Monday, March 12, 2018

Heavy machinery arrives at Marriott HQ construction site in Bethesda (Photos)

Things are ramping up at the 7750 Wisconsin Avenue site that will eventually host the new Marriott International headquarters and hotel. Heavy equipment was delivered to the site over the weekend. Major demolition work remains to be done. Marriott has previously predicted the actual construction of the new buildings will commence by July.


  1. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Another day, another rapidly-developing construction site in booming Montgomery County!

  2. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Any news on when the Bethesda Court Motel, former Tako Grill and the Blackwell Building will be torn down?

  3. Anonymous6:51 AM

    I think that they just finished the asbestos abatement on the Tako Grill and Blackwell sites. Last time I looked, they were still removing fixtures from the motel.

  4. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Dyer anonymously whines about "interns", but he relies on his readers to do his work for him, for free.

  5. Anonymous7:46 AM


    I believe they're currently pulling demo permits. Groundbreaking for actual construction is scheduled for June.

  6. Anonymous7:50 AM

    7:10 AM Your baseless claims that every comment that you didn't write is Dyer.

  7. Anonymous8:10 AM

    @ 7:10 AM here. I did not claim that any comments posted prior to mine were posted by Robert Dyer, nor by anyone else. However @ 7:50 AM foolishly outed himself by his own comment.

  8. Anonymous8:20 AM

    8:10 AM Dyer has stated he signs every comment and there is not evidence otherwise. He is very active here and on other platforms. Yet, you claim he posts anonymously.

  9. Anonymous8:46 AM

    " Dyer has stated he signs every comment and there is not evidence otherwise."

    Well, that's an improvement over "Dyer signs every comment."

  10. I know Dyer does comment anonymously. I've seen it with my own eyes. Once he posted a snarky comment under his own name and on the very next thread, one minute later, was posted the exact same comment by "anonymous."
    I immediately posted "Caught you! Dyer commenting as 'anonymous.' Guilty!"
    Within minutes both my post and the "anonymous" post disappeared.
    Before I thought to take a screenshot.
    But it happened. I know it, Dyer knows it, and now all of you do too.

    “Characterize people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words.”

  11. Anonymous11:02 AM

    @9:28AM... Where's the author credit for that famous quote?

  12. 11.:02AM My apologies. :) I should have posted it this way:

    “Characterize people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words.” - Unknown

  13. Anonymous12:27 PM

    12:20 PM Cool story, but you have no proof Dyer posts as anonymous. He is actively posting as himself, so I don't see why he would post as anonymous as well. Makes no sense. What is the advantage?
    Are you saying he doesn't go after Reamer or the cartel under his signed comments? lol. come on man. Dyer has gaslit you at this point. You've lost it.

  14. Anonymous12:48 PM

    "Reamer"..."the cartel"

    In case there was any doubt...

  15. 9:28: Not true. If a comment disappeared, it was probably a violation of comment policy, or you made it up. You have a projection problem, because you are the one who forgets your various aliases, and accidentally referred to articles on other websites where you had commented in a different persona. #Oops

    12:48: If you think I'm the only person in the County criticizing Helpless Hans Riemer, you obviously aren't engaged in local politics.

    7:46: That's correct. They can't demo until the permit requests are displayed in the windows for the required time, and permits are issued.

    1. Anonymous2:26 PM

      As has been asked before, where is this comment policy so we all actually know your rules?

    2. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Echoing 2:26 — I have asked the same question several times. Where is this comment policy you refer to?

  16. Anonymous1:02 PM

    "It was probably a violation of comment policy, which I made up."

  17. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Ha. I see that Dyer already deleted my comment at 12:20 proving that he comments anonymously. I appreciate the verification.

  18. 1:34: What does deleting a comment have to do with "commenting anonymously?" I would think the MoCo cartel would hire people smarter than you to do their paid trolling.

  19. How sad that you continue to delude yourself about me. You strike out like a cornered animal when all I've ever done is be honest with you. And apparently that confounds you.

    It'll be real embarrassing for you when you're publicly proven wrong.

    Some people are going to reject you, simply because you shine too bright for them. And that's okay...I'll keep shining.

  20. Karma is the universe's way of letting you know that you just thought you got away with it.

  21. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Who or what is this "MoCo Cartel", previously called "MoCo Machine", when were they established, and who is their secret leader, and why does Robert Dyer blame it/them for his lifetime of failure?

    1. 2:19pm spending your days and nights trolling a local news site is what a "lifetime of failure" looks like. Nothing for you to brag about.

    2. Anonymous12:18 AM

      And Elm you are doing the same thing? Lol.

  22. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Straight out of Kafka.

  23. Anonymous4:12 AM

    @ 2:19 PM - I see this term "MoCo Cartel" used repeatedly on this and on Robert Dyer's other blogs, yet nowhere else on the Internet. It seems to be this blogger's neologism, having meaning to Dyer himself and to absolutely no one else. I've searched And I can find no instance of Dyer actually explaining to his readers what his term means.

  24. Elm's BIG confession at 4PM. Plenty of volunteer opportunities out there for you, Elm. Your life hasn't been a failure. Don't despair, you'll find something else to do. We're all keeping our fingers crossed for you.

  25. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Ever notice how Robert Dyer frequently mentions China or North Korea when responding to his critics, but never, ever, has anything bad to say about Russia?
