Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Peet's Coffee to open in Friendship Heights

Peet's Coffee is coming to Friendship Heights in Chevy Chase. They will be located in a 2093 SF space next to MAC at 5330 Western Avenue in the Shops at Wisconsin Place. Peet's will have outdoor patio seating. The Shops at Wisconsin Place is also rumored to be the next home for Tabendeh, a jewelry store currently located across the street in Mazza Gallerie.
It's time to end Montgomery County's archaic
government liquor monopoly - CLICK HERE to find out
about the only candidate who will end
the government monopoly, bringing back
liquor revenue from D.C. & McLean.
SHARE THIS AD on social media to SPREAD
THE WORD so we can finally buy
beer & wine at Giant and CVS!


  1. Anonymous6:44 AM

    FUN FACT: Trump Derange Syndrome is real

    ANOTHER FUN FACT: Bob Derange Syndrome is fake

  2. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Homicides up but so is Hans Reimer against Bob The Builder. Even today I heard an interview on the radio about promoting Vineyards in Brookeville and Laytonsville. Wonder if BtB even knows these locations on a map.

  3. I'm Roald!

  4. Love what Dyer is doing for MoCo with his reports

  5. Anonymous3:33 PM

    LOL at the 4 comments out of 17 that survived the mass deletion.

  6. 9:34: Was it WAMU or WTOP? Both are bankrolling Riemer's campaign via free campaign coverage, while blocking challengers like me from any mention or airtime. FCC Emergency Alert! Equal time violation. So, yeah, let me know which one so I can calculate how much airtime they owe me in my FCC complaint.

  7. 3:33: On behalf of all readers, STFU.

  8. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Dyer, are you saying that our County Council President should not be advocating in support of the wine industry in our County?

  9. 3:57: That's clearly not what I said. I said if Riemer is getting airtime, the station has to give me airtime as well under FCC rules.

  10. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Amazing ad! I didn't know the county council has the power to change state law on beer sales by chains and allow Giant and CVS to sell beer, when they do not in every other county in Maryland.

  11. 4:03: Nice attempt at diversion, once again. Reality check: You know full well that virtually ALL alcohol law changes must be approved at the state level. But the County Council can act to get an exemption for Montgomery County on this, just as they did when they made tiny changes in the last few years.

    Charles County, for example, has drive-thru liquor sales. We do not.

    Our current County Council CHOSE NOT TO ACT on sales at grocery/drug/convenience stores, and under the "leadership" of Hans Riemer, actually doubled down on stupid by strengthening the government liquor monopoly with fake cosmetic vestiges of "operating like a private company."

  12. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Tabendeh = money laundering front. Cmon just like the new "carpet store" on Rosedale that just opened. drug front....

  13. Anonymous5:34 PM

    "I said if Riemer is getting airtime, the station has to give me airtime as well under FCC rules."

    That is completely false.

    And you know that it is, because you've never actually contacted those stations, or the FCC, to demand airtime for yourself.

  14. Anonymous5:47 PM

    "There are four exceptions to the equal-time rule. If the airing was within a documentary, bona fide news interview, scheduled newscast or an on-the-spot news event, the equal-time rule does not apply. Since 1983, political debates not hosted by the media station are considered 'news events,' and as a result, are not subject to the rule. Consequently, these debates may include only major-party candidates without having to offer air time to minor-party or independent candidates. Talk shows and other regular news programming from syndicators, such as Entertainment Tonight, are also declared exempt from the rule by the FCC on a case-by-case basis."


  15. Anonymous6:48 PM

    "Charles County, for example, has drive-thru liquor sales. We do not."

    Charles County, like us, does not have beer or wine sales in grocery stores, convenience stores, or chains. Baba Booey!

  16. Anonymous6:53 PM

    "Our current County Council...under the 'leadership' of Hans Riemer, actually doubled down on stupid by strengthening the government liquor monopoly with fake cosmetic vestiges of "operating like a private company."

    How did this make the monopoly stronger than it was before?

  17. 6:53: Because the monopoly was on the ropes, and the PR blitz and former Marriott guy being brought in was used to kick the can down the road. The MoCo cartel control of the media - just go back and look at the swooning, obsequious coverage of the "we're going to run it like a private business" announcement - helped to sweep the topic under the rug for a while. The anger of restaurant and bar owners hasn't gone away, it's just not getting any coverage in the media (except for my sites).

    6:48: Only because they didn't ask for it. They apparently did ask for drive-thru sales, and got them, because Montgomery doesn't have them.

    Leadership gets results. We don't have a real leader on the Council to get this done right now.

    5:47: If it was the Kojo Show, that is not any of the four exceptions you listed. That is a political program, and has so far blacklisted me.

    5:34: You haven't even told me what station or program it was! How could I have filed my complaint already? What a bozo.

  18. Anonymous6:37 AM

    "If it was the Kojo Show, that is not any of the four exceptions you listed. That is a political program"

    LOL, sure. Find an attorney who agrees with your unique interpretation of the Equal-Time Rule, and file a complaint.
