Saturday, May 05, 2018

Audi Bethesda now has bicycle loaner program

Tom Brady probably wishes his Audi dealer had what Audi Bethesda just added. The dealership at 7106 Woodmont Avenue has just launched a bicycle loaner program. It's not only the first Audi dealer in this market to have the program, but the whole concept is so new even nationally, that this article is the first in the world to report on it.

See and be seen on an Audi bike around Bethesda Row, and turn heads on the Capital Crescent Trail - a real conversation starter. Coincidentally, Audi Bethesda's service facility is on the CCT at 5206 River Road.

Photo courtesy Audi Bethesda


  1. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Bethesda has had CaBi for several years now.

  2. April 19th

  3. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Where do you come up with this stuff, Dyer. It’s so lame. You literally need to pat yourself on the back and give yourselves atta boys to feel good about yourself. Who makes the comment about being the first person in the world to report something? Especially when you’re blatantly telling lies? A quick google search would have let you know that you’re not the first person to report on this program.

  4. 10:54: Go ahead and search Google - no one else has reported on it. This is indeed the first media report.

    10:17: That's an Audi dealership announcing it, just as Audi Bethesda did. That's not a media report. My article above is the first media report.

    7:15: No kidding. What does that have to do with the Audi loaner program? Nobody would confuse the quality of a Capital Bikeshare bike with an Audi bike.

  5. Anonymous9:18 PM

    I'm the first in the world to report that Dyer is the first in the world to report that Audi has bicycles!

  6. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Fascinating - you refer to google but yet why does google not recognize you as “media?”

  7. 9:18: Because I won't pay Google the extortion money they require to get into Google News.

  8. This is an excellent example of cognitive dissonance...believing only what you
    want to believe.

  9. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Robert, if you had proof that Google accepts payment for higher news prominence, THAT would be a big investigative news story. If you believe such bombshell news exists, I'm sure you would have no problem writing an informed article about it.

  10. 6:02: Do you actually believe Google would publicly admit they extort ad purchases in exchange for entry into Google News? Likewise, twitter doesn't publicly admit you can buy a verified Twitter account for $13000. Meanwhile, you continue to believe that Google News and Twitter learned of Bethesda Now's existence via ESP, and within 48 hours of their launch granted them both designations.

    Google News "review" of applicants alone takes at least 3 weeks.


  11. Anonymous10:10 PM

    "Meanwhile, you continue to believe that Google News and Twitter learned of Bethesda Now's existence via ESP, and within 48 hours of their launch granted them both designations.

    "Google News 'review' of applicants alone takes at least 3 weeks."

    Sure, Dyer...whatever you say...

  12. You obsess about the most banal things...always being the "victim."
    Why do you do that?
