Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Bank of America abandons ship at doomed Bethesda building

Bank of America has closed its branch at 7316 Wisconsin Avenue. The office building it was located in will demolished, and the property redeveloped as Metro Tower by B.F. Saul. Bank of America has relocated this branch to 6822 Wisconsin Avenue. Trash is piling up inside and outside the bank.


  1. Anonymous6:36 AM

    This is horrible news! Another bank and ATM is closing and all we get is exchange is a 250’ tall landmark mixed use building with hundreds of apartments, three large two story high retail/restaurant spaces and an enlarged privately owned public space. You are right Robert, The bank is DOOMED. You always seem to find a dark side everything. Why not make your report a positive observation?

  2. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Why not grammar check your writing also.

  3. 6:36: I support the B.F. Saul project, it's the best architecture I've seen in the post-recession era of Bethesda, so I don't know how are you finding me to be "negative" about it.

  4. Anonymous9:05 AM

    So why don't you link to your articles on that project, or at least include "7316 Wisconsin Avenue" as one of your labels for this article?

  5. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I am sure the loss of a bank will only be temporary as another bank will assume the first floor retail spot once the new building is done.

  6. Anonymous8:43 PM

    You don’t see anything negative about an article entitled “Bank of America abandons ship at doomed Bethesda building”

    It’s just more of your moribund centric comments that always cry the sky is falling. Your headline seems to sensationalize the fact that a tenant is “abandoning’’ a “doomed” building.

    Why not use a more positive title that simply states the bank is relocating to make room for a higher density project. As I recall you have often stated that we seem to have too many banks and not enough active retail and restaurants. But here you seem to decry an obvious improvement to the city, and try to spin it as a negative.

    It seems to be in your nature to look for the dark side. Of course we need both critiques and cheerleaders, but sometimes we get very tired of your moribund rhetoric.

  7. 8:43: In a media landscape made up entirely of cheerleaders, people are refreshed by the truth-telling and critical voice this website provides.

    MCPS is in a pronounced decline since 2010, and has failed to begin to close the achievement gap. Yet the Post is printing one lovefest article after another about the wonderful "diversity" of the all-Democrat school board.

    It's understandable they want to focus on any other talking point but the failure of MCPS in so many critical areas.

    Only a yellow-vest uprising will change our insane status quo, and end the corruption of the MoCo cartel. The elections are fixed, about to get even more-fixed, and cannot deliver change.

  8. Anonymous2:03 AM

    "People are refreshed by the truth-telling and critical voice this website provides."

    How many readers do you actually have? All the statistics I've seen indicate that you have 1/50 the readership of Bethesda's major news site.

    "MCPS is in a pronounced decline since 2010, and has so many critical areas."


    "Only a yellow-vest uprising will change our insane status quo, and end the corruption of the MoCo cartel. The elections are fixed, about to get even more-fixed, and cannot deliver change."

    The one who cannot change is you. You cannot accept the fact that you just don't appeal to voters. Maybe you should try gaining relevant experience over the next four years, and work on improving those personal characteristics that currently alienate voters.

  9. 2:03: I have thousands of readers. I *am* Bethesda's major news site.

    MCPS has declined severely since 2010, as all testing and performance data show. You sound like a complete moron to any informed person on the topic.

    I appeal to voters, as shown by the fact that I finished so far ahead of the other GOP candidates in the race, even after votes were manipulated to erase many of those cast for me in the election.

    Currently, your obvious mental illness and nasty troll comments indeed alienate anyone from supporting your crazy talk.

  10. "Only a yellow-vest uprising will change our insane status quo,"

    One of the most frightening things you've ever said.

  11. ¡el cielo se está cayendo!

  12. 4:32: LOL It's just a fact, as we learned in the fraudulent 2018 election. Very similar to the Russian elections, where the result is known before the votes are cast. Something like M-83 will only get built now if upcounty residents start a yellow-vest uprising. Depends how bad they want it, I guess.

  13. That wasn't humor. It was shock.
    It's a truly frightening statement you made.

  14. 5:43: Nothing will change without public protest, as we saw with the cemetery. If the people of Montgomery County start protesting in the streets, you'll see change real fast. Just ask Macron.

  15. Anonymous7:12 AM

    People didn't vote for you. Why would they suddenly start "protesting in the streets" for you?

    And instead of saying "I have thousands of readers", ad nauseum, why not give an actual number of readers for an actual day or an actual month? And provide the same for your (perceived) competition? That would be much more persuasive.
