Saturday, November 24, 2018

Donohoe brands Woodmont Triangle pedestrian plaza as Gallery Lane (Photos)

A pedestrian plaza developer The Donohoe Companies has aimed to be the next Bethesda Lane is getting similar branding. The art-filled public plaza between the Gallery Bethesda and soon-to-deliver Gallery Bethesda 2 luxury apartment tower has just been officially named "Gallery Lane."

While the plaza itself - and the lighted sculptures inspired by the Twist & Shout nightclub that once stood in the vicinity of both buildings - were completed in 2014, Donohoe's vision for the space is only now about to become reality.

The ground floor tenants in the earlier Gallery Bethesda building have been tenant-focused businesses like a convenience store with dry cleaning, and a fitness studio. Donohoe has planned all along that the ground floor spaces in the new Gallery Bethesda 2 tower would include at least one restaurant, as well as shops, that would draw non-resident foot traffic to the site. With decorative lamps strung across overhead, the plaza is designed to be a destination for outdoor diners and window shoppers - and art aficionados.


  1. Ahhh..the police station that used to be the shoe-ruining gravel parking lot.

    I like that they kept the curved design of the old Miller and Long building.

  2. Friends of Woodmont Triangle11:39 AM

    Our rapidly changing city!

  3. Anonymous2:32 AM

    LOL, the one deli there is DESPERATELY trying to sell their business. Whole area is a disaster. Nothing will come in and stay.

  4. Anonymous11:05 AM

    2:32 - Son of Lionsgate.

  5. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Bethesda is becoming a miniature version of Clarendon
