Thursday, July 12, 2018

Electric car charging stations added to 3 more Bethesda parking garages

Electric vehicle charging stations have been added to three more Montgomery County public parking garages in downtown Bethesda, bringing the number of County garages with such chargers in Bethesda to seven. The latest to add them are the Bethesda-Elm Street, Cordell-St. Elmo and Woodmont-Rugby garages.

The charging stations aren't free; there is a $0.13 per kilowatt hour fee, and EVs must still pay the regular parking fees.

Existing garages that already offered the stations were the Capital Crescent, Woodmont Corner, Waverly and Auburn-Del Ray garages.

UPDATE: Information about parking fees was updated, correcting error due to misleading signs posted in County garage.


  1. Anonymous5:20 AM

    " Those fees are now charged 24/7 in downtown garages, since the County Council increased paid parking hours in Bethesda on July 1, 2018."

    This is not true. Robert Dyer should retract this falsehood:

    Hours Requiring Payment
    On-street: Mon-Sat, 9am - 10pm
    Lots: Mon-Fri, 7am - 10pm
    Garages: Mon-Fri, 7am - 10pm

  2. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Does that mean that small Indian man will be writing parking tickets for Dyer's car at 3 AM?

  3. That is correct, 5:20AM

    The garages are open 24/7 and you will need to take a ticket to enter and return it when leaving (to get the gate to open,) but the hours requiring payment have not changed..

  4. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Nonsense, where does this man get his information? Parking is still free on weekends and after 10pm. Nothing has changed.

  5. Anonymous6:34 AM

    The car parked in that space is not an EV. Volvo does not currently produce EVs. Why did Dyer not report this injustice?

  6. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Photo #1 is from September 2015. Photos #2 and #3 are from April 2015.


    1. Woodmont8:58 AM

      7:06am is Dyer's official curator/historian weighing in in.

      Perhaps auditioning for a role on Dyer's council staff?

  7. And look, Dyer's official #1 sheepshill weighs in...not liking someone calling out Dyer's shortcuts.

    Of course, too embarrassed to use their real name, they use a different anonymous alias. Even if you use it 1000x, you're still in hiding.

    You'd think Dyer, who touts his hyper-local proclivities, would not rely on national stock photos.

  8. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Why does the menu have the options of French or Italian, but not Spanish?
