Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Small changes to Edgemont II high-rise plan, some action on Christopher condo's complaints (Photos)

Attendees at a required public meeting for the proposed Edgemont II residential building last night didn't hear any major changes to the plan introduced last year. Most notably, the number of units was reduced from 175 to 160. Several small changes and clarifications by developer Equity Residential were in response to comments made at that previous meeting, however.

Equity Residential's Ben Stoll said the facade treatments for the south side of the building were revised, the Woodmont Avenue sidewalk will get Bethesda Streetscape-design upgrades, and power lines will be buried. The building will still be 15 stories, but the gap between it and the existing Christopher condo tower is now described as being 43 feet. Several illustrations showed how the building will look from units in The Christopher that will face it.

Many in the audience were residents of The Christopher. Stoll had some news regarding their complaint last time that the rooftop machinery on the existing Edgemont building was generating excessive noise. He said they have done some maintenance on the equipment with those complaints in mind. Stoll added that they are also considering adding a screen to reduce the noise level as heard inside The Christopher.

Stoll said Equity's project, and the nearby ZOM project, will improve the pedestrian atmosphere. There still is no street-level retail to activate the area, which is quite dead after business hours, and fenced in by many walls - and buildings that present themselves onto Woodmont as walls. The design does have a graceful curve that mirrors the bend of Woodmont in front of the property.
Shadow study representing
9:30 AM on September 21
Equity expects a 2nd Quarter 2019 groundbreaking, followed by two years of construction.
September 21 shadow study
from a different angle

Shadows at noon on
March 21

Sample views of the Edgemont II
as seen from The Christopher


  1. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Nice update, Thanks.

  2. Anonymous8:01 AM

    It would have been extremely informative for you to provide the actual street address for this and any future development related articles when you address them. This makes viewing and analyzing the impacts, as a reader, from a more objective standpoint.

  3. 8:01: I have linked to the original plan which has the address.

  4. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Dyer will post several redundant photos but cannot be bothered to post the address. Weird.

  5. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Edgemont at Bethesda II at 4885 Edgemoor Lane. Mr. Lazybones.

  6. Anonymous3:30 PM

    WTF is that last picture supposed to represent?

  7. 3:30: It's one of the renderings of a view from a unit in The Christopher.

    9:58: Not a single redundant photo here, dummy.

    1. Anonymous5:30 AM

      Robert, you are playing right into the troll’s hands here. You do realize right that the content they bash you on is only a small part of or often not really the reason they do so. Replying in this defensive and name calling manner just fuels the fire. Don’t keep falling for it and reaffirming their beliefs and reasons for doing it.

  8. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Good report.
