Thursday, July 26, 2018

Woodmont Grill redirects patrons to public parking

After the closure of Woodmont Grill's convenient parking lot directly adjacent to the restaurant, patrons of the restaurant have been surprised on their first return visit to find the former amenity fenced off. Now the area favorite, which is known to do the highest volume of business of any downtown Bethesda restaurant. has posted some directions to nearby public parking garages. The lot closed due to the redevelopment of the land it sits on as the new Marriott headquarters.


  1. Anonymous7:06 AM

    I wonder if they’ll experience a drop in business without a parking lot. Then later when the Woodmont garage closes too, but I guess Marriott will pick up their business.

    Not that they’ll have any trouble. Just wondering.

  2. Anonymous7:51 AM

    "After the closure of Woodmont Grill's convenient parking lot directly adjacent to the restaurant, patrons of the restaurant have been surprised on their first return visit to find the former amenity fenced off."

    Why would they be surprised?

  3. Anonymous11:21 AM

    No, just the opposite. They may take a temporary hit during construction but will make even more money once Marriott HQ and hotel are completed. Their weekday lunches will be packed.

  4. @7:06 - The parking garage will be public on evenings and weekends, so should not affect Woodmont Grill at all. As @11:21 points out, they'll probably be even more packed with Marriott employees and guests taking advantage of the restaurant next door during the lunch hour.

  5. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Marriott has a cafeteria serving discount meals

  6. Anonymous12:54 PM

    But even if 5% of the 3500 employees and their guests have lunch there, that’s about 200 patrons they currently do not easily serve. I suppose some might drive down from their current office park, but certainly not 200 people. At night and weekends you have about 400 more people staying in the new flagship hotel that will be next door.

    If I owned the Woodmont Grill, I would figure out how to add a huge shaded rootop dining area and perhap a large events room, both highly visible from the new office tower.

    For that matter, it would be great if the Tastee Diner could do a slick retro renovation and clean up their act a bit. Make it as nice as Silver and they would do very well. Maybe change their reputation from a greasy spoon to a bit higher form of dining. Add some cool neon detailing on the outside as well.

    1. Anonymous4:46 AM

      Yes, Tastee Diner, in all ways, isn't so tasty. I've said for years that they need to step their game up big time. Wholesale makeover? Not necessarily. But a Jersey quality diner it's not. The Marriott employees will not be flocking there that I can tell you.
