Tuesday, November 27, 2018

More holiday decorations around Bethesda Row (Photos)

More holiday decorations were added over the Thanksgiving week at Bethesda Row. Some additional Christmas trees were brought in, as well as another menorah outside of Anthropologie & Co. Speaking of Anthropologie, the new department store has its own window displays, including some early gift boxes from Santa Claus. Finally, there is a selfie wall on Bethesda Lane where you and your friends can pose for your holiday Instagram shots. Similar selfie walls have appeared at other Federal Realty properties in the area, including the Wildwood Shopping Center.


  1. Anonymous7:40 AM

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas is what you meant to say.

  2. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Robert Dyer staring jealously through a window at people enjoying a Christmas party. Kind of like Dan Ackroyd in "Trading Places".

  3. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Guessing Dyer's elf hours at Montgomery Mall aren't at night to keep up with his standard?

  4. Anonymous4:17 PM

    @ 7:48 AM - He was too drunk to realize they were mannequins.

  5. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Meanwhile, Dyer slept through the big news this afternoon.

  6. Anonymous5:55 AM

    OMG, the thread above is ON LOCKDOWN!

    Active commenter reported!

    Thoughts and prayers to all involved.

  7. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Those bare fluorescent bulbs over Bethesda Lane are very disappointing.

  8. Anonymous7:31 PM

    6:14 - Agreed. When I saw that, I thought at first it was the Westwood shopping center.

  9. What did I miss yesterday? Warnings...topics closed....

    Dang...missed it.
