And the residents of Montgomery County want it this way.

  10. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Robert, the comments bring up some valuable points. Judging by the comments, it seems like the readers would prefer an article that has more facts and less bias and opinion. Thus far, it looks as if the comments are strongly in favor of the council’s efforts. Would you by any chance take out the bias and re-write your article?

  11. Anonymous8:27 AM

    I am 100% in favor of this bill. It is dangerous for everyone when people are standing on the medians and in the roadways collecting money. It also disrupts the flow of traffic. I recall needing to sit through a red light twice at the intersection of Goldsboro and River because it was taking a driver a long time to dig through her wallet. I honked my horn yet I was considered the "bad guy". There have also been a few deaths caused by panhandlers being hit by cars. I would be in favor of having this stopped.

  12. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I am in favor of this bill. Props to the Montgomery County Council for taking action on this issue. It's not criminalizing homelessness. It's anti-panhandling.

  13. Anonymous8:38 AM

    @ 8:25 AM - re-written without bias:

    "County Council Tries Again to Restrict Soliciting in Roadways"

    "Councilmembers introduced Bill 39-17, which will attempt to restrict soliciting in the roadways of the County. The Council tried to pass a similar bill in their last term, but ran into controversy, including a report from a national organization that condemned the effort. Councilmembers argued last time that the majority of those who panhandle are not actually homeless, but professional panhandlers who drive into the County each morning from out-of-state."

  14. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Robert, thank you for including the text of the bill. I note that the wording the wording prohibits soliciting in general (not just panhandling, but soliciting for charity or selling flowers or trinkets) and it only prohibits standing in a roadway in order to solicit. It does not prohibit soliciting from alongside the roadways ("sidewalk or unpaved shoulders").

  15. Anonymous9:10 AM

    There needs to be more focus on the massive revenue shortfall. It shows that the Council are inept leaders.

  16. Maloney Concrete9:16 AM

    I guess this will eliminate all types of folks fundraising at intersections.

  17. A few years back, every Tuesday I'd pick up work from a client (in Bethesda) on my way into the office. Each time I'd see the same woman panhandling at an intersection. She carried a distinctive sign.

    So one day, a Friday, I'm on my back to the office from a client in Laurel, and I see the same woman. At the intersection of Rtes 29 & 198. Same woman. Same sign.

    Wednesdays, I later noticed, her spot was Ga Ave & Conn. Ave. Same woman. Same sign.

    Then again, the old vet guy at OG Rd and 270 ramp is always so nice...

  18. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Moronic Concrete said:

    "I guess this will eliminate all types of folks fundraising at intersections."

    Did you bother to read the bill? It just makes it illegal to STAND IN THE ROADWAY while soliciting. It remains perfectly legal to solicit from the side of the road.

  19. Maloney Concrete11:08 AM

    10:40 AM most fundraisers like students raising funds for cures, firemen's boots, etc. are in the medians and streets. Presumably they would be illegal if this passes.

  20. Anonymous11:25 AM

    In response to Maloney Concrete, I hope that these student fund raisers are not standing on the medians or in the roadways. It is very dangerous. I wouldn't allow my children to put themselves in danger. For any cause. They can fundraise in safer areas at the side of the road or elsewhere.

    1. Anonymous11:35 AM

      I agree. I happily donate but not when they are in the street.

  21. Maloney Concrete11:29 AM

    11:25 AM I agree- but I still see folks fundraising on medians, running into the street when the light is red and trying to run back when the light changes to green. Very dangerous.

  22. Anonymous11:38 AM

    I hope that all in favor of this bill will go to the County Council website and contact the council stating that you are in favor of this bill. It is about time that this issue is taken care of.

  23. Anonymous12:26 PM

    12:03 PM No more biased than the pro-Council pieces on other websites, blogs, radio stations and newspapers

  24. Anonymous1:43 PM

    1:15 PM Yes, and all of the other failing blogs, sites, radio stations and newspapers distribute the latest feel good MoCo stories, as directed by various councilmen. That truly is sad journalism. Nothing worse than a journalist operating as a PR arm of government. That abandons every principle of a free press.

  25. Anonymous1:55 PM

    #UnsignedDyer @ 12:46 PM & 1:43 PM:

    Anonymously shilling for one's own thrice-failed candidacy for County Council is far worse than neutrally reporting on the business of the County government, I would say.

    Also, which "blogs" are "failing", other than your own, especially "Sam Eig", and on what do you base this claim?

  26. Anonymous2:48 PM

    1:55 PM Cheerleading for various councilmen and simply repeating their spoon fed theme of the day is doing journalism and certainly not being "neutral".

    Occasionally ask at least ask one tough question of government and get back to us. Shock everyone and do an investigative piece.

  27. Anonymous2:53 PM

    2:48 PM Correction to my 2:48pm post: Cheerleading for councilmen and being spoon fed the theme of the day is NOT journalism in my mind. I'm open to debate this however since there are enough blogs and self proclaimed journalists doing exactly this.

    It's lazy journalism, right out of the Patch handbook.

  28. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Do people with the kind of carts Dyer's talking about actually panhandle? He accuses others of failing to fact-check, without making factual assertions himself.

    Criminalizing an act is not the same as criminalizing someone's status.

  29. Anonymous5:45 PM

    "MoCo Council to take another stab at criminalizing the hoboes"

    "The Council memorably claimed last time that the majority of those who panhandle are not actually hoboes."

    "What's driving the Council's mania to criminalize the hoboes?"

    "Councilmember George Leventhal has given himself loud credit for supposedly finding homes for every single hobo veteran in Montgomery County."

    "Now Leventhal has promised to house every single hobo in the County by December 2018."

    "Wouldn't it also be convenient to use a panhandling ban to clear the hobos from their most-visible perches on County roads..."

    "They've just banned circus animals, now the hoboes..."

  30. Anonymous6:53 PM

    It's so weird what gets deleted here, and what doesn't. I guess Dyer likes the word "hoboes", but not "tramps" or "bums".

  31. 7:10: What Leventhal really wants is to be able to A) declare a fake "victory" against homelessness via a Communist China/Cuba-style round-up of the homeless to make them disappear, and B) ensure that all low/no-income people have no other source of income, sustenance and services than George Leventhal. All must grovel before his throne for what crumbs he will dole out in exchange for their servitude to him. The phrase, "delusions of grandeur" comes to mind.

    6:53: it's so weird that you hang out here 24 hours a day commenting, responding within seconds of your spam comments being deleted. #stalker

    3:58: I was the only one to report about this plan to criminalize the homeless. Shameful!

  32. Anonymous7:10 PM

    "What Leventhal really wants is to be able to A) declare a fake "victory" against homelessness via a Communist China/Cuba-style round-up of the homeless to make them disappear"

    Um, nope. This is about not having panhandlers or other solicitors wandering into traffic and endangering themselves and others. Soliciting is not prohibited along the sidewalks or shoulders of roadways. Your own link to the bill makes this clear.

    "and B) ensure that all low/no-income people have no other source of income, sustenance and services than George Leventhal. All must grovel before his throne for what crumbs he will dole out in exchange for their servitude to him. The phrase, "delusions of grandeur" comes to mind."

    George Leventhal really has Robert Dyer #Triggered. Such resentment. LOL

  33. Anonymous7:16 PM

    "ensure that all low/no-income people have no other source of income, sustenance and services than George Leventhal"

    I love how Robert Dyer reduces our entire County government, with a County Executive, 9 Councilmembers and approximately 8,000 permanent employees, to either "George Leventhal", or more frequently "Hans Riemer".

  34. Anonymous7:17 PM

    George Leventhal wants to make the homeless disappear by giving them homes. He is an evil genius.

  35. 7:17: No, he wants to pretend he gave them homes by making them disappear by criminalizing homelessness. He was condemned by a homeless advocate organization for his previous attempt four years ago.

    Look! The homeless are gone! I've solved homelessness! VOTE FOR ME!!!

  36. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Dyer's just reframing panhandling as a right because there will be so much more of it when his buddies in Congress dismantle the social safety net.

  37. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Criminalizing panhandling isn't criminalizing homelessness, nor does it mean the homeless will disappear.

  38. Anonymous7:34 PM

    And this isn't even "criminalizing panhandling". This bill would only prohibit panhandling (or other solicitation) within a roadway.

    It's worth noting that of all the Maryland Counties in the Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area, only Montgomery does not prohibit solicitation in a roadway.

  39. Anonymous8:10 PM

    This bill looks like a road safety bill. It prohibits panhandling only in a roadway and specifically okays panhandling from sidewalks and shoulders of the road.

    There are many things to criticize about Montgomery County and the current Council, but this particular blog appears to distort the legislation.

  40. 7:21: God, please. I have no "buddies" in Congress. The vast majority of Republicans on the hill are globalist turncoats and traitors to America.

    8:10: This same law was described by a non-profit organization as "criminalizing the homeless."

    7:31: If they can't panhandle, where will they be seen? The law is essentially a move to ban the homeless from public streets. Where else do you see the visible evidence of homelessness, unless you go to a shelter or into the woods to a campsite? Classic Pol Pot Sino-Cuban strategy of hiding the homeless. Twitter needs to ban these Neo-Khmer Rouge accounts that are popping up in Montgomery County!

  41. There was the shopping cart guy at the CVS at Bradley, the woman with the city cart around the woman's market and the guy who slept in the alley behind the Writer's Center.

  42. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Trump's signing the tax bill, which paves the way for an assault on the social safety net next year. Is he a globalist turncoat too? Or are you still a fan, despite your professed sympathy for the homeless?

  43. Anonymous1:28 PM

    1:30 -
    Wow, verbatim from dem talking points on twitter. They can always count on the sheep to repeat whatever they throw out there. MUH ASSAULt ON MUH SOCIAL SAFETY NET!

    And Dyer - this entire post is extreme hyperbole which you should be above.

  44. Anonymous1:32 PM

    BTW i saw a rockville pike beggar leaving his territory for the evening *carrying* his walker and walking like your average joe, blocks away from his spot. Yea, the same walker that he was using to move around slowly while collecting money.

  45. 10:00: You are loyal to a country other than America? Tell us more! If you are, you would find many fellow travelers on Capitol Hill.

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Says the man who is proud to be white and laments the fact that Maryland has removed confederate statues.

  46. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Dem talking point? Or Paul Ryan talking point?
