Monday, October 29, 2018

Spaced Out opens at Pike & Rose

Spaced Out has opened a pop-up furniture and interior design pop-up shop on Old Georgetown Road at Pike & Rose. The interior design firm owned by designer Taylor Deering is known on both U.S. coasts. Certainly a good addition for those seeking to furnish their new apartments and condos in the Federal Realty development. The pop-up is open Monday to Friday from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM, or by appointment.


  1. Anonymous7:04 AM

    The name "Spaced Out" is ironic given that all that furniture seems to be chaotically crammed into as little space as possible.

  2. Anonymous8:58 AM

    was at Pike & Rose over the weekend and I have to say it is the single worst designed parking structure I've ever been in and will never return to again.

  3. Anonymous2:40 PM

    8:58 AM You've obviously never parked in the Barlow Building garage in Chevy Chase.

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      No I never have because I always parked in Chevy Chase Center for free pre-renovation. And now park on the street when in the Barlow Bldg area. The Pike and Rose structure is completely insane. Two cars cannot pass as one is heading up and the other down. What's worse? When turning to continue to the next parking level to find a spot, your choices are to crash into the wall, pull further out and crash into the car heading down or wait for the all clear and veer way around to make the turn. Looney who ever approved those tight measurements. Never again. I think that whole project is too tight in general for the land its on anyway.
