Thursday, October 04, 2018

Laehfles moves to downtown Bethesda

Laehfles, a health boutique and fitness studio, has moved downtown. Formerly on Landy Lane off River Road, they have just opened at 4907 Cordell Avenue, on the second floor.

The business was started by Bethesda native Elisabeth Ostler. A comprehensive fitness program centers around tailored workouts, diet plans, nutrition and individual coaching. See their website for more details and class schedules.


  1. Boyce Bowles9:01 AM

    8:42 AM Always sad when another blogger anonymously makes weird statements like that.

    You're not going to get folks to buy into your membership subscription by attacking a popular resident/news publisher. Be positive and maybe some folks will sign up for your service. Try it.

  2. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Looking forward to this!

  3. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Is this the site that used to be a massage parlor?

  4. Boyce Bowles12:38 PM

    You know, if Bethesda Magazine wants to get folks to subscribe to their Beat blog, posting weird anonymous comments here isn't the way to do it. I wouldn't pay a dime to the magazine publisher posting here.

    Do something positive on your site, don't tear down other folks trying to inform, educate and delight the community. Really.

  5. Boyce Bowles1:12 PM

    Subscribe to a blog to read links to Washington Post articles, stuff Robert Dyer reported a week or two earlier, scraped real estate sale transactions and still get all of the intrusive divorce attorney and plastic surgeon ads. All written by folks who don't live in the county.

    Quite a deal. Where do I sign up for my "Bethesda Beat" "membership" subscription? You know you're being laughed at around the county, right?

  6. Anonymous2:04 PM

    1:53 PM I doubt Dyer is signing for a "membership". If he does, please provide proof from your system.

  7. Anonymous2:12 PM

    2:08 PM I'd agree he was...IF he signed up for a subscription to a blog with stuff he reported a week or more earlier.

    Usually a subscription is to get exclusive information, not summarized versions of other news outlet's (the Post, Dyer, etc.) reporting.

  8. So, you've decided the only comments you do not delete are those trashing your competition.

    Wow. Pathetic, sad, and renews my original comments (deleted of course) from years ago:
    This site is not to be taken seriously. It is, at best, a parody, and at worst, the hobby of an entitled Bethesda boy.

  9. 7:02AM - Why talk about this here? Go to their site and complain.

    Not everyone aspires to be a hobby blogger. The issue is the sad state of local news, since print media has declined. As you blast "local legacy media" without offering any ideas for the future, realize that this site could be next, as the blogger offers no new ideas either.
