Thursday, February 07, 2019

CORE to fill Fascino's former spot at Montgomery Mall

One apparel retailer will replace another that just moved inside Westfield Montgomery Mall in Bethesda. CORE makes a return to the mall, in the just-vacated Fascino space.


  1. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Is CORE going to make this a regular cycle - opening for two years, closing for two years, opening for another two years, then closing again?

  2. Rugby8:23 AM

    We're seeing news breaking across the Network this morning.

  3. Look at those spring colors! April 16th can't come soon enough!

  4. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Bobby, I swear. Days when you wander both through downtown Bethesda AND the mall are so exciting! I don't need any other news source at all!

    1. Woodmont10:01 AM

      9:38am you must be quite aroused reading the MoCo Mall Walker blogs then!

  5. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Bobbie posted a daytime photo taken with his own camera for the Euro Motorcars article!


  6. Anonymous6:26 AM

    No posts allowed under the EuroMotorcars posting so let me place one here.

    Not sure how they can pull a construction permit for an addition when they have not yet recievied Sketch Plan Approval, Preliminary Plan Approval and Site Plan Approval. This project applied for three extensions to resolve a series of planning department concerns, then was withdrawn.

    The problem with their conceptual design was that the Bethesda Sector Plan requires buildings to be constructed adjacent to the Bethesda Avenue frontage. They were proposing a “future” building on the corner of Bethesda and Arlington, but just a large surface parking lot west of the wine shop for customer parking and used car sales. This concept was rejected by the planning commission because Bethesda Avenue is seen as an extension of Bethesda Row, and the sector plan does not consider a used car parking lot as an acceptable use (even if they are selling $100,000 used AMG Mercedes convertibles).

    I suppose they have regrouped and are now simply submitting for a building permit to remodel the existing building(s), but they are certainly not yet approved for any additions.

  7. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Another item of note. The enlarged (but lower overall density) Claiborne mixed use housing over retail project on Norfolk was fully approved for Sketch, Preliminary and Site Plan Approval yesterday at the planning commission meeting. Perhaps a call to the developer to get the scope on their schedule would be helpful for your readers.

    Seems like it will be a nice addition to Norfolk and help anchor the northwest end of the block. Nice new glass retail space with cantilevered glass canopies will help enhance the streetscape. Maybe some new eateries will add to the buzz in this quiet corner of the Woodmont Triangle.

    I have read that they might be proposing to require the developer to rebuild the street itself as a test of the new curbless pedestrian focused woonerf for that block. The woonerf was a big idea for Norfolk to create iconic pedestrian focused block, not unlike the woonerf that was built at the Wharf in DC.

  8. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I agree with @ 6:26 AM. "The permits sought are for the renovation of the existing structure, and for an addition" sounds like it's a much smaller scale than what was proposed in August 2017.

    So maybe it wasn't a good idea to include the photo from the older proposal, for this article.

  9. Anonymous7:39 AM

    From the August 2017 article:

    Anonymous said...
    Dan Reed!, July 17:

    "Just Up The Pike turns 11 this year, and I'd like to do something about it. We've built a community of a couple thousand readers, contributors, and local leaders, and I invite all of you to celebrate over a decade of celebrating East County on Tuesday, August 15 from 6 to 8 pm at Kaldi's Social House...Joining us will be our friends at Greater Greater Washington..."

    That's some epic trolling there, Dan. LOL

    Robert Dyer said...
    5:58: I've been publishing since 2006, and have never celebrated myself. I would expect to see a lot of developers and MoCo cartel members in the crowd August 15.

    Anonymous said...
    Dyer @ 6:37 PM - That's cuz you don't have any readers to celebrate with.


  10. Anonymous9:48 AM

    7:39 AM You're not a real journalist unless the government officials you cover give you a "Most Important Person" award I guess.

    The state of our local "media".

  11. Anonymous9:58 AM

    9:48 is making a "Most Important Person Award" for his beloved BtB using magic markers, construction papers and Elmer's glue, at this very moment.

  12. Anonymous10:54 AM

    "I love your coverage of me and my pet projects, I want to give you an award. Keep up the good work."

  13. Anonymous9:01 PM

    "I love my coverage of me and my pet projects. I want to give me an award. Keep up the good work, me", says 10:54.

  14. Anonymous6:59 AM

    On your report on the fire at the Westmoreland Building, it says, "UPDATE 8:57 AM: The fire has been extinguished". According to my clock, it is currently a few minutes before 7:00 AM Dyer Standard Time. Do you have a Time Machine? If I head up to Rockledge right now, can I still see the fire?

  15. Anonymous8:09 AM

    No comments allowed on 7 of the last 10 articles. LOL

  16. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Any comment on rumors around town of Jaleo closing in Bethesda?

  17. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Maybe Jaleo will move to the fancy new restaurant space in the base of the new 4747 Bethesda office tower. That would turn out to be a great steal by JBG Smith from Federal Realty.

  18. Anonymous8:52 AM

    "We still haven't had literally the first investigation into the missing $7 million embezzled from County taxpayers this decade."

    This is why it's not a good idea to rely on Robert Dyer for your local news.

  19. Anonymous10:52 AM

    "our corrupt Montgomery County Council...when the FBI finally investigates their criminal activities and begins to make arrests."

    1) Isn't the FBI part of "The Deep State" that you so despise?

    2) Have you reported your concerns to the FBI?

    "We still haven't had literally the first investigation into the missing $7 million embezzled from County taxpayers this decade. Who else was in on it? Who knew what, when? Why was it covered up? Who else got some of the cash? Where's the money now? Is the Washington Post's Jennifer Barrios covering for them, or just the worst political reporter in America? There's no way, with so many County employees and officials knowing about this, that someone didn't blow the whistle to the Post."

    Have you started investigating, Mr. Investigative Reporter? You've had three months to do so. Did anyone blow the whistle to you?
