Saturday, August 18, 2018

Bethesda construction update: 7900 Wisconsin Avenue (Photos)

Here's my latest update on the progress at JBG Smith's 7900 Wisconsin Avenue development. When completed, 7900 Wisconsin will be a 17-story, luxury apartment building with 475 units, with Trader Joe's-anchored ground floor retail, underground parking, a rooftop pool, and a bikeshare station. It will include a through-block cut-through for pedestrians between Wisconsin and Woodmont.


  1. Like I've said before and you insist on deleting--for some bizarro reason known only to you

    Being arrested for peace-fully protesting something that harms his constituents is actually a plus, not a negative. It IS the 21st century and all.

    I'm sure if you ever got arrested for, let's say, peace-fully protesting the cemetery issue, you'd proudly wear it like a badge.

    1. 7:05: Riemer wasn't arrested for protesting something "that harms his constituents." False. He was arrested for illegal activities in the District only 24 hours after being named President of the Council.

  2. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Albornoz, Glass and Jawando are going to beat you, too.

    1. 7:09: With zero name recognition? LOL

  3. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Robert, the general election is just 80 days away.

    Have you done any campaigning outside of the pages of your own blogs, their Facebook pages, and your campaign's Facebook page? I note all of those have only 200 or fewer likes/followers.

    Have you picked up any endorsements? (Anonymous Attaboys on the pages of your own blogs don’t count.)

    I have not seen any signs for your campaign along our roadways. Have you placed any?

    How much donations has your campaign received?

    Have you properly reported all self-funding of your campaign activities?

  4. Anonymous7:31 AM

    BB had an excellent article on Riemer's protest at the US Capitol last December.

  5. Anonymous7:47 AM

    "Here's my latest update on the progress at JBG Smith's 7900 Wisconsin Avenue development. When completed, 7900 Wisconsin will be a 17-story, luxury apartment building with 475 units, with Trader Joe's-anchored ground floor retail, underground parking, a rooftop pool, and a bikeshare station. It will include a through-block cut-through for pedestrians between Wisconsin and Woodmont."

    Actually none of this is an "update".

    "with Trader Joe's-anchored ground floor retail"

    This is an awkward sentence. Also, didn't Trader Joe's back out of this location after the project went dormant in 2015? I heard that they might move to the old Safeway on Old Georgetown Road.

    "It will include a through-block cut-through for pedestrians between Wisconsin and Woodmont."

    It would have been useful to mention that this cut-through will connect with St. Elmo Avenue, on the Woodmont Avenue side.

    1. 7:47: Everyone who actually read the article is laughing at you right now. Your "edits" are moronic fake news. You sound like a total dumbass still sore about my .trader Joe's scoop, and Riemer going to the slammer inDC. What was his prison nickname, anyway? If you know him, you must be a jailbird yourself.

  6. Anonymous9:18 AM

    "The election is 80 days away"
    Good point. Any of the local legacy media covering the issues and where candidates stand?

    There has been little coverage of issues this cycle. Every article is about process. I get it, the primary was a clown show. That ended and residents deserve information to make a choice this Fall. Hello Post, WTOP, etc?

  7. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Governor's race. Senate race. 3 Congressional district races in Montgomery County. State Senate and General Assembly races. County Executive race. County Council races - 5 district-based seats and 4 at-large seats. Several dozen candidates for those races, and others.

    Yet Dyer reports only on himself, Hans Riemer, and Larry Hogan. He doesn't even report on his three Republican running mates for the County Council at-large seats.

  8. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Why would someone who was detained for an hour or two have "a prison nickname"?

    Do you not understand the difference between "jail" and "prison", Dyer?

  9. Anonymous2:18 PM

    But I also note that Photos #1, #2, #4 and #6 are essentially the same shot, with differences of just a few degrees - panning from due west...all the way to due northwest. Dyer should have just taken a larger field to include all the elements he wanted to highlight.

  10. Anonymous5:43 PM

    It's so weird what gets deleted here and what doesn't.

  11. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Dyer, do you really believe that Albornoz, Glass and Jawando have "zero name recognition"?

    Facebook pages:

    Gabe Albornoz - "Gabe4Council": 784 people like this; 814 people follow this.

    "Evan Glass for Montgomery County Council": 1,328 people like this; 1,276 people follow this.

    "Will Jawando for County Council": 3,901 people like this; 3,891 people follow this.

    And then there is...

    "Robert Dyer for Montgomery County Council At-Large": 247 people like this; 244 people follow this.

    Advantage: Fresh Young Democrat Faces

    Bonus post:

    Facebook for "Sam Eig": "7 people like this."

    Facebook page for Germantown Pulse: "9,034 people like this. 9,478 people follow this."

  12. 6:31: You are wrong on many counts. You fail to mention my 12385 subscribers on YouTube, and 4671 followers @BethesdaRow Twitter account. You fail to mention four daily news sites with thousands of daily readers.

    All of that achieved purely on merit - I've never paid for ads or bought followers on any platform. Just simply having x number of followers doesn't mean they weren't purchased. And as a Republican, it's well known my posts on social media will be suppressed by Facebook and Twitter. Democrats having more reach than me on Facebook and Twitter, where Chris Cuomo still has accounts after endorsing the violence of domestic terrorist group Antifa? I am shocked. Shocked.

    Those guys do have a lot of developer cash in their campaign accounts to buy followers. That doesn't mean they are popular or well known. Ask 10 people on the street in Bethesda who they are, and you'll get a clueless expression 99% of the time.

  13. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Have you been contacted by election officials for unethical and possible illegal photo manipulation of a political opponent?

  14. 12:43: Do you really think anyone is taking you seriously? There's something called the 1st Amendment, and political speech. There are doctored photos of Donald Trump screaming past every other minute on Twitter - have you alerted "election officials" about that protected speech as well? LOL

    Facts: Hans Riemer WAS arrested, just as the ad states.

  15. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Your doctored picture shows someone being arrested and "perp-walked" by several FBI agents on major felony charges. Of course it's deceptive.

    And you, as both a journalist, and as a candidate who is actually running against the person whom you inserted into that picture, will be held to a much higher standard of scrutiny than some random person on Facebook sharing pictures of Trump, with other random people on Facebook.

  16. Anonymous12:13 AM

    "Facts: Hans Riemer WAS arrested, just as the ad states."

    Fact: The doctored photo you posted, did not show Hans Riemer being arrested.

  17. Anonymous12:44 AM

    "Truth isn't truth." -Rudy Giuliani

  18. 12:13: Actually, it does show him being arrested. But since the media tried to protect him by not showing him being arrested, this is a good visual aid. Have you demanded the media release the actual footage of him being arrested and his mugshot?

    If you are drinking the Hans Riemer Kool Aid to the point that you are unaware or ignorant of his racist record on other race issues that don't benefit him politically, you probably weren't going to vote for me anyway. Most people who are actually following events are not fans of Hans Riemer. He is extremely unpopular in areas where he has sold out his constituents to his developer sugar daddies.

    Yes, Hans Riemer makes a public show of supporting illegal immigrants because it benefits him politically. But where is your righteous outrage the 99% of the time when he has failed to act to protect immigrants and constituents of all races? He was silent and nowhere to be found on the Moses African Cemetery issue, siding with the developers against the black community.

    Where was your outrage when Riemer failed to support the illegal immigrant mother who brutally killed in Wheaton, and the State's Attorney sided with the alleged killer, charging him based on his version of events with a lesser charge despite all the evidence otherwise?

    Where was your outrage when a Latina who was merely an accessory to a handful of crimes was sentenced to essentially life in prison recently, an 80 year sentence when male MS-13 members get the kid glove treatment in the MoCo justice system. Didn't hear you then.

    Where was your outrage when Hans Riemer was silent on the Rockville HS rape victim being thrown under the bus by the State's Attorney, despite all the forensic evidence collected by our professional police detectives?

    Where was your outrage when Riemer failed to act on MS-13 charging immigrant businesses in Wheaton protection money? When he openly said he won't improve schools in east county, and wants a small percentage of children to instead attend the Whitman cluster? When he stated black and Latino kids can only learn if there are rich white kids in the classroom, despite that idea being proven false 30+ years ago by Jaime Escalante and others?

    Where do you stand on Riemer's record on these issues? What about his checks from Mitt Romney's Bain Capital and Danaher Corporation - two pioneers in outsourcing American jobs to China?

    Do you agree with Riemer voting to approve a $360 million federal tax shelter for a campaign contributor who wrote him a $4000 check? You approve of that money being taken away from our soldiers, veterans, teachers, police, firefighters, and the poor?

    LOL. If so, you are as much a fake progressive as Riemer

    Spare us the tears about a powerful ad that lampoons a very unpopular councilman who sold his legal and illegal constituents up the river a long time ago in exchange for campaign cash.

    Watch my video that captures Riemer ignoring Council staff calling in police who tell representatives of a black church they should be "seen and not heard," or face arrest for trespassing. No compassion. No reaction. He quickly moves into the next room for a taxpayer-funded "luncheon."

    If I had been Riemer, I would have said, "What the hell is going on here?" and demand this harassment of my constituents cease immediately.

    So much for your progressive warrior.

  19. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Hans Riemer mentions his arrest during the DACA protest on his own Facebook page. How is it somehow being kept secret?

  20. 2:22: You just moved the goalposts. Of course he mentioned it, because it was a cheap political stunt he didn't think all the way through before doing it. The real question you dodged is, where is the footage of Riemer in custody? Where is the mugshot? He didn't want those negative images out there, and the MoCo cartel-controlled media complied.

    You also have a poor understanding of the 1st Amendment and political speech, if you believe that there is some kind of Stasi police force at the Board of Elections that can control the political speech and advertising of candidates who you don't like.

  21. Anonymous3:48 PM

    And you don't understand what the phrase "move the goalposts" actually means.

  22. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Maybe you could create an image of Hans biting the head off a frog, and publish it to show everyone that you are better because you don’t bite off the heads off frogs. You still see no harm in creating false images as an attempt to enflame your readers to your point of view. I fully understand your criticism of an opponent. But to invent a fake image to make your point is beyond reason and fairness and in my opinion, highly unethical. Own up to this and take down that false and misleading image!

  23. Anonymous4:02 PM

    "Saul Alinsky, you always say I 'don't know what __________ means.'"'s because you don't.

  24. Anonymous4:09 PM

    "You also have a poor understanding of the 1st Amendment and political speech."

    And you have a nonexistent understanding of journalistic ethics.

    "Never deliberately distort facts or context, including visual information."

  25. 4:01: Your hypothetical event never occurred. But Hans Riemer was indeed arrested. That fact is not in dispute. Are you going to track down every journalist who has tweeted a doctored image of Trump? Good luck! Welcome to politics in 2018.

    4:02: Everyone is laughing at you right now. Self-awareness score: Zero.

    4:09: Have you applied that to the Post and New York Times yet?

  26. Anonymous4:23 PM

    "You just moved the goalposts. Of course he mentioned it, because it was a cheap political stunt he didn't think all the way through before doing it."

    Do you really think that Riemer (and also Gutierrez, who was arrested along with him), "didn't think it through"? Are you suggesting that they protested only because (in your mind) they didn't think that they would be arrested?

    "The real question you dodged is, where is the footage of Riemer in custody? Where is the mugshot?"

    Riemer was arrested for the protest. The local news media reported that he was arrested. Riemer himself acknowledged his arrest. Why do you think "mugshots" or a video of a "perp-walk" would cause him to lose support, when the news of his arrest did not?

    "He didn't want those negative images out there, and the MoCo cartel-controlled media complied."

    So now you're claiming that The Washington Post and WTOP are "controlled by the MoCo cartel"? Your paranoia has no bounds.

  27. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Which journalists at The Washington Post and The New York Times have "tweeted doctored images of Trump"?

  28. 4:23: Is English your first language? Riemer didn't think through the implications his arrest would have. In general, it's a pretty dumb move to get yourself arrested if you are an elected official planning to run for office in the future.

    You're just droning on and on. Yes, dummy, the negative images of the arrest would cause him to lose support. That's why you're so triggered by the ad here that delivers the image he and the media colluded to suppress. He even illegally had Channel 6 follow along at taxpayer expense on a political trip to the Capitol. Still no investigation of that - have you filed your complaint about misuse of cable and taxpayer funds by Hans Riemer?

    The Post is most certainly allied with the MoCo cartel. Their endorsements and political "coverage" have become a key weapon in MoCo elections. Just ask Marc Elrich.

    4:56: You seem to have plenty of free time, you can spend the night searching all their feeds. You said "distorted facts or context," and the Times and Post do that every day of the week. I can show you that just in today's Post alone. Speaking of distortion, how about the Post pretending their past bromance with Cardinal McCarrick didn't happen, now that their fellow traveler has become a pariah in D.C.?

  29. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Riemer won the primary easily, first in a field of 33 candidates, six months after his arrest at the protest. Isn't that proof that it hasn't had any negative consequences on his candidacy?

    "You seem to have plenty of free time, you can spend the night searching all their feeds."

    Fallacy of proving a negative. How about you provide even one example, since you are the one making the accusation?

  30. Anonymous12:05 AM

    "He even illegally had Channel 6 follow along at taxpayer expense on a political trip to the Capitol. Still no investigation of that - have you filed your complaint about misuse of cable and taxpayer funds by Hans Riemer?"

    Why haven't you investigated that yourself, Mr. Journalist? That's your job.

    Also, why are you so fixated on a single candidate, who is most likely to defeat you (again)? Why not focus on the "low-hanging fruit", as you say - Albornoz or Glass? Jawando's name recognition is about ten times yours, so that would seem to be a lost cause for you as well.

    "Speaking of distortion, how about the Post pretending their past bromance with Cardinal McCarrick didn't happen, now that their fellow traveler has become a pariah in D.C.?"

    I don't understand how this relates to your previous questions. This actually is a very good example of your "moving the goalposts". But since you asked it, what was their "previous bromance", and how are they pretending that it "didn't happen" now?

  31. 11:30: The fact that an unpopular incumbent with an arrest record finished first in the Democratic primary only proves again the low name recognition of the other Democrats on the ballot.

    12:06: I did investigate, and told you about the illegal use of cable and taxpayer funds - the point was, why didn't you file a complaint about that illegal action? You just moved the goalposts again. Jawando's name recognition is among a small sliver of the Democratic party. Again, ask 10 people at Bethesda Row who he is, and snap a photo of the confused expression you'll get. Without a "D" next to their names, victory would indeed be a "lost cause" for them.

    The Post is not acknowledging their strong support for McCarrick in the past. They are part of the scandal, ignoring the published rumors about a very creepy man because he was on their side politically. Scandal!

  32. Anonymous5:58 AM

    "The Post is not acknowledging their strong support for McCarrick in the past. They are part of the scandal, ignoring the published rumors about a very creepy man because he was on their side politically. Scandal!"

    When were these "rumors" actually published? And what was the Post's previous support for McCarrick, and how are they not acknowledging it now?

  33. 5:58: The rumors were out there on conservative Catholic websites for a couple of decades now. The Post strongly allied itself with McCarrick through positive reporting and editorial board comments about him. Now backpedaling like mad.

  34. Your spin on Riemer shows your desperation

    Occam’s Razor suggests you’re an unapologetic hack who would throw any principle or person under the bus for just one more chance to sniff the Council throne.

  35. Anonymous4:40 PM

    "The rumors were out there on conservative Catholic websites for a couple of decades now."

    So how is it somehow the Post's fault that the Church didn't take action on McCarrick's abuses when he was in New York and New Jersey?

  36. Anonymous5:42 PM

    So these brave conservative Catholics shared rumors among themselves "for a couple of decades", but did not report any of the child rapists to the proper authorities. Instead, they pathetically try to blame "liberal Catholics" for the clergy's crimes.

  37. 3:21: The Council throne "smells of sulphur still today." By the way, you slipped up and posted the murder statistics cut-and-paste under your "Anna" persona, instead of Anonymous. #Oops

    4:40: They'd have to sort out their role and fault in supporting known child abuser McCarrick for political purposes. Since there are no media watchdogs in town to do that, apparently.

    5:42: Hello, dummy: The crimes were reported to the local Church authorities, who covered up or signed gag orders in settlements. The bloggers were trying to expose this wrongdoing. I have no idea in a case-by-case basis whether law enforcement was involved. Gish Gallop across the internet and research that for us. For now, the Post was complicit in McCarrick's wrongdoing. They even waited a full month to report on his additional exploits that were reported by media in other cities. I give them credit for at least ultimately realizing that trying to cover for him wasn't going to work, and they instead tried to distance themselves from their past strong support for McCarrick.

  38. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Could you cite an example of the Post's "strong support for McCarrick"?

  39. 9:20: You have unlimited time to troll here, so you certainly have time to troll the Post archives to find those supportive articles, editorials, and puff pieces.

  40. Actually, I've been re-posting the numbers all along. You just forget who you're deleting. I joined in the fight against your scare tactics early on. Exploiting numbers...tsk, tsk, tsk...

    I know it's difficult for you to understand that some people really are who they say they are, but that's your loss.

  41. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Dyer @ 9:43 PM (12:43 AM EDT) - Fallacy of Proving a Negative.
