Friday, April 06, 2018

Escalator madness at Friendship Heights Metro station (Photos)

Escalator "modernization" continues at the Metro station with one of the longest escalator outages in Metro history, Friendship Heights. WMATA says they currently expect the Western Avenue bus bays-to-middle landing escalator to be back in service on December 30 of this year. The longer escalator between the middle landing and the mezzanine is expected to reopen on July 18. Stay tuned!


  1. Anonymous7:12 AM


  2. Anonymous7:17 AM

    That escalator is entirely within the District of Columbia.

  3. Anonymous7:57 AM

    A bit off topic, but any idea what is going on above the extensive scaffolding at the upper landing of the long Bethesda Metro Statio escalators?I see they have some very heavy duty scaffolding that seems way more complicated than if they were just reinstalling the former linear metal celiling system that was removed during the escalator replacement. I had heard that there was a leak in that ceiling as well. It seems that the contstruction of whatever is up there is taking a very long time.

    I know that Brookfield has proposed lots of new work with the proposed Metro Center 4 project, including some bus bay and Metro Station access area renovation at the top of the escalators, but this i don’t believe that has not been entitled yet.

    Any idea on what’s going on there?

  4. BABA BOOEY10:35 AM

    Well, I found the "flyer" and I think this quote pretty much says it all:

    "Also, many responses did not address the question and instead made negative attacks."

    Scroll to page 9:

  5. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Robert - your readers are beating you up. If this is a gauge of your likelihood in winning Council, it’s looking pretty bleak. And Anna hasnt even made you look dumb yet...

  6. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Wonder if Dyer will close this thread as well?

  7. Shmethesda Bag-O-Beans4:11 PM

    Thanks, @ 10:36 AM. Bookmarked!

    "Robert Dyer (R): (1 1/2 stars out of 5)

    "The responses in his questionnaire showed a clear misalignment with our neighborhood priorities. This candidate testified in opposition to the White Flint Sector Plan. Also, many responses did not address the question and instead made negative attacks."

    "– Dan Hoffman, RCA President"

    It's also worth noting that of the candidates for the At-Large seat, Riemer was not at the top - he was fourth of the eight listed. In order: Marc Elrich (4.5 stars), George Leventhal (4.5 stars), Jane de Winter (4 stars), Hans Riemer (4 stars), Duchy Trachtenberg (4 stars), Nancy Floreen (3.5 stars), Becky Wagner (3.5 stars), Robert Dyer (1.5 stars).

  8. Anonymous5:53 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Like minds, 5:53PM! I went back and found my original argument from ages ago.

    "If they are a 501(c)(3) (tax code for many charitable orgs including churches) they cannot involve themselves in any political activities.

    But, if they are a 501(c)(4), a social welfare organization, they may get involved in some political activity. It just can't be their primary activity.

    See the comparisons on this chart:

    Now, delving further, it seems that clarifications, including Rev. Rul. 2004-6, 2004-4 I.R.B. 328 (revenue ruling) seem to indicate that a free community HOA newsletter, even if it includes some political activity, is not a violation of their non-profit status.

    Maryland campaign finance laws agree with this assessment. (State campaign laws over-ride local jurisdictional campaign laws so I went directly to state statute)

    So, it could be dependent on their IRS-approved code status when they were accepted as a non-profit. 9 times out of 10, a HOA is a 501(c)(4), and in that case, the mention in a community newsletter is allowable.

    (BTW, I was already researching code sections this morning and took on this tangent. Sad, huh? My 6AM reading material? IRS code?)

    5:03 AM"

  10. Then it seems Dyer gave me flack about the wording of "social welfare organization" and I followed up with:

    "Well then, Mr Dyer, what code section DOES the HOA operate under? You need to know that first. Before you can attribute ANY rules. There's an entire chapter on HOA and Tenant Associations, HERE, in the IRS booklet entitled IRC 501(c)(4) Organizations :

    See page I-25: bullet points 3 & 4
    *Organizations exempt under IRC 501(c)(4) may engage in germane lobbying activities without the restrictions imposed on IRC 501(c)(3) organizations.

    *Since the test for exemption under IRC 501(c)(4) looks to the organization's primary activities, an organization exempt under IRC9:00 PM 4/6/2018(4) may engage in substantial non-exempt activities.

    I stand my ground.
    Signed, 5:03AM"

  11. Anonymous6:12 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Married at 44 and 36 respectively? That seems rather old in 1970.

  13. Anonymous7:22 PM

    "Montgomery County has the lowest rate of growth of new business establishments in the region since 2000. Only the tiny City of Falls Church has fared worse, and think of how small they are in relation to Montgomery County (they have only 15,000 residents vs. our 1.4 million)."

    Robbie doesn't seem to understand what the word "rate" means. It is relative to the size of the jurisdiction.

  14. Anonymous7:53 PM

    These reports showing the stagnation of the MoCo economy are devastating.

    When the downward trends started is telling.

  15. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Remember, Dan Hoffman was rewarded well for his illegal political hit piece. Got a comfortable position doing nothing for years.

  16. Anonymous8:27 PM

    "Got a comfortable position doing nothing for years."

    "What is the genesis of your resentment?", as you like to say here, often?

  17. Anonymous8:35 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Anonymous8:50 PM

    8:22pm I can't imagine it's proper to lie about a candidate and then mail those lies via a Civic association?

    The flyer speaks for itself. Pretty damning.

  19. Wow. This is unprecedented in Montgomery County political history - a self-proclaimed Hans Riemer supporter, from the local Democratic party, stalking, researching, doxxing and ridiculing family members of an opposing candidate.

    Everybody witnessed this, something I don't believe has even happened in New York or Chicago, much less Montgomery County.

    I'm leaving this up until I can get full screenshots, and so people can see what kind of bottom feeders are currently ruling Montgomery County. This is big news, and has also put the troll in further legal, criminal jeopardy once his identity is revealed.

    What a day it's been, with the revelations of just how moribund the County economy is setting off the troll, and then he goes nuts and attacks my family - including a deceased member of the family! - doxxes, attacks, insults. Both of today's developments will now be very, very useful in my campaign.

    It was a shameful, disgusting attack on my family, but wait until the public hears about this during the campaign - an attack on an opposing candidate's family by a Democrat, self-proclaimed Hans Riemer supporter.

  20. 8:22: All of what you quoted there were false statements by Dan Hoffman. How would statements about protecting the neighborhood possibly be characterized as "a clear misalignment with our neighborhood priorities?"

    RHCA is not a 501(c)4 organization. The FBI and IRS will be very interested to read that newsletter, to say the least.

    It's been a terrible, no good day for you. We now know that you either have no job, or, most likely, these type of internet attacks ARE your job, in the employ of the Council/MoCo cartel. You've literally spent an entire workday trolling here, conducting investigations of my parents(!), and doxxing and attacking my family.

    I look forward to your perp walk in front of 100 Maryland Avenue. Some councilmembers will be perp walking with you that day.

  21. 6:07: If you actually believe RHCA is allowed to campaign using RHCA funds, God help your tax clients! What other totally false information are you telling them? Or are you the self-checkout expert now? Or the recording engineer? Who are we talking to tonight? "Wrol"? "Riff Rafferty?"

  22. Anonymous10:06 PM

    1) "The responses in the candidate's questionnaire showed a clear misalignment with our neighborhood priorities.

    2) "This candidate testified in opposition to the White Flint Sector Plan."

    3) "[M]any responses did not address the question and instead made negative attacks."

    The comments in the flyer speak for themselves, and they're pretty damning for Robert Dyer.

    Yet Dyer just can't stop digging the hole deeper, by falsely accusing Hoffman of violating campaign and tax laws, and falsely claiming quid-pro-quo in subsequent employment.

  23. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Robert, maybe you could post the answers that you submitted to the questionnaire from RHCA?

  24. Anonymous10:16 PM

    "I'm leaving this up until I can get full screenshots,"

    How long does it take you to "get full screenshots", you technical ignoramus?

    "I look forward to your perp walk in front of 100 Maryland Avenue"

    "The FBI and IRS will be very interested to read that newsletter, to say the least."

    Put up or shut up, Dyer. You've been saying this for a decade now. You're such a pathetic paper tiger.

  25. 10:06: The comments in the newsletter are verifiably false. Hoffman indeed violated campaign and tax laws in attacking me in a RHCA-funded newsletter, and he was a financial contributor and endorser of Hans Riemer at the time.

  26. 10:16: The FBI and IRS have powers I don't, and they will make short work of you.

  27. I want people to witness what you've done today, which according to you, is being done on behalf of the Hans Riemer campaign - a vicious attack on my family. It was a big mistake on your part, and most regrettable. Voters are going to be very interested to hear about this attack.

  28. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Mr. Dyer - The RHCA "flyer" gave a higher recommendation for Marc Elrich and George Leventhal, than for Hans Riemer. Yet you are utterly fixated on Hans Riemer. Could you please explain this?

  29. 11:07: It was Dan Hoffman who was "utterly fixated on Hans Riemer," having formally endorsed him that year, and even making a financial contribution to his campaign. Then used the RHCA-funded newsletter to attack and make false statements about me, Riemer's opponent. Can you and Hans please explain this to the FBI and IRS?

    And also why you, another operative for Riemer, are researching, threatening and doxxing family members of one of Riemer's opponents this year? The FBI will find those answers of interest, as well.

    Get used to wearing orange.

  30. 9:54 Now who is the one slandering another on your little blog?
    It just ticks you off that I can see through your BS

    Underestimate me.
    That'll be fun.

  31. 9:54PM - That type of comment, sir, is what defamation cases are built on.

    Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack.

  32. 5:01: More threats? What a 24 hours it has been. I am not intimidated by you, sir, or anyone else.

  33. You just can't accept that I'm exactly who I say I am. You habitually infer that I'm something or someone I'm not. Why do you do that?

    That doesn't say much for your judgement.

  34. It's called Karma. And it's pronounced

  35. 5:14: Clearly you never considered that karma also applies to you, given your poor treatment of others who are trying to make the community better, people who aren't just taking pot shots from behind a computer at people who are out there actually doing something.

    It's pronounced Baba Booey.

  36. BABA BOOEY6:47 AM

    You rang?

    For your information, I found that newsletter in about 7 minutes while eating lunch. At my job, which is related to neither Mr. Reimer nor anything to do with the County. And I am not “a self-proclaimed Hans Riemer supporter.”

  37. Baloney Concrete7:00 AM

    Why are comments disabled on the restaurant post? Is it so than nobody can point out the fact that yet another establishment is opening in Montgomery County? That you clearly got yesterday’s story wrong by failing to make the distinction between net and new?

  38. Bob Abooey7:08 AM

    "people who aren't just taking pot shots from behind a computer"
    Like you do?

  39. 7:08: Nope, I speak under my own name, and am engaged in the public arena. You're hiding as "Anonymous," old sport.

    6:47: You must have been eating lunch in Riemer's office, or the office of one of his sugar daddies. At any real job, you would have been terminated yesterday afternoon for literally spending your whole day trolling my site.

    7:00: LOL You got it "wrong," dumbass. Apparently, your Pre-K reading level was unable to comprehend the clear facts in the article. You failed to make the distinction that new business enterprise growth has nothing to do with net, but that the net number of new enterprises between 2011-2016 is all about net.

    Montgomery County was the big loser on both statistics.

    You are the weakest link. Bye bye.

  40. Blogger Anna said...

    I'm good with my karma. I've posted nothing I wouldn't say to you face. You, on the other hand, have assailed me, threatened me, gone to other sites to trash me, questioned my business acumen, and suggested, in print, I disrespect the IRS, with whom i am licensed.

    “With integrity, you have nothing to fear, since you have nothing to hide. With integrity, you will do the right thing, so you will have no guilt.” Zig Ziglar

    5:36 AM

  41. Anonymous8:14 AM

    A couple more points:

    1) The RHCA Echo is not an "election flyer". It is a newsletter published seven times each year for that community. The Council candidate endorsements was just one of nearly 20 articles in the same issue, 18 of which had nothing to do with the election (the other election-related article was a notice of the Council candidates' debate that the RHCA hosted).

    2) The Echo gave a higher level of endorsement to Roger Berliner (5 stars), Mark Elrich (4.5 stars) and George Leventhal (4.5 stars), than it did to Hans Riemer (4 stars). Also, two candidates who received the same level of endorsement as Riemer - Jane De Winter and Duchy Trachtenberg - were defeated in the election. Nancy Floreen (3.5 stars), received more votes than George Leventhal (4.5 stars). So the endorsements in the Echo didn't have some mysterious magical powers to sway the election.

    3) The Randolph Hills community has a population of approximately 3,000 residents. Montgomery County's voting-age population is 76.6% of the total. Turnout in the 2010 election County-wide was 24.6%. Based on those three numbers, we can estimate that 565 residents voted in the 2010 election. Even if all residents who voted in Randolph Hills in 2010 had voted for Robert Dyer, that would have not put a significant dent in Robert Dyer's 83,357 vote loss to Hans Riemer (as well as his larger margin of loss to George Leventhal, Nancy Floreen and Marc Elrich).

  42. Baloney Concrete8:15 AM

    We cannot draw conclusions about the number of new businesses simply by analyzing the number of openings & closings. Let's look at an example:

    COUNTY A: 100 new businesses open, 80 businesses close. Net growth: 20.

    COUNTY B: 30 new businesses open, 5 businesses close. Net growth: 25.

    Which county had more new businesses open?

  43. When is your next campaign event? I'll have a few questions for you. Hope you are prepared!

  44. Anonymous8:21 AM


    Wrong. No private records have been published here. Just information from The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Gazette, Zillow, US Census, Maryland Judiciary Case Search... and your own campaign website. All public information.

    So who is "Treasurer - D. Dyer"? Why is the name not complete? I'm pretty sure that there is a legal requirement to do that. And is this a family member?

  45. Anonymous8:29 AM

    "Hoffman...used the RHCA-funded newsletter to attack and make false statements about me, Riemer's opponent."

    Why do you describe yourself as only "Riemer's opponent"? Why not "Elrich's, Leventhal's and Floreen's opponent" as well?

    Again, the text from the Echo:

    1) "The responses in his questionnaire showed a clear misalignment with our neighborhood priorities."

    2) "This candidate testified in opposition to the White Flint Sector Plan."

    3) "[M]any responses did not address the question and instead made negative attacks."

    Which of these statements is false?

    "RHCA is not a 501(c)4 organization."

    What type of entity is it, then?

  46. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Robert Dyer writes above:

    "11:07: It was Dan Hoffman who was "utterly fixated on Hans Riemer," having formally endorsed him that year, and even making a financial contribution to his campaign. Then used the RHCA-funded newsletter to attack and make false statements about me, Riemer's opponent. Can you and Hans please explain this to the FBI and IRS?"

    Note however:

    1. On November 27, 2012 Dyer wrote: "According to Maryland Campaign Finance records, in 2010, Hoffman contributed to councilmembers Roger Berliner, George Leventhal, Marc Elrich, and Hans Riemer."

    The only one apparently fixated on Hans Riemer is Robert Dyer.

    2. On November 27, 2012 Dyer wrote: "...the newsletter that was mailed did not contain actual candidate statements. Instead, it featured highly-subjective critiques of candidates by several writers, including Hoffman.

    The candidates Hoffman donated to were presented favorably in the mailing to residents. But Hoffman himself wrote a misleading and negative statement about at least one of their challengers, who also was an outspoken opponent of the White Flint Sector Plan.

    So when Hoffman wrote you were opposed to the White Flint Sector Plan, he was entirely correct to do so. What is "misleading and negative" in this statement?

    The whole matter was six years ago, was not at the direction of Hans Riemer, and you appear completely unhinged to suggest the FBI should investigate and "perp walk" Hoffman and Riemer.

  47. BABA BOOEY8:30 AM

    Dyer @ 9:52 PM Dyer Time / 12:52 AM Eastern Time: "RHCA is not a 501(c)4 organization."

    In news that will surprise absolutely no one: Mr Dyer's statement is incorrect. Here's their Form 990:


  48. Anonymous8:36 AM

    @ 8:30 AM - +1


  49. Anonymous8:40 AM

    The Echo actually has a funny April Fool's article in their most recent issue. I LOL'ed.

  50. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Next task for the Fact-Checkers - verify Dyer's attendance at UMCP.

  51. Anonymous9:07 AM

    @8:42: Mr. Dyer graduated cum Laude (well done, sir!) in 1998:

  52. Anonymous9:07 AM

    From reading Dyer's last several comments, it seems that community leaders are no longer allowed to contribute their own money to candidates of their choice.

    Kind of like when Dyer accused George Leventhal of "using taxpayer dollars" in his pursuit of a Ph.D.

  53. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Good to know he's not fabricating his educational experience.

    But "1998"? He would have been nearly 27 at the time of graduation. I guess he was on the slow plan.

  54. Anonymous9:30 AM


  55. Anonymous9:30 AM


  56. Anonymous10:09 AM

    "In terms of a 'Robert Dyer' album that was officially released under my name, in 2000. It was recorded at Avalon Sound Studio in Bethesda."

    Robert Dyer's illustrious musical career - one album in 46 years. LOL

  57. Anonymous10:17 AM

    I noticed Dyer walking on Wisconsin last night around dust with his "possy" with Robert in the middle holding court. #RETARDSUNITE

  58. Anonymous10:42 AM


  59. Cav_Grad12:13 PM

    The piece on MoCo having the lowest business growth rate in the region has really set people off. It's going to be a long election season if the Council and staff is overly sensitive to legitimate criticism.

    Robert Dyer is an important voice and will continue reporting, despite the threats. I do wonder if journalists in other DC area municipalities are regularly personally threatened as well for skeptical reporting of their government? Potentially a big story that I expect to see develop this year when we hear more about who is behind these online threats.

    Your life as a journalist is certainly more comfortable if you don't question the government you're covering. "Go along to get along" means more access, retweets and praise from elected officials, etc. That's great but please don’t go after journalists like Dyer who are demanding accountability from people in power.

  60. Anonymous12:22 PM

    While "Cav_Grad" was giving Dyer Attaboys, Dyer was deleting the links to the RHCA Echo which showed that his claim about the "flyer" was false, and deleting the links that showed that 501(c)(4) organizations can participate in political activity to some degree, and which documented that the Randolph Hills Civic Association is in fact a 501(c)(4) organization.

  61. Anonymous12:35 PM

    12:22 PM A flyer attacks one candidate by mis-representing his positions and is sent to every home. And you think that's a good thing for our democracy and local elections?

  62. Anonymous12:41 PM

    It was not a "flyer", it was an article (one out of approximately 20) in a bimonthly newsletter, and it didn't misrepresent anything that Dyer said.

    1) "The responses in his questionnaire showed a clear misalignment with our neighborhood priorities."

    2) "This candidate testified in opposition to the White Flint Sector Plan."

    3) "[M]any responses did not address the question and instead made negative attacks."

  63. Anonymous12:50 PM

    12:41 PM You're taking one side, Mr. Hoffman's. Is the "questionnaire" available to confirm what Mr. Hoffman says? Hoffman is a partisan, let's be honest, he's not going to say nice things about the resistance.

    What is a "negative attack"? Seems like some here think discussing MoCo's anemic business growth is a negative attack, when it's just fact.

  64. Anonymous1:04 PM

    The questionnaire is at the end of the article, bottom of page 9.

    Perhaps Dyer could post the answers that he sent, here.

  65. Anonymous1:16 PM

    All these claims about Riemer's henchmen and interns. Do Council members even get a full-time staff?

  66. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Roger Berliner (D): 5 Stars

    "Councilmember Berliner’s responses to our questionnaire demonstrate a
    strong record of service to the neighborhood. His work on retaining the growth
    policy tests related to school capacity, his attention to our parks, his work on
    the MARC station location, and the responsiveness of his staff clearly indicate
    a strong alignment with issues important to our community."

    – Christiana Drapkin, RCA Secretary

    Marc Elrich (D): 4.5 Stars

    "Strong support for Bus rapid Transit (BRT) and an understanding of challenges
    with our schools balanced out some votes that were counter to RCA
    positions (initially voted against our preferred MARC station location). Councilmember
    Elrich has also made himself available to our community, either by
    attending meetings in-person or sending his staff (often on short notice)."

    – Chad Salganik, RCA Vice President 1

    George Leventhal (D): 4.5 Stars

    "Responses in the ‘Accomplishments’ and ‘Engagement’ queries demonstrated
    a strong knowledge of our neighborhood and a solid working relationship
    with the RCA. When the need arose, he supported motions related to the
    MARC station location. Leventhal also played a strong role in promoting BRT."

    – Matt Tifford, RCA Past President

    Hans Riemer (D): 4 Stars

    "Hans Riemer is a transit and cycling advocate with a track record of engaging
    youth and seniors. He also has been supportive of organizations like the
    Citizens League of the Montgomery County, and worked closely with some
    members of our RCA leadership. His positions are also in-line with ours when
    it comes to school size and land use."

    – Brian Hooker, RCA Director

    1. 1:17pm that was Hoffman's positive spin on Riemer.

      Then, the reality after his term:

      Hans is a "first-termer with modest achievement"
      - The Washington Post

      "Hans Reimer Arrested"
      - The Washington Post

  67. Baloney Concrete4:03 PM

    What I find fascinating is that Dyer and the Attaboys (hmm, that's a pretty good band name) always claim it's "the Council and paid staff" who are the ones voicing contradictory information around here. I'm just a voter who happens to think Mr. Dyer is wrong about pretty much everything, and so I take a little time to point it out. If he's going to publish a blog for all to read, then he should expect criticism when his statements don't match reality; and if he's going to run for public office, he should expect scrutiny of his background. Neither of these things constitute "attacks." Get a grip.

    1. Rugby4:53 PM

      4:03pm political debate is fine, but no one wanted to debate the poor business growth statistics for MoCo.

      The troll obviously wanted to divert from the topic at hand. I can't blame him.

  68. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Dyer and the Attaboys keep pushing the idea that the endorsement of candidates was in a "flyer", implying that it was a one-time publication made at a high cost to RHCA. The reality is that it was a 2-page article in a 16-page magazine which is distributed 7 times a year. The marginal cost of publishing the article listing the endorsements of the candidates was trivial.

    And they keep lying about what political activities are prohibited to entities such as RHCA.

  69. Anonymous4:17 PM

    "Hans Reimer Arrested"
    - The Washington Post

    Who needs context, anyway?

  70. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Robert, could you post your responses to the questions that were asked of the 2010 candidates by the RHCA? That way your readers could determine of Dan Hoffman's summary of your positions was accurate.

    Accomplishments (In the case of challengers, focus on your qualifications, prior public service and how they would benefit our neighborhood priorities.)
    1. In what ways did you facilitate the passage of the White Flint Sector Plan? Please include any role you
    played in promoting Rocking Horse Center as a school site and Nicholson Court as a MARC station site.
    2. What have you done to alleviate over-crowding in our schools, especially at the elementary school level?
    3. Please describe your role in improving the quality of our parks (specifically those in or around our neighborhood),
    with a focus on facilities and safety.
    4. Please describe your role in promoting transit-oriented development and improving infrastructure for pedestrians,
    cyclists, and drivers.

    1. What will you do to help us improve safety and mobility within and around our neighborhood, with a focus on
    our parks and transit-oriented development?
    2. How will you address school capacity challenges and what is your position on community elementary
    schools versus larger ‘mega’ elementary schools?
    3. What will you do to facilitate economic development? What are your thoughts on development of the White
    Flint Two sector plan?

    Engagement (In the case of challengers, focus on steps you would take to engage our community.)
    1. Please describe the dialog you have had with our community in the past and how you plan on working with
    us in the future.
    2. What role should elected officials play in building civic activism?
    3. In what way will you improve County decision-making processes to encourage the participation of working
    families, youth and vulnerable populations?

  71. Rugby4:51 PM

    I recall other cases where flyers with false information a candidate are distributed in a targeted way. That practice is universally condemned but seems to have occurred in Randolph Hills.

  72. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Rugrat - But this article isn't about "the poor business growth statistics for MoCo".

    This article is about the replacement of the escalators in the Friendship Heights Metro station.

  73. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Rugrat @ 4:51 -

    1) Not "flyers". A newsletter published seven times a year.

    2) Not "false information".

    3) Not "distributed in a targeted way". An article in a newsletter that is distributed to all the members of the RHCA, seven times a year.

    4) Not "universally condemned", because there was nothing wrong done here. The only criticism is from Dyer and the Attaboys.

  74. Anonymous6:49 PM

    5:03pm it was printing false information about a candidate. An attempt to influence our elections by spreading lies. And we know it happened in Randolph Hills.

  75. 1:16: Not only do they get a full-time staff, but they also get $400,000 in taxpayer money to pay them with.

    5:03: The only reason it wasn't universally condemned is because no local media ever wrote about it.

    4:16: No, YOU are the one who keeps saying "flyer." It was a newsletter, paid for with RHCA funds, and ergo cannot be used to campaign for or against candidates. It's without question illegal for RHCA to have printed and distributed with RHCA funds. You have to establish a separate entity to campaign for or against candidates. Period.

    4:03: You're researching not just my background, but my family's background, and then doxxing and threatening my family. Your activities are not only illegal, but are unprecedented in Montgomery County history. I've never seen relatives of the Council being researched, much less attacked, threatened, doxxed and ridiculed before.

    What issues am I "wrong" about? Be specific. What false statements have I made regarding County issues? Be specific.

    You didn't just spend "a little time" trolling here - you've been going 48 hours straight from a dark room.

    12:41: It completely lied about everything I said, you liar.

    1:09: What have I "lied" about? Be specific, punk.

    1:17: Those statements were illegal in an RHCA-funded newsletter. You'll note the summary of me did not at all mention my comments about protecting Randolph Hills from the urbanization around it. It also did not mention the man who wrote the summary of me was a Helpless Hans Riemer operative, endorser, and financial contributor.

  76. 12:22: A civic association cannot use its general funds to campaign for or against candidates. RHCA is NOT the type of organization you are claiming, and would have to start a separately-funded PAC to engage in electioneering.

  77. 10:09: Much more than one album, dumbass. You asked about when my last solo album was released, not my whole body of work as a bandmember, musician, producer, songwriter, etc. You sound like a complete moron.

    8:15: The main topic of the article was new business enterprise growth - that stat has NOTHING to do with "net," dumbass.

    8:30: Nope, RHCA cannot endorse candidates or attack others. You have to have a PAC to do that.

    8:21: Doxxing is just that: posting public records online to harass and threaten someone, you total dumbass criminal.

    9:07 #1: What's humiliating for you, is that you just keep verifying that I've been telling the truth, but you don't bother to attack Hans Riemer, who has lied and fictionalized his resume.

    9:07 #2: NO, they're just not allowed to use civic association funds to send out mailers attacking me. Yes, George Leventhal did use taxpayer money to "earn" a PhD - he jacked up his Council salary so he could spend on luxury items like that, to boost his post term-limits resume for monetary gain.

  78. 8:42: You are "verifying" my honest resume while defending a councilmember who has lied on his. Thank you for proving I am the upstanding citizen in the race.

  79. Anonymous9:15 PM

    "The only reason it wasn't universally condemned is because no local media ever wrote about it."

    Does this mean that you don't count yourself as a member of the local media?

  80. Anonymous9:19 PM

    This "news site" provides free advertising to one candidate, and one alone. And attacks another candidate on a regular basis. And it most certainly is not a 501(c)4.

  81. Robert,
    I posted US TAX CODE links to prove that it IS PERFECTLY ALLOWABLE for the community newsletter of a 501(c)4. They DO NOT have to be a PAC for that type of activity.

    You saying it isn't is not proof. Where are your statute cites? IRS courtcases? Private letter rulings? Technical correction memos? Do you have anything to backup your claim?

    It seems Dyer will not take any internal criticism, no matter how politely it is given. He does not want advice, cannot be corrected, and is too insecure to see any constructive feedback as anything other than an attack.

  82. Anonymous5:43 AM

    “What issues am I "wrong" about? Be specific. What false statements have I made regarding County issues? Be specific.”

    You said August 2016 was the coldest in your lifetime. You said the RHCA isn’t a 501(c)4. You said the slow growth in establishments means people aren’t opening new businesses, when it might be more indicative of older businesses closing than new ones failing to open.

  83. 5:28: What I said was, you cannot campaign for or against candidates using civic association funds. You must establish a PAC with its own account. You're the one who - in typical Saul Alinsky fashion - tried to divert the discussion away from the law to a debate on what type of 501(c) RHCA is. It doesn't matter! They can't do what they did either way.

    5:43: It was the coldest. RHCA cannot campaign without a PAC. Wrong - the rate of new business growth by definition has NOTHING to do with businesses that are closing. It is not a "net" calculation. It's only about new businesses.

    Now, if you look at the actual "net" numbers, Montgomery County was a loser there as well vs. D.C. and Fairfax, as my article reported. Humiliating! Not sure why you want to keep highlighting the humiliation of your bosses on the Council, old sport.

    In summary, you've failed to identify anything I was wrong about.

  84. No, you are incorrect. You say they can't, and I say they can, and I can show you the laws.
    The type of entity dictates what is is and isn't allowed to do. Please, this is Business 101. "Choosing the type of entity."

    I know this. This is part of what I do for a living. They are absolutely allowed to include this type of information in their existing newsletter.
    They, lawfully, continue to do it to this day.

  85. 6:10: No, they do not - RHCA has never since attacked or praised candidates in their newsletter. I know - I've run for the same office in the next two elections. That was a Hoffman-Riemer special, and the FBI and IRS will find it quite special, as well.

  86. Anonymous6:24 AM

    "The FBI and IRS will find it quite special, as well."

    7 1/2 years after it happened? The statute of limitations has probably already expired. Why didn't you contact them then?

    But that's moot, since the RHCA's article was perfectly legal.

    Because RHCA is a 501(c)4, and as such, it is allowed to engage in political lobbying and political campaign activities, as long as it is not their primary activity..

  87. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Screwed up the link to the RHCA's 501(c)4 statement, re-posting:

    "The FBI and IRS will find it quite special, as well."

    7 1/2 years after it happened? The statute of limitations has probably already expired. Why didn't you contact them then?

    But that's moot, since the RHCA's article was perfectly legal.

    Because RHCA is a 501(c)4, and as such, it is allowed to engage in political lobbying and political campaign activities, as long as it is not their primary activity..

  88. Anonymous6:33 AM

    FACT : August 2016 was one tenth of a degree short of the HOTTEST on record.

    Why do you keep insisting otherwise?

    As far as I’m concerned, denial of reality is a disqualification for anyone seeking public office.

  89. 6:26: It doesn't matter; they cannot campaign for or against candidates.

  90. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Here’s the link. One tenth of one degree short of the HOTTEST EVER.

  91. a) did you file a contemporaneous complaint with the MD State Board of Elections?
    b) County board of elections?
    c) FBI?
    d) What action have you taken? Where does any investigation stand?
    e) Civil suit against mr hoffman?
    f) Has anyone, ANYONE, in a position to act on it, confirmed your attack accusation?

    Is is possible...that no one before and since has responded in the way that you did? You can be rather accusatory and jaded in your postings, could that have gotten in to your respionses?

  92. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Dyer @ 6:34: The IRS Code says you're wrong.

    Why not just admit it, and move on?

  93. 6:35: Fake news. The Capital Weather Gang, if you've ever heard them expound at length, are Al Gore-level out-there global warming proponents. I was here. It was the coldest summer in D.C. in my lifetime.

  94. 6:36: The election was over by the time I was forwarded a copy of the newsletter by a supporter.

  95. Anonymous6:47 AM

    And how about Sinclair-owned Fox 5? I suppose they’re global warming freaks, too?


  96. So how the will "the FBI and IRS will find it quite special, as well" if you never filed a complaint or told them of it?

  97. Anonymous6:52 AM

    "Fake news. The Capital Weather Gang, if you've ever heard them expound at length, are Al Gore-level out-there global warming proponents. I was here. It was the coldest summer in D.C. in my lifetime."

    Occam's Razor meets Van Gogh's ear.

  98. Anonymous6:56 AM

    @ 6:47 AM - Actually Fox 5 DC is Fox-owned, not Sinclair-owned. Sinclair's local affiliate is Channel 7/WJLA. But that doesn't change your point in the slightest.

  99. Honey, I tried to give you the benefit of doubt on this one. I researched the IRS Code, Campaign Finance Laws for all jurisdictions involved, and read the document in question.
    I think the only thing I didn't read was your actual response to their questionnaire.
    I supported it all with official cites.

    That awkward moment when Dyer's wearing Nikes and he can't just do it.

  100. I was there too, and it wasn't the coldest in 46 years. It may have seemed that way, but the numbers disagree with that sentiment.

    Which weather service DO you accept?

  101. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "Do people really skip over the local TV and WTOP and and, and say, 'I'm gonna check Dyer's blog for local weather first!'?"

    5:58 AM

    Robert Dyer said...
    5:58: Considering I'm usually more accurate than the Capital Weather Gang, yes.

    6:08 AM

    Sure, Bobby.

  102. Anonymous10:38 AM

    "Aspies have a hard time dealing with criticism. They are similar to narcissistic personalities in that any criticism immediately fills them with rage. You can give them the gentlest, most constructive criticism, and they might respond by screaming, 'Who are you to be telling me that I'm doing it wrong?!' And, as with narcissists, every time an Aspie errs, it's always somebody else's fault.

    "Or they may simply deny their errors. If an Aspie says something like, 'Uh, you know, there was more freedom in the Soviet Union than there is in the US,' and you point out why that statement is misguided, they may later simply deny ever having said it. I've seen Aspies deny having said something within a minute of having said it. Most people would be embarrassed to do this; but Aspies simply stonewall, sometimes without even realizing what they're doing.

    "And because Aspies can never admit they're wrong, you will almost never hear them apologize.

    "People with Aspergers have a hard time identifying with other groups. It is simply an outgrowth of their complete inability to see things from another point of view. Which, when you think of it, is also not that dissimilar from ordinary narcissism.

    People with Aspergers are more likely to throw back accusations at the accuser, no matter how ridiculous that makes them sound. For instance, if Mike Tyson were to say, 'You're a wimpy little white boy,' an Aspie might respond, 'No, you're a wimpy little white boy.' Or, if they're told they have Aspergers, they then tell the accuser that he has Aspergers, even if he has no symptoms.

    "People with Aspergers will often develop a reputation for having no common sense. By definition, they also don't have enough common sense to realize that they have no common sense."

  103. Barwood Sucks12:20 PM

    A lot of weird and just plain false "anonymous" commenting here. Everything from Sinclair owning Fox 5 (they don't) to claiming people you disagree with politically must be "retarded" or have "aspergers".

    That is cute in an anonymous forum, but in a real, live debate, when Riemer is on the ropes, will he publicly make these false accusations and attacks? I really hope he does, because a defamation lawsuit will go well with Han Riemer's arrest earlier this year. Is there some way we can encourage Riemer or one of his anonymous surrogates who post here into making these claims in public?

  104. Anonymous12:26 PM

    I'm the one who said Sinclair owns Fox 5. I was incorrect, and I accept (and appreciate) the correction. I readily admit to the mistakes I make.

    Now, will Mr. Dyer do the same for his silly claim about the weather? I won't hold my breath.

  105. Uber Ran Over Dyer's "Campaign Treasurer"12:46 PM

    1) A lot of weird and just plain false 'anonymous' commenting here."

    Says not-so-anonymous "Barwood Sucks".

    2) That is cute in an anonymous forum, but in a real, live debate, when Riemer is on the ropes..."

    Once again, the fixation on Hans Riemer, a single candidate out of the 30+ who are running for MoCo Council At-Large seats. And is Riemer actually "on the ropes"?

    3) "...will he publicly make these false accusations and attacks? I really hope he does, because a defamation lawsuit..."

    I'd love to see Dyer say everything he writes here. And not just "low-testosterone" and "your IQ is smaller than your belt size."

    4) "...will go well with Han Riemer's arrest earlier this year."

    You mean when he allowed police to arrest him in a civil rights march last year?

    4) "Is there some way we can encourage Riemer or one of his anonymous surrogates who post here into making these claims in public?"

    Who is "we"?

    1. Barwood Sucks1:42 PM

      "We" = Dyer's readers.

      Will Riemer disavow his supporters making anonymous threats here?

      Will Riemer join them, in public, in making defamatory statements about another candidate? I hope so. Please say yes Hans.

  106. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Robert Dyer has a problem when most of his readers "post defamatory statements and threats against him".

    1. Barwood Sucks1:53 PM

      I hope Riemer supporters continue to do so. It will put more pressure on Hans Riemer to publicly disavow the defamation campaign.

    2. Barwood Sucks1:55 PM

      Or Riemer can publicly join the campaign by making defamatory statements. Please say yes Hans.

    3. Anonymous10:13 PM

      B.S.: You don't consider Robert Dyer's wild claims about "voter fraud" to be defamatory? What a hypocrite you are.

  107. What in the world did Hans Reimer do to you personally, Barwood?
    Your level of vitriol is is sky high for a mere constituent.

    It's all speculation on who posts what here. Dyer has no way of knowing, so what makes you think you do? You don;t even have access to his site-owner info, so why would you know more than him?
