Friday, April 20, 2018

Demolition begins for Westbard Self Storage (Photos)

Demolition of the auto repair building on the future site of Westbard Self Storage has begun behind the McDonald's on River Road. The project has provoked some controversy, as the property includes a portion of land being donated to Montgomery County, which is part of the Moses African Cemetery. Cemetery advocates had urged the County to require an archaeological study of the plot before allowing construction and demolition to begin. The Planning Board declined to do so. Many times, historic African-American cemeteries such as this can have gravesites beyond their property lines, because those borders are not always physically delineated.


  1. Anonymous5:18 AM


  2. Anonymous5:52 AM

    None of your previous articles on this facility are labeled under "self storage" and only one under "cemetery". If you're going to use labels, you need to use them consistently. This article appears to reference previous articles but there are no helpful links.

  3. Anonymous6:02 AM

    And this article does not mention Willets Branch.

  4. Anonymous6:04 AM

    You said "cemetery advocates" when what you meant was "NIMBYs."

  5. Anonymous6:06 AM

    @ 6:04 AM

    That is correct. It's the same false concern that the Chevy Chase NIMBYs had over that microscopic shrimp in order to oppose the Purple Line.

  6. Anonymous6:14 AM

    I don't understand why Dyer doesn't include, or at least link to, a picture of the plat of the cemetery, in every article he posts about it. His coverage would be more persuasive that way.

  7. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Shame I wasn't riding past you Dyer on the CT bridge when you were taking this pic (or one of your posse). The mark of my hand across your head would be still be showing hours later.

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      9:27am you forgot to login with your fake name!

  8. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Both Dyer and BethesdaBeat have totally missed the havoc at Wildwood as the Cheshire entrance is closed and construction begins on the new "Flower Child" restaurant

  9. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Hey Dyer - too bad you weren't awake this morning. The roof and the top half of that building were gone by lunchtime.

  10. 2:39: I was awake, and saw it myself. The roof climate units are just sitting on top of the big pile of rubble. There was still part of a wall remaining at the lower left corner.

    I broke the story, remember?

  11. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Dyer @ 2:39 PM - You saw it all? Well, why haven't you posted some pictures? A video clip, or even better, a GIF or two of the building coming down would have been a lot more impressive than a still photo of a backho just taking out a small chunk of the corner.

  12. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Also, a map showing the location of the building would have been helpful. It's not visible from River Road and just barely visible from the Trail. I doubt anyone who doesn't eat at that McDonalds on a regular basis has even noticed that building.
