Monday, January 07, 2019

Regency Centers proposes interim modification to Ridgefield-River Road intersection

Westbard developer Regency Centers has filed a proposed interim solution to a design flaw at the intersection of River and Ridgefield Roads in Bethesda. Tractor-trailers currently cannot navigate the southwest corner of the intersection when making a right turn from River onto Ridgefield. Giant grocery trucks are the most frequent victims.

Because a utility pole is located near the corner, truckers have to enter the left turn lane of Ridgefield to successfully navigate the turn, forcing oncoming drivers to stop or back up. This is especially a problem during rush hours.

Regency is proposing to create a hot-right slip lane at that southwest corner, which would be cut through existing Regency and State Highway Administration property. Planners and the Springfield Civic Association have pressed the developer to fix the intersection and extend Westbard Avenue to River Road, causing Ridgefield to terminate in a t-intersection at Westbard. The timing, funding, and eventual fate of that plan have yet to be mandated by the County.


  1. Anonymous5:19 AM

    "Giant grocery trucks are the most frequent victims."

    This just sounds funny the way you wrote that.

  2. Anonymous5:31 AM

    "Tractor-trailers currently cannot navigate the southwest corner of the intersection when making a right turn from River onto Ridgefield."

    Check your compass, Dummy. That's the northwest corner.

  3. 5:31: You're the dummy - that's indeed the southwest corner, carpetbagger. River Road runs east to west, Einstein.

  4. 5:25: Ridiculously off-topic comment. Bye bye.

  5. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Actually Ridgefield Road runs closer to east-west than River Road. Check your map.

  6. 6:21: Wrong again. Check the official SHA designation for River Road - westbound and eastbound.

  7. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Ridgefield Road does not run northbound and southbound.

  8. Anonymous6:50 AM

    If that were actually the "southwest corner", then your "northwest corner" would be on the east side of River Road, and your "southeast corner" would be on the west side of River Road.

    Derp derp derp

  9. 6:50: Time to repair your compass, Magellan. If River Road is west-to-east, then I am 100% correct in referring to the corner at the nursing home as southwest.

  10. Anonymous6:57 AM

    It's the southwest corner by any measure.

  11. Anonymous7:04 AM

    How can it be "southwest" if it is on the north side of Ridgefield Road?

  12. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Relative to the other corners, it is the southwest corner.

  13. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Relative to the actual southwest corner, which is on the south side of Ridgefield, this is the northwest corner.

  14. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Relative to the North Pole, it's the southwest corner.

  15. Baloney Concrete8:39 AM

    Gonna have to side with Dyer on this one -- glancing at a map this corner is situated towards the north and west, but considering the directional designation of the roads in question, "southwest" seems most appropriate.

    The proposed "improvement" seems mighty pedestrian-unfriendly to me. I also have to wonder how residents of the adjacent apartment building will feel about tractor trailers zooming past their homes at all hours. If Giant can manage full-size truck deliveries at the Tivoli Square store in Columbia Heights, certainly they can make it work here, no?

    Here's a Street View of the corner in question:,-77.1060699,3a,75y,278.34h,80.56t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sKVKIWVsEqI2o2YYUkrA2UA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

  16. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Dyer is actually correct on this one...although River Rd actually runs pretty much NW/SE at this location. Still, the nursing home corner is best described as SW, the actual SW. The one described by anonymous as "the actual SW" is actually, the actual SE one!
