Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Giant ends Senior Tuesdays discount

Senior Tuesdays usually find an increase in shoppers at the Westbard Giant store in Bethesda. That was because of the 5% discount for seniors. About two weeks ago, however, some seniors discovered the popular promotion is ending. The Senior Tuesday poster has been taken down from the wall inside the store.

While the 5% discount was honored that Tuesday, the shoppers were informed that they could sign up at the customer service desk for a new promotion where coupons would be mailed to them at home. I asked the corporate office at Giant, and they confirmed that the Senior Tuesday promotion is being axed.

Giant said they are introducing a new plan for seniors, a personalized monthly mailer with targeted coupons and nutrition advice. As store employees told shoppers two weeks ago, you can sign up for the mailings at the customer service desk using your Bonus Card and mailing address.


  1. Baloney Concrete5:03 AM

    Well that’s too bad. Seniors need every bit of help they can get. Last I checked Harris Teeter still has discounts for seniors one day per week (can’t recall which) though there’s not really a HT convenient to Westbard.

  2. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Was the point of this to keep Seniors from slowing down shoppers on the weekend?

    1. Baloney Concrete6:08 AM

      Sort of. I always assumed it was a way to drive additional traffic on otherwise slow days.

  3. Anonymous6:29 AM

    More proof that the ultra-rich are abandoning Montgomery County.

  4. Anonymous7:26 AM

    I'll repeat my comment from the Rockville Nights blog here: The main purpose of the sign-up process is for Giant to recoup the 5% by selling your data to other businesses to spam you to death, or bombard your in box with worthless advertisements. DON'T FALL FOR IT!

  5. Anonymous7:27 AM

    "You can sign up for the mailings at the customer service desk using your Bonus Card and mailing address."

    Too old for the Internet, I guess. LOL

  6. Anonymous8:03 AM

    @7:26am What "secret" data will they get that they don't already have? They know your date of birth with your Giant card already, and can guess your gender based on your past purchases.

  7. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Giant is for poor people.

  8. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Dang. Loss of the Regal is now driving Giant to cut corners. It will be a shame to that be another losss due to the lack of cutting edge entertainment that the area lost with the demise of the Regal location. Shame on you Takea Hine Ike. You should at least demanded that they replaced the theater with a video rental storefront.
