Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Lebanese Taverna closing at Bethesda Row

Lebanese Taverna is planning to close at Bethesda Row, perhaps as soon as Sunday night, March 11, according to an online auction announcement. While the listing says the name and address of the restaurant are not yet being identified, the photos show the interior of Lebanese Taverna.

The Capital Online Auctions listing states that the restaurant is "shutting its doors," and making a "complete liquidation." Since the entire contents of the restaurant will be available for pickup by the winning bidders on Monday, March 12, it's pretty clear this will be the last weekend for Lebanese Taverna at Bethesda Row.

Among the items up for grabs are the restaurant's bar, a Sony 42" LCD TV, a 150" library rail ladder, fancy chandeliers and pendant light fixtures, and the ceiling-mounted disco ball. It's quite a loss, as this was one of the most beautiful dining rooms in downtown Bethesda - as well as the best smelling street corner in town, with the wonderful aromas wafting out of the restaurant.


  1. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Four days.

  2. Anonymous5:05 AM

    "It's quite a loss, as this was one of the most beautiful dining rooms in downtown Bethesda - as well as the best smelling street corner in town, with the wonderful aromas wafting out of the restaurant."

    A little late for #SponsoredContent, don't you think?

  3. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Closing March 10 as announced by restaurant.

    Also, looks like Shanghai Village is closing.

  4. Barwood Sucks5:56 AM

    Great opportunity to own a piece of your favorite restaurant!

  5. Anonymous6:03 AM

    One of these days Barwood Sucks/Rugby/Roald/Woodmont/Elm/Maloney Concrete/I Remember Giffords is going to sign in as "SS Penguin" by mistake.

  6. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Penang needs to move away before they catch Moribund Restaurant Cooties from all those other failed restaurants on that block.

  7. Anonymous9:12 AM

    I read this story last week, or month, in a more active publication.

  8. 9:12 AM Thanks. They call us "active seniors" now.

  9. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Robert, it might be time to talk a list of all the restaurant closures in downtown Bethesda. I occasionally go to downtown silver spring, and it's like black and white. Bethesda restaurants going out of business, while you can't get a parking space in the massive silver spring garages during the weekend. Federal Realty, et al, is succeeding at chasing the restaurants away with their high rents.

  10. Anonymous10:30 AM

    10:09 AM Agreed. Downtown Silver Spring is vibrant, youthful, and diverse on the weekends. A multitude of entertainment options: Fillmore, a multiplex cinema, AFI Silver, ice skating, Dave & Busters, a new library, independent coffee shops.

    This is everything downtown Bethesda isn't in 2018. The Bethesda plan doesn't seem to be creating the conditions for a more vibrant downtown.

  11. Anonymous10:54 AM

    10:30 is looking for youths and vibrators

  12. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Why report on this Robert? Bethesda Magazine already informed us of this better than a week ago. Why not just link to their article?

  13. 5:23: They absolutely did not report on the auction a week ago. More lies from a failed BS artist.

  14. Anonymous4:28 AM

    They didn't report on Kaldi's "auction", either.

  15. Anonymous10:07 AM

    4:16 Failed "recording artist" is the worst of all.

  16. Barwood Sucks10:23 AM

    10:07 AM was listening to Dyer on Spotify when typing that, yet publically can't accept that Dyer has recorded music :/

    More jealousy of Dyer? Doubtful 10:07am has any artistic talent- certainly could never produce an album.

  17. Anonymous12:33 PM

    @10:23 AM -- Anybody can pay money and record an album. In Bobbie's mind this makes him a recording artist. So be it.

    But note this review: "I have seen some people try stuff before to push what they actually can play, but I rarely see a person record it and make a CD. Not that Robert Dyer can't play, but the songs on this CD are filled with mistakes and miss playing. If I ever have a CD made for my band I would make sure that all the mistakes were corrected that happen while recording in the studio. On "Out For Revenge" it seems far from it. The songs could use a little bit more to them, if the mistakes don't annoy you the songs will bore you. There really wasn't much redeemable for this CD. Sorry to say, but these guys should start from scratch again, and make sure they are ready to record, and correct in the studio because this CD will not take them anywhere except for maybe to the cut-out bin."

    1. Anonymous12:44 PM

      12:33pm I think you lost your mind with your jealousy and resentment of Robert Dyer. You've been consumed by these same resentments for several years now.

      This negativity is part of why you'll never rise above your intern level salary.

  18. Anonymous12:48 PM

    That was actually a nice review of Robert Dyers recording effort. Consider this much shorter review: "1.0 out of 5 starsWhoa - This is BAD
    30 October 2004 - Published on
    Jeez! i mean, good lord! i cannot convey just how awfully trite and contrived and utterly BAD this CD is. The lyrics, the drums, the guitar ... ALL BAD.

    Sorry, dude, find another line of work.
    7 people found this helpful."

    Please also note that the last time this "Recording-Artist" recording anything for public distribution was 13 years-ago.

  19. Anonymous12:54 PM

    @12:44 PM -- My gratitude for the free psychoanalysis session. I feel so much better now having read your post. As to: "This negativity is part of why you'll never rise above your intern level salary." I have been fortunate to have risen in this respect a long time ago.

  20. Anonymous1:06 PM

    12:48pm/12:54pm is just a hater.

    "You'll never be criticized by someone doing more than you. You will be criticized by someone doing less."

  21. Anonymous2:30 PM

    "You'll never be criticized by someone doing more than you. You will be criticized by someone doing less."

    "I think you lost your mind with your jealousy and resentment of Robert Dyer. You've been consumed by these same resentments for several years now."

    "This negativity is part of why you'll never rise above your intern level salary."

    Says the guy with no income from his hobby blogs, and who has a dangerous obsession with Hans Riemer (who beat him in two landslides).

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      2:30pm it's politics, you hash out political differences. Many residents seem to think we need new leadership on the Council.

      You keep lying claiming you know Dyer's revenue. Now that's a dangerous obsession.

      Now, go back to your Robert Dyer playlist on Spotify.

  22. Anonymous3:14 PM

    "Many residents seem to think we need new leadership on the Council."

    Many more residents think that Robert Dyer doesn't belong on the Council.

    Votes for term limits for Montgomery County elected officials, 2016 - 68.3% in favor of term limits.

    Robert Dyer, for Montgomery County Council At-Large, 2014 - 80,991 votes/246,978 total = 77.2% against Robert Dyer.

    So it looks like many more Montgomery County voters want to see Robert Dyer kept off the Council, than want to keep the current incumbents from running again.

    "Now that's a dangerous obsession."

    Says the guy who responds to every comment critical of his hero/self Robert Dyer, within just a few minutes.

  23. 3:14: Laughable hypothesis, considering the local media didn't give me any coverage while giving my opponents limitless coverage. The incumbents were well funded with cartel money, have 6 taxpayer-funded TV stations and 1 Spanish AM radio station pumping out propaganda, and benefitted from rampant voter fraud, as revealed by Judicial Watch.

    The Washington Post had a press release from me with a comment about the Montrose Parkway East and boldly excluded me from the article, which was based on the same premise as my Amazon-watches press release days earlier.

    Give me a fair election, and I will crush my opponents.

  24. 10:07: You're still on the "self-proclaimed recording artist" talking point you used in 2014? Sorry, dumbass, having professional recordings released for purchase, even on a small independent label, makes you a recording artist.

    Being a recording artist doesn't mean you are a success, or a millionaire or world-famous, you testosterone-challenged ex-con. It's quite different from being Hans Riemer and claiming you were Obama's youth director responsible for his victory, when you were actually fired in the spring of 2008, before Barry had even clinched the nomination.

    That's actually a firing offense, but mysteriously, the Post and all other local media have chosen not to write about it yet. Interesting.

    You know nothing about the music business. I would destroy you in a guitar match-up. You can only dream of playing on any instrument what I've played on recordings, and that's why you are splitting your life between a dark bedroom computer and old-timer MoCo dive bars.

  25. Anonymous4:28 AM

    "The Washington Post had a press release from me with a comment about the Montrose Parkway East and boldly excluded me from the article, which was based on the same premise as my Amazon-watches press release days earlier."

    Your article was your own speculation. The Post's article was based on actual comments at the public hearing.

  26. Anonymous4:37 AM

    "Being a recording artist doesn't mean you are a success"

    At long last, a little bit of honesty from Robert Dyer.

  27. Anonymous4:48 AM

    "...benefitted from rampant voter fraud, as revealed by Judicial Watch."

    Nope, Judicial Watch did not reveal "rampant voter fraud", let alone that any candidates "benefitted from it". Over-the-top lying is not good "optics" for your campaign.

  28. 4:28: It was not about a public hearing. It was a Council meeting that was reported on. I submitted a press release well in advance with my comments regarding the folly of canceling the Montrose Parkway East while Amazon execs were in town.

    Every article about Hogan has negative attacks from his opponents - so should every article about the Council in an election year.

    The Post is currently functioning as the PR arm of the MoCo cartel.

    4:48: You're denying that there are thousands and thousands more names registered to vote than there are actual eligible voters in Montgomery County? If so, you are the over-the-top liar.

  29. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Judicial Watch claimed that there were more names registered to vote than actual eligible voters. They did not claim that "your opponents benefitted from rampant voter fraud". You are putting your words in their mouth.

    What Judicial Watch actually claimed, was that the number of registered voters as of November 2016 was equal to 103% of the County's adult citizens over the age of 18 per the US Census Bureau's 2015 estimate. That's approximately 23,000 alleged excess registered voters.

    Even if every single one of those 23,000 names had actually been used to vote illegally against you, that would still only cover less than half of the over 50,000 votes by which Riemer defeated you.

  30. 7:50: Illegally using the name of a deceased or absent voter is not the only way to commit voter fraud. Other tactics include poll watchers monitoring voter names who haven't come in to vote as Election Night winds down, tampering with voting machines/hacking results, excluding Republicans from debates, media voter suppression by claiming Republicans have no chance of winning, and blacking out coverage of Republican candidates.

    Combined with the anomalies found in 2010 and 2014 precinct voting results, the Judicial Watch findings reveal clear evidence of voter fraud.

  31. Anonymous5:44 PM

    "Combined with the anomalies found in 2010 and 2014 precinct voting results, the Judicial Watch findings reveal clear evidence of voter fraud."

    Judicial Watch said nothing about any "anomalies found in 2010 and 2014 precinct voting results".

    Also, they threatened legal action "within 90 days" if Montgomery County took no action regarding their claims. That was last summer. What happened?

  32. 5:44: I'm the one who found the anomalies. Judicial Watch found there were more people registered than actual eligible voters in the County.

    Maybe they were threatened by the MoCo cartel.
