Monday, December 03, 2018

Roll by Goodyear coming to Westfield Montgomery Mall

The decision by Montgomery County's elected officials to let County roads deteriorate into Third World condition, and allow construction-related nails and other debris from rapidly-multiplying residential development sites into roadways, continues to fuel and explosion in the tire retail and repair markets. Roll by Goodyear is now opening yet another location, and this one will be the second in Bethesda alone to open this holiday season (the other is on Elm Street in the Shoppes of Bethesda).

Roll by Goodyear will be located on Level 2 next to Bering. Tires used to be a specialty of Sears Roebuck's auto services at the mall until just recently. The Sears store will be closing in February 2019.


  1. Anonymous5:40 AM

    So all that evil new residential construction causes more construction debris on the road and more flat tires. But you constantly harp on about the lack of new businesses in Montgomery County. I suppose you would prefer those new businesses to be built with glue to preserve your tires?

    Do you not see the illogical nature of your constant bashing of county politics with stupid comments like this ? You link illogical statements to try to deride other points of view, instead of simply stating your comment. Yes, more business would be better. Yes, the county council has not been helpful to fix this. But to state that residential construction that might cause road debris is a bad thing is just stupid. Perhaps a separate article that might suggest better construction waste management on ALL construction projects might make sense.

    I look forward to your response.

  2. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Any news about Macy's?

  3. Anonymous6:41 AM

    I honestly don't know where you're encountering all these "third-world roadways" "construction-related nails and other debris".

  4. 5:40: I'm very consistent - you also left out the bad asphalt conditions and potholes - residential construction is costing us more than the revenue it brings in. It is negative economic activity. That's why we need more commercial office and business construction + jobs.

    6:31: That was fake news on your part - not only is Macy's not moving, but there's nowhere for it to move to - Sears is being demolished. There wasn't even a story about it on the site you claimed. #FakeNews like Jennifer Barrios and Robert McCartney in the Washington Post.

  5. Anonymous6:50 AM

    "There wasn't even a story about it on the site you claimed."

    What site do you claim that I claimed it was on?

  6. 6:41: Are you even writing these comments from inside Montgomery County? LOL Carpetbagger Alert!!!!

  7. 6:50: Sorry, no free ads. But you can always buy one.

  8. Anonymous6:53 AM

    6:50 AM is the "Say my name, say my name" person

  9. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Dyer I'd like to buy ads on your website. Please detail cost and how to purchase. Thanks.

  10. Anonymous7:07 AM

    6:50 AM here. I'm asking because the site that reported the news about Macy's wasn't the site that Dyer seems to think it was. It wasn't Schmethesda Bag O'Beans.

  11. Anonymous7:11 AM

    7:01 AM Try Dyer's email!

  12. 7:07: I know it wasn't. But there was no such article on the site you claimed, or any other site.

    7:01: It's all there on the side menu under "Advertise."

  13. Anonymous7:36 AM

    6:50 here again. I didn't name the site. The story wasn't on the site that you assumed, the one that you blame for your miserable failure. But the story is out there.

  14. Anonymous7:44 AM

    The need for more tire service places is due to all the residential construction. The nails fly around and end up on the street. It got to the point that between our 2 cars, I was visiting Goodyear for a patch on one of those 8 tires every 3 months. I knew the guys there on a first-name basis.

    Tip: If you buy new tires, you can buy a warranty with it to cover repairs. It's worth it in this area.

    Now back to Dyer's claims about crappy roads. There are some bad parts, but you should report them. I report potholes to MD SHA and they usually get them patched within 3 days. You can do it using a form online. Same with MoCo -- it's MD311 and they usually take 5 days but still not bad. But they don't proactively patch, so you gotta report it instead of just complaining about it.

  15. Anonymous7:45 AM

    wah wah...why won't Dyer talk about me and my blog

  16. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Big hole on northbound 355 near walter out folks.

    And yes, nails, screws and bolts are scattered around all of these construction sites.
    Take a walk on Rugby and you'll find this debris in the gutter or street with construction going on both sides of the street.

  17. Anonymous7:48 AM

    I don't care whose "blog" Dyer talks about. I'm just wondering why he isn't interested in Macy's future.

  18. Anonymous8:00 AM

    7:48 AM Macy's Bethesda is the worst. Filthy dressing rooms, usually one cashier open per floor with a 20 minute wait to check out. No thanks.

  19. Anonymous9:52 AM

    There’s also a store located in N. Bethesda, but I guess you were too lazy to report on it.

  20. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Walked by the Bethesda Row location last week during the day.

    No customers inside at all. Employee was surfing the internet on his cell phone.

    I give this concept a year... tops.

  21. Anonymous10:21 AM

    @ 9:52 AM - That store is neither a Federal Realty nor a Westfield tenant.

  22. Anonymous5:56 AM

    12:21 PM: He's not, he's asking Dyer. badum-CHING
