Friday, December 07, 2018

Sneak peek: Philz Coffee at Bethesda Row (Photos)

Construction has taken a long time, but here's the first look at the interior of Philz Coffee at Bethesda Row on Woodmont Avenue. Flooring, walls, light fixtures, counters and refrigerated cases are all in place. It looks like more of the seating and tables remain to be added.


  1. Anonymous5:02 AM

    BB scooped you on the cemetery

  2. Anonymous5:47 AM

    No local stories on the Rockville and East County blogs since Wednesday. And only three each for the past seven days.

  3. Two totally false statements. There wasn't a single "scoop" on the cemetery that I haven't already reported, and no developments at yesterday's meeting. Nothing has changed. Last week, I actually reported new and relevant information on the cemetery controversy. I'm the one who discovered the cemetery and started the whole issue in 2011, dumbass.

    Second, there has indeed been local news each day this week on both of those sites. Your mental illness is obvious.

  4. Roald6:56 AM

    Looking forward to it!

  5. Anonymous7:00 AM

    "Order quickly, drink slowly" motto sounds like something Seinfeld's Soup Nazi would say... Order slowly to hold up the line and drink quickly before your coffee gets cold. #ArabicaNazi

  6. Anonymous7:06 AM

    While you were busy yelling at your readers - calling them "mentally ill" - you missed a much bigger coffee story on the north side of town.

  7. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I love what Robert Dyer is doing for us and Bethesda at large with these reports. Daily dispatches!

  8. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Wow, you discovered the cemetery! Like Christoper Columbus and the new world? Incredible!

  9. 7:22: Actually, I'm more like Leif Erikson and the new world. It is indeed "incredible" that the County would allow a cemetery to be desecrated and a community to be erased from our local history, and that it took a citizen like me to investigate and expose the truth.

    7:06: I was "yelling" at you, you're a paid troll not a reader, and yes, you are mentally ill. Philz Coffee is an infinitely bigger story of interest to more people than a small coffee shop that didn't bother to alert all local media to their plans. It's 2018; marketing involves more than print media these days.

    7:00: The aspiring dictators on the County Council should feel right at home, then.

  10. Anonymous7:42 AM

    The Descendant Community had forgotten about their cemetery until you exposed it?

  11. Anonymous8:33 AM

    8:25 AM All *print* media isn't all media
    Dyer's digital network covers MoCo

  12. Anonymous9:20 AM

    So you do not hold the original owners of the cemetery responsible for selling their ancestors graves, but instead choose to blame current owners who were (apparently) unaware of any graves?

    You still don't see this as a form of NIMBYISM to throw anything possible at the project to delay, modify or prevent development because you don't agree with the plans?

  13. Anonymous9:24 AM

    9:20 AM
    All I know is that we are all now aware of the graves. Maybe the process to get here took awhile. Now, what is the moral, ethical and legal decision? Desecrate the graves again?

  14. Anonymous10:00 AM

    8:33AM, is English your second language? I wrote *all media* and meant *all media."
    Your IQ is lower than your belt size.

  15. Anonymous10:10 AM

    10:00 AM "All media" can't exclude the only local digital network covering the county- Dyer's.
    So, you must mean legacy print media, which is great if you're trying to reach folks age 50+

  16. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Why is Dyer trying to pretend that BB is not a "local digital news network covering the county"? Seriously? Who is stupid enough to believe that?

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      10:43am why do care so much?
      The magazine had it's time, it was a good run. Let it go.

      Our grandparents probably listened to wtop. Terrestrial radio had it's time. Let it go.

  17. Anonymous11:47 AM

    10:10AM, Are you referring to the hobby blogger? Why?

    Shows how little you know. Your main problem is that the only number lower than your IQ is your testosterone level

  18. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Once again, most of the comments have nothing to do with the subject.

  19. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Age 50 is gen x, so I meant more 65+ boomers read the magazine. I ammend my comment!

    Wtop doesn't cover local news in any depth. I don't recall one article on the Council general election.

  20. 4:43PM Since when is 65 old and decrepit? You're making fun of them because they can read? Sounds more like someone wishes they were immortalized in print.
