Saturday, February 24, 2018

Late notice posted by MoCo on shuttered Vino Volo in Bethesda

The Montgomery County health department is really getting around Bethesda these days, with more official shutdown notices posted in the last couple of weeks than I've seen in the last couple of years combined. This one is strange though, because Vino Volo has been closed for almost three months, and this notice was just posted in the last couple of weeks. The restaurant simply failed and went out of business; it was not closed for a health violation.


  1. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Yet they're always one step ahead of Robert Dyer!

  2. Vince8:12 AM

    Mr. Dyer is always ahead of the ineffective and corrupt MoCo government.

  3. Anonymous9:47 AM

    It's just a matter of time before Mueller indicts Dyer for laundering Russian money for the Ficker campaign.

  4. Anonymous11:01 AM

    The County government just said a restaurant closed for three months must close.

  5. Golden city has been closed for a while too...

  6. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Hyperactivity by the county for closing and reopening is fee driven for revenue

  7. Anonymous9:31 PM

    This is the same case as Bistro Lazeez. The permits get renewed on an annual basis, and if you don't renew by about this time of year, they put the notice about how you're in violation.

    So the notices were posted at every MoCo restaurant that didn't renew their licenses.

  8. Anonymous5:00 AM

    I would assume the real reason is that a liquor liscense is a legal document and the county is legally required to post notification when the liscense expires. Perhaps they closed three months before their liscense expired. Just In case the owner, or a tenant thought they could open pop up wine bar...

  9. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Dyer needs to watch where he stands when he takes photos of these notices. I've heard the MoCo Cartel has been building trap-doors in the sidewalks in front of the doors of these closed businesses.
