Thursday, November 01, 2018

Pop Culture Craft Pops opening in Bethesda

A Purcellville, Virginia hotspot is expanding to Bethesda. Pop Culture Craft Pops is opening at Westfield Montgomery Mall. Their pops aren't lollipops, or even the now-ubiquitous cake pops. Instead, they are frozen Mexican paletas - popsicles, for the non-hipster.

Yes, Montgomery County is now trailing Loudoun County in frozen treat innovations, as well as in job creation and economic growth. Virginians have been enjoying flavors like pineapple jalapeno, honey almond butter banana, chili papaya lime and pumpkin spice latte, while you've been stuck with cherry and orange from the freezer case at the grocery store.
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one Council At-Large candidate not controlled
by developers: Robert Dyer
Pop Culture is located in the Dining Terrace, and had been tentatively-scheduled to open today, but there has been no official announcement from the company as of this writing. So, definitely go by if you are already at the mall, but don't make a trip just for this until there's confirmation of an opening date.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Your are suffering from a bad case of RDS, Reimer Deranged Syndrome. Get over yourself now, before you loose Tuesday BIGGLY night.
