Tuesday, October 23, 2018

MoCo Council to hear testimony on proposed outdoor dining smoking ban today

The Montgomery County Council will hear testimony on Bill 35-18 today at 1:30 PM, a new law that would forbid smoking and vaping in all outdoor dining areas in the County. A similar bill was already passed by the City of Rockville.

Some Rockville restaurateurs spoke out against the city law at the time. One reason opposition was more vocal in that case, was that the city ban did not apply to direct dining competitors outside of the city limits.
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Rockville resident Adam Zimmerman, who spearheaded the Rockville ban effort, is also supporting the proposed County law. In an advance copy of his testimony, Zimmerman notes that restaurant revenues increased 7% in Montgomery County in the six months after the Council passed its indoor smoking ban that applied to restaurants in 2003. He says Montgomery would join 300 municipalities and 4 states which have banned smoking in outdoor dining areas.


  1. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I get not wanting to be surrounded by a cloud of smoke while eating, but what about bars like Caddie's and Tommy Joe's that have patios or balconies that are pretty much designated smoking areas?

    1. Anonymous7:50 AM

      You should be able to enjoy a smoke on Tommy Joe rooftop bar. You can currently. Correct? Look for council to ban this. They ban everything else.

  2. Anonymous7:47 AM

    So Mr. Dyer - what is your position on this bill?

  3. Maloney Concrete7:56 AM

    Why ban vaping as well? Makes no sense.

  4. Anonymous10:17 AM

    "The Council just likes to ban stuff"

    Childish talking point from the perpetual adolescent.

  5. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Government overreach. The free market can work this out. If customers don't like smoke, they will take their business elsewhere.

    The article even claims that business went up once a smoking ban was put in place, so how about we let the business owners decide if they want to ban or not?

    I also don't get the reason behind banning vaping also -- it's just emitting water vapor, so no second-hand smoke risk whatsoever.

  6. If you've ever been in a room people vaping, you'll understand why indoor ban on it can make sense. But outdoors?

    Sheesh. Government over-reach. Let folks have somewhere to be able to eat, drink, smoke and/or vape.

  7. Anonymous7:06 AM

    I wish they would ban smoking in condos. So many old buildings in Bethesda and all it takes is one jerk to ruin an entire floor and/ or tier.

  8. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Bethesda Beat is down. Ha, ha!!!
