Friday, September 07, 2018

Updated plan for The Claiborne officially unveiled in Bethesda (Photos)

Developer Novo released new details about its revamped, larger development plan for 4820 Auburn Avenue in downtown Bethesda. As I reported last month, The Claiborne will now have 82 residential units and a larger 5000 SF. Novo was represented by its Director of Acquisitions, Neil Goradia, and by its attorney, Heather Dlhopolsky.
A slide in Novo's presentation featured a
graphic comparison of the old plan (left)
versus the new plan (right)
In addition to the new details I reported in August, Novo indicated last night that it has not decided whether the building will be rental apartments or condos. The earlier plan had called for condos. A corner sidewalk at the property will have a brick Chevron pattern, and benches to promote public gathering.

Novo anticipates a public hearing before the Planning Board in four to five months. If their plans are approved, construction would begin in the fall of 2019, and delivery would be expected in 2021. This is definitely an improvement over the original plan, although some still wish the project took up the entire end of the block.

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